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WRITING STRATEGIES C.O.P.S. . Ashley Clifton, Lauren Florio, Megan Geiss, Amy Gielow, Angela Kreher, Gina Tenuta. C.O.P.S Writing Strategy. Grade Levels: 2-12 Subject Area: English/ Language Arts Writing Handwriting Listening Written Expression Spelling Research .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WRITING STRATEGIESC.O.P.S. Ashley Clifton, Lauren Florio, Megan Geiss, Amy Gielow, Angela Kreher, Gina Tenuta

  2. C.O.P.S Writing Strategy • Grade Levels: 2-12 • Subject Area: English/ Language Arts • Writing • Handwriting • Listening • Written Expression • Spelling • Research

  3. Outline of C.O.P.S Strategy • C: Capitalization • Are the capitals in correct places? • Are proper nouns, titles, and the beginnings of sentences all capitalized?

  4. Outline of C.O.P.S. Cont. • O: Organization • Spaces between words & double spacing between lines? • Is neat printing/ writing/ typing utilized? • Are paragraphs indented? • Do paragraphs follow the model? • Are complete sentences used?

  5. Outline of C.O.P.S. Cont. • P: Punctuation • Is the punctuation correct? • Are there proper end marks, commas, semi-colons, colons, quotation marks, and hyphens used as required?

  6. Outline of C.O.P.S Cont. • S: Spelling • Are all words spelled correctly? • Is student utilizing tools such as lists, word walls, dictionaries, or spell check technology?

  7. Ways to Use The C.O.P.S Strategy • Students can use C.O.P.S to self correct as they write using the C.O.P.S strategy as a checklist • Students can use C.O.P.S as a final editing checklist of a written piece of work before the final draft is written

  8. Why it Works • Strategy can be taught to an entire classroom, or to an individual • Students can be given the C.O.P.S strategy in handout form or written on the chalkboard for reference • C.O.P.S can be used two ways, first as a self correct strategy during the writing process, and secondly as a final editing checklist

  9. References • (2003). Ian Forsyth School Presents: Steps in the Research Process. Retrieved August 23, 2007, from The COPS Strategy / Table Web site: http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/ducann/grassroots%20cops%20strategy.htm • Arthur, B. & Zell, N. (1990). WRITE UP: A strategy for teaching creative writing skills to emotionally disturbed students. Preventing School Failure, 34(4), 26-31. • Polloway, Edward A., & Shannon, Ted R. (1993). Promoting error monitoring in middle school students with LD. Intervention in school and clinic, 45(3), 160-164. www.ldonline.org/article/6215

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