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Ajax. AJAX. Asynchronous Javascript and XML La page n’est pas rechargée Rafraîchissement partiel La page web est traitée comme un template Asynchrone Le client peut continuer à interagir en attente de la réponse Utilisation
AJAX • Asynchronous Javascript and XML • La page n’est pas rechargée • Rafraîchissement partiel • La page web est traitée comme un template • Asynchrone • Le client peut continuer à interagir en attente de la réponse • Utilisation • Validation par le serveur des données d’un formulaire en temps réel • Auto-complétion • Préchargement à la demande. • Contrôles et effets sophistiquées dans les interfaces usager sans rechargement des pages • progress bar, calendriers, arbres… • Rafraîchissement des données et mode « push » par le serveur • Soumission partielle sans rechargement de la page: listes de formulaires dépendants. • Mashups • obtenir et intégrer des données provenant de plusieurs sources. • Page == application qui s’approche d’une application desktop.
Technologies utilisées par Ajax • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) • Un langage de balises pour définir le style de présentation d’une page, e.g. polices, couleurs.... • JavaScript • Élément clé : l’objet XMLHttpRequest utilisé pour échanger des données entre le client web et le serveur web • Document Object Model (DOM) • Fournit une vue logique de la page web sous forme d’arbre • XML • Format d’échange de données entre le serveur web et le client • D’autres formats peuvent aussi être utilisés • Par exemple, HTML, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), ou texte simple.
Quelle stratégie de développement adopter ? • Design Strategy 1: Do It Yourself • Design Strategy 2: Use a Client-Side JavaScript Technology Library • Design Strategy 3: Use a Client-Server Framework • Design Strategy 4: Do the Wrap Thing • Design Strategy 5: Go Remote • Design Strategy 6: Go All Java Technology
Client Écrire soi-même le code en JavaScript, CSS, DOM, Présentation de la page. Serveur Coder explicitement la gestion de l’appel XMLHttpRequest Rendre une réponse appropriée Par exemple en XML Design Strategy 1: Do It Yourself
Exemple • Implémenter une bulle pop-up
Etapes à réaliser • Associer l’événement à une fonction JavaScript. • Créer et configurer un objet XMLHttpRequest. • Faire une requête au serveur à travers l’objet XMLHttpRequest. • Traiter la requête sur le serveur et rendre un document XML qui contient le résultat. • Traiter le résultat par la fonction JavaScript de callback(). • Mettre à jour le DOM représentant la page à l’aide des nouvelles données.
Le code Javascript : popup.js // check if namespace object already exists, if not create itif(typeof(bpui) == 'undefined') { var bpui=new Object();}// create component namespace object // alone will contain the popup object bpui.alone=new Object(); /* time out variable When a user mouses over a book link in the catalog page, a timer begins counting. If the mouse is still hovering over the link after a timeout period of 1000 ms has elapsed, an XMLHttpRequest request is sent to the server. */ bpui.alone.timeout=""; // object to hold the request bpui.alone.req="";
Fonction invoquée lorsque la souris est sur un lien // This is an exposed function to show and position the popup, and start the timer bpui.alone.showPopup=function(eventx, bookId) { // statically setup popup for simple case popupx="pop0"; // take into account window scrolling for accurate popup position var xx=0; var yy=0; if (!eventx) var eventx=window.event; if (eventx.pageX || eventx.pageY){ xx=eventx.pageX; // relatif au coin de la portion visible de la fenêtre yy=eventx.pageY; } else if (eventx.clientX || eventx.clientY) { xx=eventx.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; // relatif au coin de la fenêtre yy=eventx.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; } document.getElementById(popupx).style.left= (xx + 3) + "px"; document.getElementById(popupx).style.top= (yy - 50) + "px"; //la fonction showPopupInternal sera invoquée à la fin du timeout bpui.alone.timeout=setTimeout("bpui.alone.showPopupInternal('" + popupx + "', '" + bookId + "')", 1000);}
Déclenchement de la requête asynchrone // This function is called after initial timeout // that represents the delay bpui.alone.showPopupInternal=function(popupx, bookId) { // set up request (if not IE will not hit server) bpui.alone.req=bpui.alone.initRequest(); // url when using the jsp to serve the ajax request //url="../book_lookup.jsp?bookId=" + escape(bookId); // url when using the servlet to serve the ajax request url="../PopupServlet?bookId=" + escape(bookId); bpui.alone.req.onreadystatechange = bpui.alone.ajaxReturnFunction; bpui.alone.req.open("GET", url, true); bpui.alone.req.send(null); }
Fonction de callback lorsque la réponse à la requête est reçue // call back function that is called once the AJAX call returns bpui.alone.ajaxReturnFunction=function() { // statically setup popup for simple case var componentId="pop0"; // check return of the call to make sure it is valid if (bpui.alone.req.readyState == 4) { // ready state is complete (readyState property equals 4) if (bpui.alone.req.status == 200) { // response is OK (status property equals 200) // get results and replace dom elements var resultx=bpui.alone.req.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("response")[0]; // and replace dom elements document.getElementById(componentId + "_title").innerHTML =resultx.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; document.getElementById(componentId + "_message").innerHTML =resultx.getElementsByTagName("message")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;; // show popup with the newly populated information document.getElementById(componentId).style.visibility='visible‘; } else if (bpui.alone.req.status == 204){ alert("204 returned from AJAX call"); } } }
La fonction bpui.alone.hidePopup() est invoquée sur l’événement « mouseout » pour cacher le ballon et réinitialiser le timeout // This is an exposed function to hide the popup and/or cancel to showing of the popup bpui.alone.hidePopup=function() { // statically setup popup for simple case popupx="pop0"; document.getElementById(popupx).style.visibility='hidden'; bpui.alone.clearTimeout(); } // This is an exposed function to clear the timer of the popup // in the mouseout event handler // if the showing of the popup is required bpui.alone.clearTimeout=function() { clearTimeout(bpui.alone.timeout); }
Création de l’objet requête // setup request vehicle, need to do each time to make sure call is made to server. bpui.alone.initRequest=function() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}}
Le fichier css pour décrire l’apparence d’une bulle .bpui_alone_popMid{background: #FFFFFF; border-style: groove; border-width: thin; margin:0px 10px; width: 497px;} .bpui_alone_popTop{background:#696;margin:0px 10px; width: 500px; height:20px;z-index: 1;} .bpui_alone_popTop div.bpui_alone_cornerTL{width:100%;height:20px; background:url("./images/alone_corner_tl.gif") no-repeat top left} .bpui_alone_popTop div.bpui_alone_cornerTR{width:100%;height:20px; background:url("./images/alone_corner_tr.gif") no-repeat top right} .bpui_alone_popBot{background:#696;margin:0px 10px; width: 500px; height:10px;z-index: 1;} .bpui_alone_popBot div.bpui_alone_cornerBL{width:100%;height:10px; background:url("./images/alone_corner_bl.gif") no-repeat bottom left} .bpui_alone_popBot div.bpui_alone_cornerBR{width:100%;height:10px; background:url("./images/alone_corner_br.gif") no-repeat bottom right} div.bpui_alone_popup { position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; z-index:2; visibility:hidden; }
Dans la page html <a href="${url}" onmouseover="bpui.alone.showPopup(event, '${bookId}')" onmouseout="bpui.alone.hidePopup()"> <strong>${book.title} </strong> </a>
Dans le fichier .jsp <!-- BEGIN: popup --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../popup.js"></script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../popup.css" /> <!-- popup display div --> <div id="pop0" class="bpui_alone_popup"> <div class="bpui_alone_popTop"> <div class="bpui_alone_cornerTL"><div class="bpui_alone_cornerTR"> <center><font color="white"><b><span id="pop0_title">title</span></b></font></center> </div></div> </div> <div class="bpui_alone_popMid"> <table border="0" style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td><span id="pop0_message">Value</span></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="bpui_alone_popBot"> <div class="bpui_alone_cornerBL"><div class="bpui_alone_cornerBR"> </div></div> </div> </div> <!-- END: popup -->
Ecrire le servlet public class PopupServlet extends HttpServlet { protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { processRequest(request, response); } protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { processRequest(request, response); } /** Returns a short description of the servlet. */ public String getServletInfo() { return "Short description"; } // </editor-fold> }
Ecrire le servlet public class PopupServlet extends HttpServlet { protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); BookstoreMessages messages=new BookstoreMessages(); String bookId=request.getParameter("bookId"); try { out.println("<response>"); if(bookId != null) { BookDBAO bookDBAO=(BookDBAO)getServletContext().getAttribute("bookDBAO"); Book book=bookDBAO.getBook(bookId); out.println("<title><![CDATA[Book Detail]]></title>"); out.println("<message><![CDATA["); out.println("<b>" + book.getTitle() + "</b><br/>"); // etc. } } catch(Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } finally { out.println("</response>"); out.flush(); out.close(); } }
Do it yourself : avantages et inconvénients • Avantages • Offers fine-grained control over Ajax processing • Inconvénients • Requires a lot of Ajax-related coding • Requires knowledge of multiple languages and technologies • Requires developers to contend with browser incompatibilities • Requires developers to contend with UI issues • Bookmark d’une page Ajax : que faut-il garder car l’URL est la même • Can be difficult to debug. • Exposes JavaScript technology code -- a potential security risk
Design Strategy 2: Use a Client-Side JavaScript Technology Library • Utiliser des librairies qui fournissent des fonctionnalités Ajax • Dojo toolkit, Prototype, Script.aculo.us, Rico. • La libraire dojo.io permet d’abstraire les opération de communication Ajax avec le serveur • Cache les détails de bas niveau des opérations XMLHttpRequest. • Prototype • Framework permettant d’abstraire XMLHttpRequest, de manipuler le DOM • Script.aculo.us, Rico construit au-dessus de Prototype • Ajax, drag and drop, effets UI, etc.
Use a Client-Side JavaScript Technology Library: avantages et inconvénients • Avantages • Hides low-level Ajax "plumbing" • Reduces the need for JavaScript technology coding • Handles browser incompatibilities in processing Ajax • Handles some common Ajax issues such as bookmarking and support for the Back button. • Established user communities for these toolkits can help in answering questions • Inconvénients • Requires some knowledge of JavaScript technology • Might need to mix and match JavaScript technology libraries • Might not meet all Ajax needs
Design Strategy 3: Use a Client-Server Framework • JavaServer Faces technology frameworks • Java EE 5 SDK, ICEfaces, Ajax4jsf, and Project Dynamic Faces. • Direct Web Remoting (DWR), • Design Strategy 5: Go Remote • Google Web Toolkit (GWT) • Design Strategy 6: Go All Java Technology
JavaServer Faces (JSF) • designed to simplify building functionally rich UIs for web applications. • component model. • a set of APIs for • representing UI components and for managing their state • programmatically handling events on components, as well as converting and validating input data • Les composantes s’exécutent sur le serveur et sont « rendues » sur le client • enables application developers to build Ajax into a web application by dragging and dropping visual components. • extensible
To use an Ajax-enabled component on a page • reference the custom component's tag library, • specify the tag for the component, • and map a pertinent event to a JavaScript technology function that handles the event.
Use a Client-Server Framework : avantages et inconvénients • Avantages • Page authors do not need to know all of JavaScript technology, CSS, and DOM. • Ajax-enabled custom components are reusable. • Component developers can take advantage of JavaServer Faces technology features • Application developers can add Ajax to a web application by dragging and dropping visual components • Inconvénients • Has many of the same disadvantages as the do-it-yourself approach
Design Strategy 4: Do the Wrap Thing • Combining • client-side JavaScript technology libraries • client-server frameworks • jMaki • a framework for wrapping JavaScript technology widgets in JSP tags or JavaServer Faces components.
Utilisation de jMAKI • includes a jMaki widget on a page in the same way as a JSP tag or JavaServer Faces component • Définir un widget jMAKI • an HTML template file that specifies the page layout for the widget, • a CSS file that specifies the style parameters for the widget, • a JavaScript technology file that specifies the widget's behavior.
Pros and Cons of Using jMaki • Pros • Hides the JavaScript technology details • jMaki makes widgets available as JSP tags or as JavaServer Faces components • Integrated into the Project Phobos scripting framework • creating a framework for building web applications using scripting languages. • allowing to use the Java programming language rather than a scripting language, when appropriate, to perform a task • Cons • Requires some knowledge of JavaScript
Design Strategy 5: Go Remote • frameworks • Direct Web Remoting (DWR) • JSON-RPC. • enable developers to build Ajax into an application through Remote Procedure Call (RPC)-like calls in JavaScript technology code • Server side • create a simple Java class to handle the Ajax requests for the pop-up balloon content. • the class Popup and the method in the class that provides the book details for the pop-up balloon getDetails. • client-side • JavaScript technology function that is triggered in response to the appropriate mouseover event. • write the callback function in the client JavaScript technology code
The DWR framework • handle the low-level details • creating, configuring, and performing operations on an XMLHttpRequest object. • generates the equivalent of a Remote Method Invocation (RMI) stub on the client for the class. • That stub is a JavaScript technology class that includes the low-level XMLHttpRequest operations. • marshals the data exchanged between the generated JavaScript technology class and the server. • converting parameters that the client-side JavaScript technology passes, • converting the values that the server-side Java technology returns. • creates on the server a servlet • called DWRServlet • receives the request and dispatches it to the Popup class for processing.
Go Remote : avantages et inconvénients • Avantages • Hides low-level Ajax "plumbing". • Allows Java application developers to make Ajax requests using a familiar syntax • Allows developers to expose existing business logic to an Ajax client with minimum effort • Provides security controls • DWR offers various controls to protect remote classes and methods from unwarranted exposure • Inconvénients • Requires knowledge of JavaScript. • Only works with Java objects
Design Strategy 6: Go All Java Technology • Google Web Toolkit (GWT). • allows developers to build Ajax-enabled applications exclusively in the Java programming language • client side • a GWT Java-to-JavaScript technology compiler converts the Java programming language code on the client to JavaScript technology code and HTML. • server-side • Java technologies such as servlets, JSP technology, and JavaServer Faces technology. • Building a UI for an Ajax-enabled application using GWT • GWT provides a library of commonly used widgets • JFC/Swing paradigm continues in GWT's event model. • Testing and debugging • a "hosted mode". • runs your client in a Java virtual machine*. • GWT provides a browser and a simple servlet so that you can do a test run of the application. • set breakpoints that hook back into your Java code. • a "web mode" where you can run the compiled version of the application • that is, the version that contains the JavaScript technology code and HTML.
Go All Java Technology : avantages et inconvénients • Avantages • Allows developers to build Ajax-enabled applications in the Java programming language. • Developers do not need to know JavaScript technology, CSS, or DOM. • Provides GWT hosted mode, an environment that enables debugging. • Handles browser incompatibilities in processing Ajax. • Developed and supported by Google. • Inconvénients • Generated JavaScript technology code has its drawbacks • you might sometimes need to examine the generated JavaScript technology code
iFrame • inline frame • Un élément html qui permet d’imbriquer un autre document html à l’intérieur du document principal.
Références • Ajax Design Strategies • http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2EE/AJAX/DesignStrategies/ • Creating an AJAX-Enabled Application, a Do-It-Yourself Approach • http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2EE/hands-on/legacyAJAX/do-it-yourself/index.html • Survey of Ajax/JavaScript Libraries. • http://chandlerproject.org/bin/view/Projects/AjaxLibraries • Google web toolkit • http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/