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LITERATURE REVIEW Health and social services and Quebec’s English-speaking communities By Lorraine O’Donnell. Research Symposium CHSSN Sixth Conference on accessibility of health and social services in the English language February 22, 2006. PRESENTATION OVERVIEW. A literature review
LITERATURE REVIEWHealth and social services and Quebec’s English-speaking communitiesBy Lorraine O’Donnell Research Symposium CHSSN Sixth Conference on accessibility of health and social services in the English language February 22, 2006
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW • A literature review • Will examine: • Sources • Findings/analysis by source • Conclusions
SOURCES FOR REVIEW • Brendan O’Donnell • Metropolis • PubMed • Quebec government
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY O’Donnell, Brendan. Sources for the Study of English-speaking Quebec: A Bibliography of Works Produced between 1990 and 2004 (Lennoxville, Quebec: Eastern Townships Research Centre, 2006) • Currently: 1500 titles • His sources: • AMICUS (consolidated catalogue for Canadian libraries) • Bibliographies in key periodicals • Internet
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Titles related to health and social services: • Under heading “Health Care Studies:” 87 titles • Under other headings (Brendan O’Donnell’s selection): 18 titles • Total: 105 titles
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Limits to analysis of the 105 titles • Read only titles/abstracts • Bibliography not exhaustive
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Analysis of the 87 titles in the “Health Care Studies” section: • Method: • Content analysis to develop 22 subject headings • Assigned 1 or more heading per title • Examined the articles associated with the various subject headings • Results: • Articles associated with 14 of the subject headings = mostly historical studies • Articles associated with remaining 8 headings = mostly contemporary studies • Of the 87 titles, only 18 are contemporary studies
Titles associated with the first 14 subject headings (mostly historical studies)
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Titles associated with the first 14 subject headings (mostly historical studies) (cont’d) • The only 2 non-historical titles in this group are: • Témisjian-Bedrossian, Khatoune. “Analyse comparée de la prise de décision en matière de technologie dans deux milieux hospitaliers francophone et anglophone”. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Université de Montréal, 1999. xiv-239p. • Montreal Heart Institute. Montreal Heart Institute : One Battle, Many Victories. Montreal : The Institute, [1997?]. 24p.
Titles associated with the remaining 8 subject headings (mostly contemporary)
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Titles associated with the remaining 8 subject headings (mostly contemporary) (cont’d) • Total of 16 contemporary titles • 11 of these are associated with the “Access to services” heading: • Canada. Report to the federal Minister of Health : Consultative Committee for English-Speaking Minority Communities. Ottawa : Health Canada, Official Language Community Development Bureau, 2002. 31, 29 p. • Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Access to Health for the Official Language Minority Communities : Legal Basis, Current Initiatives and Future Prospects. Report of the Standing Committee on Official Languages, Mauril Bélanger, chair. Ottawa : Standing Committee on Official Languages, 2003. ix, 44, 48, ix p.
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Titles associated with the remaining 8 subject headings (mostly contemporary) (cont’d) • Contemporary titles associated with the “Access to services” heading (cont’d): • Perrault, Jocelyn. Programme d’accès aux services de santé et aux services sociaux en langue anglaise pour les personnes d’expression anglaise de la région de la Chaudière-Appalaches. Sainte-Marie, Qué : Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux, Chaudière-Appalaches, 1998. v-35p. • Québec. Program of Access to Health and Social Services in the English Language for English-Speaking Persons : Frame of Reference. Québec : Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux, 1994. 31p. • Québec. Programme d’accès aux services de santé et aux services sociaux en langue anglaise. [Joliette], Qué. : Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Lanaudière, [1995]. 34, [19] p.
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Titles associated with the remaining 8 subject headings (mostly contemporary) (cont’d) • Contemporary titles associated with the “Access to services” heading (cont’d): • Québec. Program of Access to Health and Social Services in English for English-Speaking Persons of Laval Region. Laval, Qué : Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux, Laval, 1999. 47, [23] p. • Québec. Program of Access to Health and Social Services in the English Language for English-Speaking Persons : Frame of Reference. Québec : Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux, 1994. 31p. • Québec. Program of Access to Health and Social Services in the English Language for English-Speaking Persons : Frame of Reference. Québec : Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux, 1994. 31p.
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Titles associated with the remaining 8 subject headings (mostly contemporary) (cont’d) • Contemporary titles associated with the “Access to services” heading (cont’d): • Saber-Freedman, Sara. Building On Our Strengths : An Action Plan for Improving Access to Health and Social Services in English in Quebec and Enhancing the Vitality of its English-Speaking Minority Communities. Prepared on behalf of Health Canada’s Consultative Committee for English-Speaking Minority Communities. Ottawa : Health Canada, 2001. 150, 138p. • Silver, Richard. “The Right to English Health and Social Services in Quebec : A Legal and Political Analysis”. Unpublished LL.M thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 1999. ii-101p. • Silver, Richard. “The Right to English Health and Social Services in Quebec : A Legal and Political Analysis”. McGill Law Journal/Revue de droit de McGill. Vol. 45, no. 3 (2000) : p. 681-755.
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Titles associated with the remaining 8 subject headings (mostly contemporary) (cont’d.) • Remaining headings associated with the contemporary titles in this group: Family, Community/communities, Social work, Senior citizens and health services, Substance abuse, Current health study, Current health programs
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Titles associated with the remaining 8 subject headings (mostly contemporary) (cont’d. • There are 7 other headings in this group • Family, Community/communities, Social work, Senior citizens and health services, Substance abuse, Current health study, Current health programs • The 5 titles associated with these are: • Archambault, Josée. Family Ties, Carrefour-Famille New Carlisle : A Support Program for English-Speaking Families in Gaspésie : How It Functions and Its Impact on Families : Research Report , Abridged Version. [Gaspé], Qué. : Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Direction de la santé publique, 2000. v-437p. • Deschênes & Ouellette Consultants. Étude des besoins socio-sanitaires des jeunes et des familles anglophones des régions de Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches. Avec la contribution de la Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de la région de Québec et Voice of English Quebec. [s.l.] : La Régie et Voice of English Quebec, [1993]. 55, [18] p.
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Analysis of the “Health Care Studies” section titles in the 8 subject headings that are mostly contemporary (cont’d.) • These 5 remaining non-historical titles are (cont’d): • Lannaman, Christine F. “The Link Between Social Work Education and the Social Worker’s Reported Ability to Respond to the Needs of Anglophone and Allophone Clients Directly or Indirectly Affected by Substance Abuse”. Unpublished M.S.W. thesis, McGill University, 1997. 68p. • Pinsonneault, Linda. Argenteuil en santé : la MRC d’Argenteuil – deux communautés linguistiques, quelques caractéristiques de leur santé et de leur vie sociale : rapport de recherche. Lachute, Qué. : CLSC d’Argenteuil, 1998. 41p. • Pocock, Joanne and William Floch. “Aging and Rural Minority Communities : The Case of Hatley Township”. Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est. No. 15 (Fall 1999) : p. 17-42.
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D.) Analysis of the titles from sections other than “Health Care Studies” • 18 titles in this group • Method: as for previous “Health Care studies” section • 10 subject headings associated with this group
O’Donnell bibliography (cont’d): Analysis of the titles from sections other than “Health Care Studies”
SOURCE 1: BRENDAN O’DONNELL’S BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT’D) Analysis of the titles from sections other than “Health Care Studies” (cont’d) • The 2 titles looking at contemporary subjects are: • Blanche, Diana. A Report on the Health and Social Services of the Lower North Shore. [s.l.] : Coasters Association Inc., 2000. 86p. • Saber-Freedman, Sara, The Missisquoi Institute and CROP Inc. Quebec’s English-Speaking Communities in the Year 2000 : A Preliminary Report on the Omnibus Survey of the Attitudes and Experiences of English-Speaking Quebecers. [S.l.] : The Missisquoi Institute, 2001. 24, 24p.
SOURCE 2: METROPOLIS • What is Metropolis? • “An international forum for comparative research and public policy development about population migration, cultural diversity and the challenges of immigrant integration in cities in Canada and around the world.” (From their website: http://canada.metropolis.net/index_e.html ) • A Metropolis bibliography: • Helly, Denise (INRS-Culture et Société). “Études ethniques au Québec: Bibliographique générale.” Préparé pour Politique, planification et recherche stratégiques et le projet Metropolis Citoyenneté� et Immigration Canada, Octobre 1996.(On Metropolis website: http://canada.metropolis.net/research-policy/litreviews/hel_bib/hel_bib-04.html)
SOURCE 2: METROPOLIS (CONT’D.) Analysis of the “Services de santé et services sociaux” section of Helly’s bibliography: • Topics and # of titles: • Documents produits, subventionnés ou commandités par des organismes publics, parapublics et péripublics • Descriptions statistiques: 3 titles • Politiques, programmes, études, évaluations de l'intervention: 88 titles • Études universitaires, avis et études d'organismes privés • Études et évaluations des interventions: 22 titles • Autres études et documents relatifs au thème: 28 titles • Total: 141 titles • Comparison to B. O’Donnell’s bibliography: • Overlap of 6 years (1990-1996) • No overlap of titles
SOURCE 2: METROPOLIS (CONT’D.) Analysis of the “Services de santé et services sociaux” section of Helly’s bibliography (cont’d.) • Titles explicitly related to English-speakers: • 1 with word “Anglophone” • SORECOM INC. 1983 Sondage sur la situation linguistique dans les hôpitaux 'anglophones' de la région de Montréal: étude exploratoire, Québec, Conseil de la langue française, 57 p. • 1 with “Expression anglaise” • CONSEIL DE LA SANTÉ ET DES SERVICES SOCIAUX DE LA RÉGION DE MONTRÉAL MÉTROPOLITAIN 1989 Plan d'accessibilité aux services de santé et aux services sociaux à la population d'expression anglaise de la région de Montréal métropolitain, rapport-synthèse, Montréal, Le Conseil, Direction de la planification, des systèmes et méthodes, 9 p. et annexes. • Other titles may discuss Anglophones (eg.: 3 about/by Jewish groups)
SOURCE 3: PUBMED • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?DB=pubmed • What is PubMed? • An online database providing access to MEDLINE's 15,000,000 biomedical journal citations • MEDLINE: • Covers: medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences • Includes bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 4,800 biomedical journals published in the United States and 70 other countries. • over 12 million citations dating back to the mid-1960s • “Coverage is worldwide, but most records are from English-language sources or have English abstracts.”
SOURCE 3: PUBMED (CONT’D.) Titles in the PubMed database related to health and social services for QESC (as of Jan./06):
Analysis of the 45 titles relating to the QESC in PubMed (as of Jan/06)
SOURCE 3: PUBMED (CONT’D.) Analysis of the 45 titles relating to the QESC in PubMed (cont’d.): • Titles that may be of interest to CHSSN symposium participants: • Under the heading “Public health, society and health:” • Allison PJ.. Health-related quality of life comparisons in French and English-speaking populations. Community Dent Health. 2001 Dec;18(4):214-8. • Under the heading “Community/communities:” • Choiniere R. [The social and geographic integration of the Jewish population in Quebec society] [Article in French] Cah Que Demogr. 1981 Dec;10(3):379-96.
SOURCE 3: PUBMED (CONT’D.) Analysis of the 45 titles relating to the QESC in PubMed (cont’d.): • Research/contact with authors may be required to ascertain relevance to QESCs • Results of my contacts with 4 authors: • 2 confirm = pertinent to QESCs • 2 indicate ≠pertintent to Quebec’s English-speaking communities • Authors may study QESCs without having them as their particular interest • Authors from wide variety of sectors/institutions eg.: • Occupational health, neuroscience • Communication sciences, psychology • Dentistry, opthamology • Private sector research centres
SOURCE 4: QUEBEC HEALTH WEBSITES 1. Ministère de santé et services sociaux: • Searched for “Anglophone”; 14 hits; 1 is pertinent: • Impact Recherche. “Perception des parents de jeunes de 11 à 17 ans à propos de cinq problématiques : MTS et Sida, détresse, agressions sexuelles, jeu excessif et tabac” Préparé pour le Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux , 30 septembre 2001, Dossier 11.5036H, available online at http://www.msss.gouv.qc.ca/promo/Rapport-Parents-An-2.pdf (Considers Anglophone parents as a separate group.) • Searched for “Anglais.” 200 hits (maximum allowed). Findings for 1st 90 hits: • About 1/2 = references to documents and websites available in English • Other 1/2 refers to statistical research the ministry carries out, eg. in the “Atlas de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec” also looks at language spoken http://www.msss.gouv.qc.ca/statistiques/atlas/atlas/source.php?id_serie=17
SOURCE 4: QUEBEC HEALTH WEBSITES (CONT’D.) 2. Browsed several regional Réseau de la santé et des services sociaux websites. Findings: • Several of the Réseaux carry out relevant research • Egs.: • Direction de santé publique. Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux des Laurentides. “L’Accès des aînées aux services de santé et aux services sociaux de la MRC des Laurentides. Rapport de recherche. 2003. Available online at ttp://www.rrsss15.gouv.qc.ca/pdf/Aînés final.pdf (PDF) (Considers Anglophone issues; other documents of this régie discuss Anglophones) • Direction de santé publique. Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais. “TRENDS IN ADOLESCENT LIFESTYLES IN THE OUTAOUAIS 1991 – 1996 – 2002.” 2003. (This and other documents of this régie discuss Anglophones)
Conclusions • Much research is available • The research: • Covers very wide subject range • Is produced by authors from very wide range of sectors • Can be difficult to locate • Requires extra verification to ensure its pertinence • The bibliographies/databases: • Tend to cover different sub-fields of HSS • Little or no overlap between different sources