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Physics 681: Solar Physics and Instrumentation – Lecture 9

Physics 681: Solar Physics and Instrumentation – Lecture 9. Carsten Denker NJIT Physics Department Center for Solar–Terrestrial Research. Polarimetry. Zeeman splitting Assume weak magnetic field (LS or Russel-Saunders coupling)

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Physics 681: Solar Physics and Instrumentation – Lecture 9

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  1. Physics 681: Solar Physics and Instrumentation – Lecture 9 Carsten Denker NJIT Physics Department Center for Solar–Terrestrial Research

  2. Polarimetry • Zeeman splitting • Assume weak magnetic field (LS or Russel-Saunders coupling) • Quantum numbers: L orbital angular momentum of the electrons, S spin angular momentum, J total angular momentum, and MJmagnetic quantum number • Landé factor • Displacement of the line in the presence of a magnetic field • Normal Zeeman effect or Lorentz triplet: S = S’ = 0 and ΔMJ = –1, 0, +1  g* = –1, 0, +1 Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

  3. Normal and Anomalous Zeeman Effect http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/quantum/sodzee.html http://w.home.cern.ch/w/wadhwa/www/zeeman.html Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

  4. Solar spectral lines are broadened by micro- and macro-turbulence and by pressure  the components of a Zeeman multiplet are normally not resolved • The triplet consists of two shifted σ-components and an unshifted π-component • Longitudinal Zeeman effect: line-of-sight (LOS) || B  σ-components with circular polarization of opposite sense • Transverse Zeeman effect: LOS ̲|̲̲ B  π-component (linearly polarized ̲|̲̲ B ) and σ-components (linearly polarized || B ) • ΔλB≈λ2  ΔλD≈λ • Polarized light (propagating in the z-direction) • Stokes vector Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

  5. Schlichenmaier and Collados (2002) Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

  6. Bellot Rubio et al. (2004) Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

  7. Superposition of a large number of independent waves • Degree of polarization • Stokes profiles I(λ), Q(λ), U(λ), and V(λ) • Longitudinal Zeeman triplet Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

  8. Unno’s Equations Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

  9. Transfer of Polarized Light • Longitudinal magnetic field • Radiative transfer equations Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

  10. Transverse magnetic field • Radiative transfer equations Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

  11. SOLIS Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

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