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SIS – Simplified Interline Settlement

SIS – Simplified Interline Settlement. IS Functionality – How IS works? ICH UG 2010 – Breakout Session Robin PAUL, Kale Consultants. Agenda. IS Overview IS Validation Supporting Documents Digital Signature Process IS Outputs. 2. IS Overview. IS-XML. IS-XML Offline Archive File.

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SIS – Simplified Interline Settlement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SIS – Simplified Interline Settlement IS Functionality – How IS works? ICH UG 2010 – Breakout Session Robin PAUL, Kale Consultants

  2. Agenda • IS Overview • IS Validation • Supporting Documents • Digital Signature Process • IS Outputs SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 2

  3. IS Overview IS-XML IS-XML Offline Archive File Supporting Documents SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 3

  4. Agenda • IS Overview • IS Validation • Supporting Documents • Digital Signature Process • IS Outputs SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 4

  5. IS Validation of Data Files (1 of 4) • Sanity Checks (General) • File naming convention • Duplicate filename check • Successful Decompression of file • Invalid character set check SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 5

  6. IS Validation of Data Files (2 of 4) • Sanity Checks (IS-XML) • Check against XML schema definition file • Total number of Invoices and Total amounts listed in Transmission Summary • Inclusion of Non-migrated transaction checks • In case of Sanity Check Errors, the entire file is rejected. Invoice data is not loaded in the Billing Record Database. SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 6

  7. IS Validation of Data Files (3 of 4) • Detail Validation • Reference Data validation (e.g. Airline Codes, Airport Codes, etc) • Settlement Details (e.g. Settlement Method Indicator, Currency of Clearance, etc) • Billing Audit Trail check in case previous billing was through IS (e.g. Link information provided for a Rejection Invoice, Rejection Stage, etc) • Invoice Number check to be unique within a Calendar year across Billing Categories (Pax, Cargo, UATP, Misc) for a Billing Entity SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 7

  8. IS Validation of Data Files (4 of 4) • All errors encountered are reported in the Validation Report • Validation report is made available in 2 to 4 hours of receipt of the Invoice File • Actions in case of Error • Sanity Check Error: Correct the errors reported and submit a fresh file • Non Correctable Error: Correct the errors reported and submit the Invoice/file • Correctable Error: If Online Correction option is used then Correct the error on IS-WEB and revalidate the Invoice OR Correct the errors reported and re-submit the Invoice/file • Note: Any online correction made only in IS will result in Billing Data to be out of sync with the Carrier’s Internal Accounting System SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 8

  9. Agenda • IS Overview • IS Validation • Supporting Documents • Digital Signature Process • IS Outputs SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 9

  10. Supporting Documents (1 of 5) • 100% Paperless billings in SIS • Invoice data as well as Supporting Information to be in electronic format • If IS Format Invoice data provided then there is NO need to provide printed and/or scanned copies of: • Invoices • Listings • Supporting Documents uploaded and linked in IS need not be re-uploaded while rejecting the Invoice. Only new Supp Docs (if any) need to be provided SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 10

  11. Supporting Documents (2 of 5) • Electronic File Type Supported • Plain text files (.txt and .csv) • Plain HTML files (.htm and .html) without any embedded hyperlinks or image file references • Rich Text files (.rtf) • Portable Document Format files (.pdf) • JPEG Image files (.jpg or .jpeg) – Min Resolution 200 dpi • TIFF Image files (.tif or .tiff) - Min Resolution 100 dpi • IS will only validate the file extension and not the content • Additional file formats accepted by the members can be specified in the Member Profile • Supporting Documents can be provided even after the Billing Period Closure till the Supporting Documents Linking Deadline timestamp SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 11

  12. Supporting Documents (3 of 5) • Linking of Supporting Documents • Supporting documents are to be linked to the Miscellaneous Invoice • Manually linked on IS-WEB • Automatically Linked by IS if a Supporting Documents zip file with Index information (Folder based, CSV Index file based or XML Index file based) is provided SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 12

  13. Supporting Documents (4 of 5) • Automated Linking by IS • Reads the Index information provided in the Supporting Documents Zip file • Searches for the transaction referred by the Index file in its Billing Record Db • If a match found, links the Supporting Documents to the transaction SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 13

  14. Supporting Documents (5 of 5) • IS will only consider transactions of Invoices which are successfully validated for Automatic Linking • IS will take care of timing issues • Supporting Document File submitted first and IS-XML Invoice File submitted later • Supporting Document File submitted and Invoice successfully validated later • In case IS not able to link documents due to invalid/incorrect Index information, correction of Index will be allowed through IS-WEB SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 14

  15. Agenda • IS Overview • IS Validation • Supporting Documents • Digital Signature Process • IS Outputs SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 15

  16. Digital Signature (DS) Process • Optional Service provided by IS through ATOS Worldline • Trusted Company based in EU • Following DS related preference for can be defined in Member Profile SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 16

  17. Digital Signature (DS) Process • Following DS related preference for can be defined in Member Profile • Digital Signature (DS) Required on Invoices (Yes/No) • If Yes: Is it only as a Billing Entity or as a Billed Entity or for both • If Yes: Can be setup to consider Invoices of only specific countries for DS • Digital Signature Verification Required for Incoming invoices • Digital Signature applied based on the country of the Billing and Billed Entity specified on the Invoice • Digitally Signed Invoices as well as Verification log provided to the Billing and Billed Entity as part of the Weekly Output from IS SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 17

  18. Agenda • IS Overview • IS Validation • Supporting Documents • Digital Signature Process • IS Outputs SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 18

  19. IS Outputs (1 of 2) • IS Output files are made available to Billed Entities by the “Billing Output Generation Date” as published in the IS Calendar which is typically 3 days after Billing Period Closure • Outputs include: • Invoice File in IS-XML format • As a Billed Participant : • PDF Copy of Invoices (PDF Invoice with DS embedded if opted for) • Line Item Detail Listings (PDF file format) • Digital Signature Related files (DS Verification log file in XML format) • Supporting Documents SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 19

  20. IS Outputs (2 of 2) MISC-P-AA-0001-20120403 UA-0016 INV-Z7B12345 E-INVOICE LISTINGS SUPPDOCS SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 20

  21. Thank you Email:  sis@iata.org SIS Website:  www.iata.org/sis SIS P3 – Materials – ICH UG 2010 IS Functionality 21

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