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Learn about the IASA board, committees, management team, and key members. Discover roles and responsibilities for each position.
WELCOME FIRST TIME ATTENDEES! 2018-2019 Organizational Structure
IASA Board Top Row (Left to Right): Celeska Fredianelli (Chairman of the Board), Rod Travers (Executive Director), Beech Turner (President), Carlos Correa (President-Elect), Scott McEntee (CFO), Laurie Macklosky (CIO) Bottom Row (Left to Right, Board Members At Large): Margarete Chalker, Annette Devine, Heather Dunn, Margaret Horn, Phil Iaccarino, Jessica Lasher)
IASA Management Team Beech Turner President Carlos Correa President-Elect Laurie Macklosky CIO Scott McEntee CFO Rod Travers Executive Director Joanne KearbeyVP-Business Show Allan LeonardVP-Chapter Advisory Jason Nickles VP – e-Learning
IASA Management Team • Ann Wiesler • VP-Membership & Industry Relations • Scott Bowen • VP-Publications • Kristine Weber • VP-Volunteer Development Doug Ramsey VP-Education Claire Burke VP-Executive Education Darin ReffittVP-Marketing & Communications
IASA Committees Chapter Advisory: The Chairperson of this Committee is the current VP-Chapters. The Chapter Advisory Committee is comprised of Chapter leaders who serve in an advisory capacity. The committee is responsible for Providing information and assistance to existing chapters, strengthening the relationship between National IASA and the Chapters and revitalizing underserved regions. It is also responsible for the Chapter Volunteer Excellence Award and other means of providing recognition to Chapters and their leaders.Allan Leonard, Gabriel Groupallan.leonard@gabrielgroup.com, (314) 743-5700 e-Learning: The Chairperson of this committee is the current VP-e-Learning. This committee is responsible for developing content and delivery mechanisms, both through live webinars and curriculum-based content, for the presentation of virtual education programs to IASA members and customers within the insurance industry. These educational offerings will be suitable for financial, technology and operations professionals. It is also responsible for supporting the delivery of other virtual offerings related to the annual conference and business show. Jason Nickles, Western and Southern Life Jason.nickles@westernsouthernlife.com, (513) 629-7418Education: The Chairperson of this Committee is the current VP-Education. The Education Committee is responsible for defining, soliciting, and selecting the content for the Annual Conference. This includes defining the tracks within the Accounting/Risk Management/Finance, Technology, and Carrer Skills Development subject matter areas. It also supports the development of other non-conference educational events for the Association and oversees the Insurance Accounting seminars currently conducted by RR Donnelly.Doug Ramsey, The Travelers Companies, Inc. dtramsey@travelers.com, (860) 954-2256
IASA Committees Career Skills Development Sub-Committee: IASA's Career Skills Development Committee develops programs to help IASA members to improve their professional skills, leadership skills, and understanding of the insurance industry, all with focus of helping them to improve their own effectiveness and the performance of their member organizations.Tina Nacy, Michigan Automobile Placement Facility tnacy@maipf.org (734) 464-2980 Insurance Accounting & Risk Management & Finance (ARF) Sub-Committee: This committee reports to the Education Committee and is responsible for developing the technical session program for the Accounting, Risk Management and Finance track during the IASA Annual Conference & Business Show.Robert Firoz, Nippon Life Insurance Company of America R-firoz@nipponlifebenefits.com, (212) 909-0745 Technology Program: This sub-committee recommends, plans, and arranges the Systems Technical Sessions at the Annual Conference. The sub-committee consists of a Director and co-chairpersons. Beth Bartlick, Insurity Bethb@Oceanwide.com (860) 616-7721
IASA Committees Executive Education: The Chairperson of this Committee is the current VP-Executive Education. The Executive Education committee is responsible for planning and executing the IASA Executive Roundtables, which are designed for industry senior executives and producing other standalone executive education events. Claire Burke, Dearborn National Life Insurance Company Claire_burke@dearbornnational.com, (630) 458-2215 Executive Education Sub-Committees: Director – Chief Financial Officer Roundtable: Timothy Wiebe, Preferred Employers Insurancetwiebe@peiwc.com (619) 688-3900 Director – Chief Investment Officer Roundtable: Robert Firoz, Nippon Life Insurance Company of America R-firoz@nipponlifebenefits.com (212) 681-3528 Director – Chief Information/Technology Officer Roundtable: Scott McEntee, Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowascottm@fmh.com, (515) 724-5007 Director – Chief Operating Officer Roundtable: Ryan Hanson, Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation Ryan_hanson@mgic.com, (414) 347-2623
IASA Committees Exhibits: The Chairperson of this Committee is the current VP-Business Show. This Committee is comprised of individuals from companies actively participating as an Exhibitor at the IASA Annual Educational Conference and Business Show as well as other carrier volunteers. The committee is responsible for overseeing all facets of the Annual Business Show, including exhibits-related planning pertinent to exhibitors and the exhibit hall at the Annual Conference. In addition, it also produces the Solution Provider Summit, an annual event focused on education and skill-building for solution providers. The committee is also responsible for collaborating with the e-Learning committee by managing the Virtual Business Show, a core component of the IASA virtual conference.Joanne Kearbey, Brown Smith Wallace LLP jkearbey@bswllc.com, (314) 983-1367 Marketing and Communications Committee: The Chairperson of this committee is the current VP of Marketing and Communications. The committee will provide advice, support, guidance, and resources in developing a marketing plan for the association. Any promotional materials required in the operation of the association will be strategized by the committee as well as initiating new market surveys. Darin Reffitt, SPLICE Software Darin.reffitt@splicesoftware.com (610) 207-5086 Social Media Sub-Committee: This sub-committee reports to the Marketing and Communications Committee. The Social Media Committee is responsible for creating and implementing IASA’s social media strategy, engagement in relevant social media outlets, and overseeing the marketing of IASA events, products, services, and committee activities through those outlets. Nikki Dugan, EIS Groupndugan@eisgroup.com (856) 382-0448
IASA Committees Membership & Industry Relations: The Chairperson of this Committee is the current VP-Membership and Industry Relations. The Membership and Industry Relations Committee is responsible for Membership acquisition, growth and retention as well as advising the Board of Directors and the Management Team on ways to better serve member needs. This Committee is also responsible for the IASA Scholarship Program, initiatives designed to appeal to the younger demographic and fostering cooperative relationships with other industry associations compatible with IASA's mission.Ann Wiesler, Cardinal Investment Advisors LLCawiesler@cia-llc.com, (314) 726-9911
IASA Committees Publications: The Publications Committee is responsible for producing all print and e-publications of IASA including but not limited to the Interpreter magazine and the e-Interpreter monthly e-newsletter. It is also responsible for producing IASA's Life and P&C Textbooks including electronic editions and collaborating with the e-Learning Committee to explore and implement virtual educational initiaties that are related to publication content. Scott Bowen, International Fidelity Insurance Companysbowen@ific.com, (973) 776-8474 Interpreter/eInterpreter Sub-Committee: This sub-committee reports to the VP of Publications and is responsible for publishing The Interpreter, a magazine published three times per year and dedicated to supporting the educational mission of IASA and eInterpreter, the association’s electronic monthly newsletter. The Interpreter provides association news, information, and chapter activities, as well as industry and technology issues, trends, and directions. Nikki Dugan, EIS Group ndugan@eisgroup.com (856) 382-0448 Textbook Sub-Committee: This Committee reports to the VP Publications and directs the development and revision of the Life, Accident and Health Accounting Textbook and the Property and Casualty Accounting Textbook. Connie Jasper Woodroof, StoneRiver, Inc. cwoodroof1@kc.rr.com, (913) 586-5128
IASA Committees Volunteer Development: The Chairperson of this Committee is the current VP-Volunteer Development. This Committee is responsible for coordinating with all other committees regarding volunteer resource needs and managing the leadership development program which helps guide volunteers as they progress through their volunteer experience. This committee also works closely with the President and the Nominating Committee regarding placement of volunteer resources and establishing programs and processes to orient new volunteers, including face to face meetings at planning meetings and the conference.Kristine Weber, BMS Re US Kristine.weber@bmsgroup.com, (952-8858)
IASA Staff IASA Executive Director Rod Travers Rod Travers joined the IASA Team in July 2017 as Executive Vice President and over the past year worked closely with IASA Executive Director, Joe Pomilia, on key initiatives including program development, strategic planning and member relations. In July 2018, Rod succeeded Joe Pomilia as Executive Director in anticipation of Joe's planned retirement in September 2018. Rod comes to IASA as a long-time volunteer, previously serving as Executive Vice President and COO of Nolan Consulting which specializes in strategy, operations, and technology for insurance carriers. rtravers@iasa.org, (984) 244-7049 IASA Vice President of Conference and Events Margaret McKeon, CMP Margaret’s primary duties are to work with all of the Board members, Management Team members, and Committees to plan and organize Fall and Spring Board Meetings and the Annual Conference and Business Show. Margaret is the staff liaison to the Management Team and Seminars Committee and co-Liaison to the Marketing and Communications Committee, Executive Education Program Committee and Chapter Advisory Committee. mmckeon@iasa.org, (984)244-7047
IASA Staff IASA Vice President of Business Development Chuck Gunkel Chuck is responsible for a broad range of business development initiatives for IASA including, membership, sponsorships/exhibits and other revenue generating areas. He is also involved in growing our volunteer base as well as supporting the continued expansion of our local Chapters. cgunkel@iasa.org(984) 244-7048 IASA Vice President of Programs Karyn Spaude Karyn is responsible for managing and expanding the associations various educational programs. Her expertise and background will help enhance the educational offerings in terms of content, quality, relevance, and broader appeal across the industry. Karyn will work closely with the Education, Executive Education, e-Learning, and other committees to carry out these responsibilities and other association initiatives. Kspaude@iasa.org; (984)244-7050 IASA Assistant Vice President – OperationsGina Jolly Gina’s duties include managing the day-to-day operations of the International Office, oversight for local chapters, all finance and accounting functions for the association as well as human resource functions. Additional responsibilities include Accounting, Invoices & Approvals, Annual Budget preparation, Educational Program and Speaker Coordination. Gina is a member of the Management Team, the staff liaison to the Board, Finance/Audit, Compensation and Education Committees and co-Liaison to the Nominating Committee and Chapter Advisory Committee. gjolly@iasa.org, (984) 244-7040
IASA Staff (continued) IASA AVP-Membership and Marketing Tricia Stillman Tricia’s duties include oversight of IASA software systems, technology projects and data maintenance. Additional responsibilities include management of membership, marketing and communications functions and the Membership and Marketing unit. Tricia is a member of the Management Team, the staff liaison to the Volunteer Development, Advisory and e-Learning Committees and is co-liaison to the Marketing and Communications, Membership, and Nominating Committees. tstillman@iasa.org, (984) 244-7039 IASA Senior Manager of Membership Services and Industry Relations Sheila White-Smith Sheila is responsible for Membership, Seminars, Interpreter subscriptions, textbook fulfillment and Executive Education Program and Scholarships. Sheila is the staff liaison to the Industry Relations Committee and co-liaison to the Membership Committee, Seminars Committee and Executive Education Program Committee. ssmith@iasa.org, (984) 244-7041 IASA Chapter Services Coordinator Angie Gurganus Angie’s responsibilities include support for all aspects of events held by IASA local Chapters. She also assists with various back office duties including database maintenance, event registration and set-up and other administrative functions. She is co-liaison to the Chapter Advisory Committee. agurganus@iasa.org, (984)244-7044
IASA Events • Chapter Events • There are 24 IASA Local Chapters. Each IASA Chapter is an autonomous entity working cooperatively with the International IASA organization. Joining a local Chapter is a great way to meet other professionals within your general area and obtain education and information critical to your career. IASA Chapter events are some of the best values in the industry. • Chapters typically hold either luncheon, half-day, one-day or multiple day meetings. Some Chapters join together for regional events that typically are two-day meetings. Local Chapter events often include state regulators as either speakers or attendees. Also, some Chapters include an Exhibitor Show as part of their Chapter meeting. • All in all, IASA Chapter meetings are a great networking opportunity on the local level while you earn CPE credits at the best possible value. The following page contains additional information on local chapters and chapter officers. • Benefits and ROI of Volunteering for IASA • Industry education and the effective application of knowledge are but the beginning of the robust returns you can expect when you volunteer for the IASA. Your volunteer experience will offer the opportunity to develop a variety of professionals skills: • Organizing and leading a diverse group of talented people • Continuing to invest in yourself and your career by learning new skills • Identifying emerging industry trends • Accessing a large, diverse network of industry professionals • Planning and managing time and working effectively on teams or committees • Making effective and convincing presentations and learning how to better communicate ideas in writing • Taking on new assignments and having the ability to lead the project from start to finish • Identifying and recruiting quality volunteers for committees and the association • And, IASA offers great networking opportunities with others in the industry.
IASA Events Chapter Officer Contact Information
Contact Information • IASA International Office • 3511 Shannon Rd/Ste-160, Durham, NC 27707 • P.O. Box 51340, Durham, NC 27717 • Phone: (919) 489-0991 • Website: www.iasa.org • Rod Travers, Executive Director, rtravers@iasa.org • Beech Turner, President, beech.turner@Assurant.com • Chuck Gunkel, VP of Business Development, CGunkel@iasa.org • Kristine Weber, VP of Volunteer Development, kristine.weber@bmsgroup.com • Angela Abbott, Chair of Recruitment and Placement, angela.abbott@primorisservices.com • Gina Jolly, AVP-Operations and Administration, Gjolly@iasa.org • Tricia Stillman, AVP-Membership and Marketing, Tstillman@iasa.org • Reminder: Please complete the First Time Attendee Survey by September 30th at www.iasa.org/firstimeattendee.