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Working Conditions – Part II. Vocabulary . Underpaid: pay too little to (someone) or for (something) . Stressful: Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response.
Vocabulary Underpaid: pay too little to (someone) or for (something). Stressful: Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Overtime: Time in addition to what is normal, esp. time worked beyond one's scheduled working hours. Allowances: A sum of money paid regularly to a person, typically to meet specified needs or expenses. Unemployment Benefits: Insurance benefits paid by the state or federal government to individuals who are involuntarily out of work in order to provide them with necessities, such as food, clothing, and shelter.
What you can talk about! How much supervisors, managers and owners earn. How much your paid Working conditions likes breaks Do you need to bring a doctor’s note?
What you mustn't do! You can’t share confidential information with other workers Never talk about working conditions in front of customers.
Working overtime Communicate after working hours Management sets tight project deadlines. Employees chose salary increment over a vacation
Late • Late (en retard) a un comparatif et deux superlatifs reguliers : • Later plus tard, the latest le tout dernier en date, the last le dernier • Quand on compare deux elements, le comparatif est irregulier. • the latter dernier LATE LATEST LAST LATER
Fill in the blanks with the right word: late, last, later, latter, latest. The employee did his best to finish in time. Unfortunately, he finished ________. It's a bit ________ to change your mind! Come on, go on with your work! The ________ news from the department is very alarming. My colleague has two urgent tasks: the former is done, the ________ has to be done. Do you know that Paul is in his ________ forties? Yes I do. He'll be 48 next week. She say's it's the ________ time she will accept such a situation. Goodbye! See you ________!
Les pronomsrelatifs AnimeNon-anime Sujet who which / that Objet (whom / that) (which / that) Complement prepositionnel at whom at which Complement de nom whose of which / whose Le choix d'un pronomrelatif depend de ce qui le precede. Who: anime, sujet The manager who is new will help you. (Le directeur qui est nouveau vavous aider.) Which / that: non anime, sujet It is a firm which / that is famous. (C'estune enterprise qui est celebre.) That ou complement It is a job (that) I don't like. (C'est un travail que je n' aime pas.)
Where: lieu The place where he works is pleasant. (L'endroitouiltravailleestagreable.) When: epoque, moment ou jour I remember the day when I got my first job. (Je me souviens du jour ouj'aieumon pre-mieremploi.) Why: cause He does not know the reason why he failed. (Il ne sait pas pourquoiil a echoue.) Traduction de "don't" Whose: unepossesssion, The clerk, whose results are good has been promoted. (Cetemploye, dont les resultatssontbons, a recuune promotion.) Preposition: si le verbeestsuivid'une preposition. It is a subject I cannot talk about. (C'est un sujetdont je ne peuxparler.)
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative pronouns: where, who, whom, whose, which. Apple received an unexpected welcome, ________ included the burning of pictures of iPhones. The company employs 800, 000 people, half of ________ live in Shenshen. The firm operates in a huge industrial park, ________ is called Foxconn city. This is the place ________ suicides took place. A constant stream of young workers replace those ________ leave. He is a psychologist ________ wrote a book about working conditions. He says he spoke with hundreds of clerks ________ lives had been ruined by unfair reviews.