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IA Leadership provided by the Netherlands’ EA Commission

Explore the leadership provided by the NCEA, a public institution in the Netherlands specializing in impact assessment. Learn about its tasks, influence on EA development, and the importance of quality review. Discover how strengthening institutions can create positive incentives for IA success.

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IA Leadership provided by the Netherlands’ EA Commission

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  1. IA Leadership provided by the Netherlands’ EA Commission A personal view Rob Verheem January 2019

  2. What is the NCEA? • Public: established (by law) & subsidized by government • Independent: not part of gvt; private foundation; non-profit • Tasks: • Netherlands: EA report quality review & general EA guidance • International cooperation: quality review, guidance, processadvice & capacitydevelopment 2

  3. What is the NCEA not? Not private sector: no hired consultancy; no tendering We do not make assessments, prepare IA reports or manage IA processes 3

  4. Leadership in impact assessmemt Documentation (IA reports) Process General development 4

  5. EA report: independent qualityassurance Design & Decide Screening: EIA needed? publish start of the SEA procedure NCEA advice on ToR (voluntary) consult on scope assessment assess, document & publish report NCEA review of EA report (SEA mandatory, EIA voluntary) consult on quality of report justify decision in writing monitor & evaluate

  6. EA report: independent qualityassurance Design & Decide Screening: EIA needed? publish start of the SEA procedure NCEA advice on ToR (voluntary) consult on scope assessment assess, document & publish report NCEA review of EA report (SEA mandatory, EIA voluntary) consult on quality of report justify decision in writing NCEA monitoring advice (voluntary) monitor & evaluate

  7. National EA knowledge center Database/website (institutional memory) Guidance material (Key & theme sheets, articles) Workshops Helpdesk (lessons learned in practice) 7

  8. Process: Independent advice & coaching Design & Decide Screening: EIA needed? NCEA advice on screening mechanism publish start of the SEA procedure NCEA advice on transparencymechanisms consult on scope assessment NCEA advice on ToR assess, document & publish report NCEA quality review and coaching NCEA quality review of EA report consult on quality of report NCEA advice on accountability mechanisms justify decision in writing NCEA advice on monitoring requirements monitor & evaluate

  9. Leadership in general IA development NCEA provides ‘institutional’ leadership 9

  10. Why do we have this meeting? Assumption: because we want IA to be succesful. 10

  11. What is needed for IA to be succesful? Hypothesis: a positive incentive towards IA. 11

  12. How to create a positive ‘IA incentive’? Douglas North (1994, Nobel laureate): “Institutions are the humanly designed constraints that structure human interaction. Together they define the incentive structure of societies and specifically economies.” Hypothesis: By strengthening the institutions for IA. 12

  13. What institutions? 13 ref: World Bank World Development Report 2003

  14. Leadership of the NCEA in general EA development NCEA acts as ‘EA Champion’: Influencinginstitutionsthroughdocumenting, advocating, explaining, substantiating & illustratingaddedvalue of EA 14

  15. Institutional influence of 25 yrs of NCEA 15

  16. Research on influence of NCEA ‘The substantialrole of the NCEA in qualityassurance is highlyrecognized’ ‘The quality review of the NCEA is generallyrecognized as being of substantialimportance for thequality of the EA.’ Ref: ‘Naar een toekomstbestendige m.e.r. – Runhaar, Arts, Laerhoven, Driessen – 2011’ 16

  17. The end Almost 17

  18. Homework • What is thecharacter of NCEA leadership? • Mix of ‘transformational’ and ‘democratic’ leadership • What is thecharacter of myleadership? • 100% ‘laissez faire’! 18

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