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Navigating Data Overload: A Workshop in Progress

Dive deep into organizing data overload with ADCP systems in Greenland & Ellesmere Island. Join us as we tackle volume flux, survey results, and current measurements to understand ocean dynamics.

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Navigating Data Overload: A Workshop in Progress

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  1. No title Workshop = Work in Progress If only I could get organized Data Overload Loving it

  2. -0.70 Sv -0.76 Sv -0.63 Sv -0.68 Sv Greenland +4.3 Sv -4.8 Sv July/August 2003 ADCP Survey Volume Flux Summary 0.70.07 Sv 1 Sv=106 m3/s or 5 Amazon R. or 200 Columbia R.

  3. USCGC Healy ADCP Systems well of the 75-kHz phased array? Healy in snowy Seattle dry-dock a bilge rat in the back? system command and control

  4. Data Processing Challenge: Ice Ellesmere Island, Aug.-4, 3am: Start first ADCP survey Greenland, Aug.-4, 6am: Finish first ADCP survey

  5. Ensemble average ADCP Processing: Sorting and Screening Single Ping Data water track relative to ship (true North, unsorted) water track relative to bottom (true North, sorted) water track relative to bottom (true East, sorted) water track relative to ship (true East, unsorted) ~ 1 hour

  6. ADCP Calibration-1: Comparing ADCP to GPS-derived Ship’s Velocity Components Looks good … but can’t really tell

  7. ADCP Calibration-2: ADCP-DGPS Velocity Vector Difference ( 2-min avg.) North East Histogram Integrated Histogram

  8. Robeson Channel ADCP Velocity Aug.-7-11, 2003 Measured 108-m Ellesmere Island Detided = Measured-Tides 108-m

  9. Two tidal removal techniques applied to Kennedy Channel across- channel along- channel • 3-D detiding • 2 constituents • Münchow (2000) • Local fit to data • 2-D detiding • 8 constituents • Padman & Erofeeva (2004) • Global model + data assimilation

  10. -0.70 Sv -0.76 Sv -0.63 Sv -0.68 Sv Greenland +4.3 Sv -4.8 Sv July/August 2003 ADCP Survey Volume Flux Summary 0.70.07 Sv 1 Sv=106 m3/s or 5 Amazon R. or 200 Columbia R.

  11. Ellesmere Island Greenland Winds Aug. 2003: Along 2003 ship track in Nares Strait Winds during our survey and mooring work in Nares Strait were generally from the south and opposed the generally southward flow.

  12. 108-m 108-m

  13. 108-m 108-m

  14. (c) (a) 108-m (b) 108-m (d) 108-m 108-m

  15. (a) (b) Robeson Channel Kennedy Channel, N (d) (c) Smith Sound Kennedy Channel, S

  16. -0.70 Sv -0.76 Sv -0.63 Sv -0.68 Sv Greenland +4.3 Sv -4.8 Sv July/August 2003 ADCP Survey Volume Flux Summary 0.70.07 Sv 1 Sv=106 m3/s or 5 Amazon R. or 200 Columbia R.

  17. Along-shore ADCP currents July-27 through July-30, 2003: 108-m Is this the Baffin Island Current? 303-m Volume flux ~ -2.7 Sv

  18. 7/26, 03:00 to 7/29, 00:00 7/29, 00:00 to 7/30 09:00 108-m 108-m

  19. 7/26, 03:00 to 7/29, 00:00 108-m Volume flux ~ -4.8 Sv

  20. Along-shore ADCP currents July-30 through July-31, 2003: Is this the West Greenland Current? Volume flux ~ +4.3 Sv

  21. First Mooring Result 2006 Ellesmere Island, Aug.-16, 2006: CT/CTD string recovery

  22. Ellesmere Island 100-m 300-m 500-m 0.1 m/s Greenland 700-m 0 10 20 5-week under-ice current measurements 1972 Distance (km) Sadler (1976):Water, heat, and salt transports through Nares Strait, Ellesmere Island

  23. ? ? ? ADCP X X CT/CTD All recovered instruments have clean 3-year records

  24. Low-pass-filtered depth-averaged Currents August 2003 through August 2006 km-34, Greenland km-30 km-24 km-03, Canada 3 years

  25. 3-year record mean 2-day snapshot

  26. Three-year along-channel currents from 2 ADCP moorings Canada, km-03 Greenland, km-34 2005/06 Depth (m) 2004/05 2003/04 Time (days) Time (days)

  27. Three years of low-pass filtered current vectors km-03 km-30 Near surface Near bottom Time (Days) Time (Days)

  28. Volume Transports from ADCP Surveys July/Aug. 2003

  29. Surface Properties along 25-day USCGC Healy Ship Track in 2003 Nares Strait Baffin Bay Labrador Sea Temperature Latitude Salinity

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