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Pattern Classification and Evaluating. Contents. Introduction Pattern Recognition Pattern Classification Evaluating a pattern. What is Pattern Recognition?. The study of how machines can observe the environment, learn to distinguish patterns of interest from their background, and
Contents • Introduction Pattern Recognition • Pattern Classification • Evaluating a pattern
What is Pattern Recognition? • The study of how machines can observe the environment, • learn to distinguishpatterns of interest from their background, and • make sound and reasonable decisions about the categories of the patterns. • What is a pattern? • What kinds of category we have?
What is a Pattern? • As opposite of a chaos; it is an entity, vaguely defined, that could be given a name. • For example, a pattern could be • A fingerprint images • A handwritten cursive word • A human face • A speech signal
Pattern Recognition Models • The four best known approaches • template matching • statistical classification • syntactic or structural matching • neural networks
Pattern Representation • A pattern is represented by a set of d features, or attributes, viewed as a d-dimensional feature vector.
Classification Mode test pattern Preprocessing Feature Measurement Classification Feature Extraction/ Selection training pattern Preprocessing Learning Training Mode Two Modes of a Pattern Recognition system
Pattern Classification • Pattern classification involves taking features extracted from the image and using them to classify image objects automatically. • This is done by developing classification algorithms that use the feature information. • The primary uses of pattern classification are for computer vision and image compression applications development.
Pattern Classification • Pattern classification is typically the final step in the development of a computer vision algorithm. • In computer vision applications, the goal is to identify objects in order for the computer to perform some vision-related task. • These tasks range from computer diagnosis of medical images to object classification for robot control.
Pattern Classification • In image compression, we want to remove redundant information from the image and compress the important information as much as possible. • One way to compress information is to find a higher-level representation of it, which is exactly what feature analysis and pattern classification is all about.
Pattern Classification • To develop a classification algorithm, we need to divide our data into two. • Training set: To develop the classification scheme • Test set: To test the classification algorithm • Both the training and the test sets should represent the images that will be seen in the application domain.
Pattern Classification • Theoretically, a larger training set size would give an increasingly higher success rate. • However, since we normally have a finite number of data (images), they are equally divided between the two sets. • After the data have been divided, work can begin on the development of the classification algorithm. Figure 6.4.1
Pattern Classification • The general approach is to use the information in the training set to classify the “unknown” samples in test set. • It is assumed that all samples available have a known classification. • The success rate is measured by the number of correct classifications.
Pattern Classification • The simplest method for identifying a sample from the test set is called the nearest neighbor method. • The object of interest is compared to every sample in the training using either a distance measure, a similarity measure or a combination of measures.
Pattern Classification • The “unknown” object is then identified as belonging to the to the same class as the closest example in the training set. • If distance measure is used, this is indicated by the smallest number. • If similarity measure is used, this is indicated by the largest number. • This process is computationally intensive and not robust.
Pattern Classification • We can make the nearest neighbor method more robust by selecting not just the vector it is closest to, but a group of close feature vectors. • This method is known as K-nearest neighbor method. • K can be assigned any integer.
Pattern Classification • Then we assign the unknown feature vector to the class that occurs most often in the set of K-neighbors. • This is still very computationally expensive since we must compare each unknown sample to every sample in the training set. • Even worse, we normally want the training set to be as large as possible.
Pattern Classification • One way to reduce the amount of computation is by using a method called nearest centroid. • Here, we find the centroid vector that is the representative of the whole class. • The centroids are calculated by finding the average value for each vector component in the training set.
Pattern Classification • The unknown sample only needs to be compared with the representative centroid. • This would reduce the number of comparisons and subsequently the amount of calculations. • Template matching is a pattern classification method that uses the raw image data as a feature vector.
Pattern Classification • A template is devised, possibly via a training set, which is then compared to subimages by using a distance or similarity measure. • Typically, a threshold is set on this measure to determine when we have found a match. • More sophisticated methods using fuzzy logic, artificial neural network, and probability density model are also commonly used.
Evaluating a pattern recognition system • Recognition rate • Cross validation • Interpretation of the results
Recognition rate • In your system specifications you need success criteria for your project (product) • HW, SW, Real-time, recognition rate,… • Recognition rate = (number of correct classified / number of tested samples) • Multiply by 100% and you have it in percentages • How do you test a system? • How do you present and interpret the results?
Test • The training data contains variations • Is this variation similar to the variations in ”real life data” ? • The system will never be better than the training data ! • The right question to ask is how well the trained system generalizes • That is, how well does the system recognize UNKNOWN data? • NEVER TRAIN OF TEST DATA !!! • However, it does provide an upper limit for the recognition rate • Test methods: • Cross-validation • M-fold cross validation
Methods for test • Cross-validation • Train on a % of the samples (a > 50) and test on the rest • a is typically 90, depending on the number of samples and the complexity of the system • M-fold cross validation • Divide (randomly) all samples in M equally sized groups • Use M-1 groups to train the system and test on the rest • Do this M times and average the results
Training of the system • Before we test we need to train our system • How much should the system be trained? • How much should the different parameters be tuned? • Danger of over fitting!
Interpretation of the results • Recognition rate = (number of correct classified / number of tested samples) • Multiply by 100% and you have it in percentages • Error % = 100% - ( Recognition rate x 100% ) • Distribution of errors? • Confusion matrix • 3 classes • 25 samples per class Output (from the system) Input (the truth)
Confusion matrix Output (from the system) • Provides inside into : • Are the errors equally distributed or are the errors only associated with a few classes? • ”Solution”: Sub-divide the classes, delete some classes, use other features, post processing,… • Is one class too big (”eats many others”) ?? • Which classes are close ?? • Etc…. Input (the truth)
Confusion matrix – overview… • Number of errors = Incorrect recognized + not recognized S1 = a+b+c. S2= d+e+f. S3 = g+h+i. S = S1 + S2 + S3. T = Trace = a+e+i (matrix diagonal - successes)
General Representation of errors • Number of errors = Incorrect recognized + Not recognized • The total number of errors can be represented like this: Output How does the system respond to a random input…. Input
General Representation of errors • Number of errors = Incorrect recognized + Not recognized • The total number of errors can be represented like this: Output (from the system) Not recognized (Type II error) (False negativ = FN) (False reject = FR) (False reject rate = FRR) (Miss) Input (the truth) Incorrect recognized (Type I error) (False positiv = FP) (False accept = FA) (False accept rate = FAR) (Ghost object) (False alarm)
Design your system wrt errors • One parameter (threshold?) often controls FN and FP • Use this parameter when designing the system wrt errors • Bayes classifier: • Given an input, find the nearest class using Mahalanobis distance: r (tavle) • Are we 100% sure the input originates from a known class? • Noise can result in unreliable data • Solution: Besides nearest class we also introduce a Threshold on r • That is, r < TH otherwise ignore this sample (not recognized: FN) • (Tavle: kurver som funktion af r )
Design your system wrt errors • Choice of TH: DEPENDS ON THE APPLICATION! • Default: EER or overall minimum error • If we want a low FP (incorrect recognized). This results in more FN (not recognized) and you therefore need to post-process these samples • ”Re-try” (as with conveyer belts) • ”New” pattern recognizer with ”new” features • Or… • General post-processing: store the likelihoods for each classified sample and use this in the following
General Representation of errors • Example: SETI • Find intelligent signals in input data • FN versus FP – are they equally important? Output (from the system) No !! Not recognized (Type II error) (False negativ = FN) (False reject = FR) (False reject rate = FRR) (Miss) Input (the truth) Ok Incorrect recognized (Type I error) (False positiv = FP) (False accept = FA) (False accept rate = FAR) (Ghost object) (False alarm)
General Representation of errors • Example: Access control to nuclear weapons • Is the person trying to enter ok? • FN versus FP – are they equally important? Output (from the system) Ok Not recognized (Type II error) (False negativ = FN) (False reject = FR) (False reject rate = FRR) (Miss) Input (the truth) No !! Incorrect recognized (Type I error) (False positiv = FP) (False accept = FA) (False accept rate = FAR) (Ghost object) (False alarm)
Design your system wrt errors • When we have True Negatives (correct rejection) • Fx a system which assesses whether a person is sick or well • Alternative representation • ROC curve • ROC = Receiver Operating Characteristic • (Tavle ) • X-axis: Fraction of the well who were found to be sick • False Positive Rate (FPR): FP / (FP+TN) • Y-axis: Fraction of the sick who were found to be sick • True Positive Rate (TPR): TP / (TP+FN) • ROC curves are good when comparing different systems • Only one curve with normalized axes: [0,1] • The more similar a curve is to: the better the system
What to remember (2/2) • Danger of over fitting! • Interpretation of results • Confusion matrix • Error = Incorrect recognized (FP) + not recognized (FN) • FP and FN depend on a Threshold value • How is this Threshold value defined in your system? • FP and FN can be illustrated directly or as a ROC curve • Test on data from unknown classes • Relevant for your project?
What to remember (1/2) • Success criteria for your project • HW, SW, Real-time, recognition rate • Test • You perform tests to see how well the trained system generalizes • NEVER TEST ON TRAINING DATA!!! • Cross-validation • Train on a % of the samples (a > 50) and test on the rest • What should a be? • M-fold cross validation • Divide (randomly) all samples in M equally sized groups • Use M-1 groups to train the system and test on the rest • Do this M times and average the results