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交通部第二階段「運輸產業論壇」. 物流產業創新服務. 李 柏 峯 台北市電腦公會 (TCA) 物流與供應鏈管理中心 主任 美國供應鏈管理專業協會 (CSCMP) 台灣圓桌會 會長. 大 綱. 1. 物流創新的意義 2. 物流創新的趨動力 3. 物流創新的目的 4. 物流創新的關鍵成功要素 5. 創新物流服務 6. 結 語. 物流創新 (Logistics Innovations).

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  1. 交通部第二階段「運輸產業論壇」 物流產業創新服務 李 柏 峯 台北市電腦公會 (TCA) 物流與供應鏈管理中心 主任 美國供應鏈管理專業協會(CSCMP) 台灣圓桌會 會長

  2. 大 綱 1.物流創新的意義 2.物流創新的趨動力 3.物流創新的目的 4.物流創新的關鍵成功要素5.創新物流服務 6.結 語

  3. 物流創新(Logistics Innovations) 物流創新(Logistics Innovations) 係因應不斷改變的全球環境*、科學技術、以及客戶需求,整合物流管理專業、新興科技與創意思維; 發展新創的物流管理策略、作業流程、服務模式,以提昇物流效率、優化物流成本,同時符合市場環境要求,並滿足客戶需求。 *全球環境: 指全球經濟、政治、社會以及自然環境。

  4. 物流創新的趨動力Drivers for Innovation in Logistics Operation Efficiency Cost Optimization New Technologies (RFID,IOT, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Robots.,) Supply Chain Risk & Security (Port Strikes, Cargo Theft, AEO.,) Green & Sustainability (Global Warming, Climate Resilience, Renewable Energy, Green Logistics.,) Service Differentiation Customer Needs & Satisfaction

  5. 物流創新的目的Objectives for innovation in logistics Innovation Excellence in Logistics - Value Creation by Innovation , ELA/Arthur D. Little

  6. 物流創新的目的Objectives for innovation in logistics Innovation Excellence in Logistics - Value Creation by Innovation , ELA/Arthur D. Little

  7. From“Cost-oriented “to“Customer-oriented“ Innovation* Today the most important objectives forinnovation are the modularization of logistics services plus reduction of logisticscosts. However, this importance will decline significantly in the future, ascost-oriented-innovationsare replaced by customer-oriented innovations.The generation of new services to cover existing requirements and to stimulate new ones islikely to become the most important innovation objective .* Price and reliability are no longer the only buying criteria, but will develop into prerequisites for contracting standard logistics services. In this context, the importance of innovation ability as a deal-clincher will increase significantly. As a result the focus will shift from cost-oriented towards customer-oriented innovation activities. 物流創新的目的Objectives for innovation in logistics Innovation Excellence in Logistics - Value Creation by Innovation , ELA/Arthur D. Little

  8. Key success factors to achieve excellence of Logistics Innovation are :* Implement structured and continuous market &technological intelligence generation activities in order to identify new market, customer needs, and technology trends.* Involve external partners (especially, customers) as early as the concept development phase.* Bundle innovation-related activities in department or line function (Planning, IT, R&D, Customer Service, HR.,) with clear responsibilities,align innovation projects with strategic objectives . 物流創新的關鍵成功要素(KSF) Innovation Excellence in Logistics - Value Creation by Innovation , ELA/Arthur D. Little

  9. 創新物流服務–倉儲管理 語音導引揀貨(Voice-Directed Picking) 智動化倉儲(Autonomous Warehouse)

  10. 創新物流服務–海空運輸 汽船 (Air Ship) 以風帆為動力的商船

  11. 創新物流服務–配送物流 無人機(Drone)配送服務 Drop Box配送服務

  12. 創新配送模式Anticipatory Shipping (預期配送) Amazon Plans to Ship & Deliver Your Packages Before You Even Buy Them Drawing on its massive store of customer data, Amazon plans on shipping you items it thinks you’ll like before you click the purchase button.

  13. 結 語 1.“創新”是企業經營,永續發展的重要核心能力。 2. 隨著大環境的不斷變化、科技日新月異、以及客戶的需求 日趨多樣化且快速變化; 即使過去和現在成功的商業或服 務模式,並不代表未來也必定能夠一樣的成功。 3. 物流業應時時掌握全球環境、新興科技、以及客戶需求的 不斷變化,亟思發展創新的物流服務,以拓展新商機,維 護競爭優勢。 Thinkoutofthebox!

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