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FLOOD site Results on Flood Risk Analysis. A. Kortenhaus LWI, Braunschweig, Germany. Contents. Concept & Objectives Results Risk Sources Risk Pathways Risk Receptors Conclusions. Concept & Objectives. Source-Pathway-Receptor model. Source. Pathway. Receptor. Source. Receptor.
FLOODsite Results on Flood Risk Analysis A. KortenhausLWI, Braunschweig, Germany
Contents • Concept & Objectives • Results • Risk Sources • Risk Pathways • Risk Receptors • Conclusions WG-F Meeting Brussels
Source-Pathway-Receptor model Source Pathway Receptor WG-F Meeting Brussels
Source Receptor Pathway Urban Infrastructure Sea (storm surge + waves) Agriculture Flooding Dikebreaching Flooding Industry Flooding Flooding Flooding Estuary (storm surge + river discharge) Storm surge Flood defence structure Flood prone area WG-F Meeting Brussels
Predicted Flooding Probability Pfc Expected damages E(D) Predicted Flood Risk Evaluation of „Toler- able“ Risk Residual Flood Risk Risk Analysis • Risk Sources • • Storm surge • River discharge • Heavy rainfall • Risk Pathways • • Loads & Resistances • Defence failures • Inundation • Risk Receptors • • People & property • ecological impact • Risk perception WG-F Meeting Brussels
Objectives • Improve understanding of the primary drivers of flood risk, incl. uncertainty • Improve understanding, models and techniques for the analysis of the performance of the whole flood defence system and its diverse components • Understand the vulnerability of the receptors of risk and improve the methods to evaluate societal consequences Source Pathway Receptor WG-F Meeting Brussels
Flash Floods WG-F Meeting Brussels
River Floods WG-F Meeting Brussels
Coastal Floods WG-F Meeting Brussels
Flash floods Discharge Inland Rainfall River floods Discharge Estuary Coastal floods Water level& waves Storm surge Coast Earth- quake Tsunamis Waves Time Key factors WG-F Meeting Brussels
Sub-Theme 1.1: Risk Sources Available models and previous proj. Data from pilot application sites Data from national sites Flash Floodhazards 1 Estimationof extremes 2 Flood hazard atlas 3 Hydrological / hydraulic boundary conditions, incl. uncertainties & focusing on extremes and joint probabilities Methodology for mapping of results Tasks 12, 15, 16, 23 (flash flood) Loading & resistance of each defence structure WG-F Meeting Brussels
Required steps Rainfall River Discharge Water Levels Waves Data availability? Homogeneity of Data? Data Correlation? Extrapolation to Extremes? Statistical Tools Probability Density Function Joint Probabilities of Parameters WG-F Meeting Brussels
Risk sources: challenges • gaps in time series (e.g. broken water level gauge) • available length of time series, resampling methods (e.g. Bootstrap) • trend analysis (e.g. secular sea level rise) • morphodynamic influence (e.g. offshore sand bars) • probability density functions (e.g. Generalised Pareto) WG-F Meeting Brussels
Extreme Events • New methods and data to deal with extreme values, incl. their statistical distributions and joint probabilities • Gaps • consider inhomo-geneity of data • determination & presentation of error bounds Source: Galiatsatou, P. et al. (2008): Estimation of extremes: conventional versus Bayesian techniques. Journal of Hydraulic Research, vol. 46, Extra Issue 2, pp. 211-223. WG-F Meeting Brussels
Flood Hazard Mapping • Review of existing flood hazard mapping technologies and recommendations for coastal flood hazard mapping • Gaps • focus on coastal flooding only • transfer might be difficult due to the specific nature of different flood hazards Source: Jimenez et al. (2008): Recommendations on Coastal Flood Hazard Mapping, Final Report, FLOODsite - Integrated Flood Risk Assessment and Management Methodologies, Report no. T03-08-02, Task 3. WG-F Meeting Brussels
Pathways – Flash Floods WG-F Meeting Brussels
Pathways - River WG-F Meeting Brussels
Pathways - Coast WG-F Meeting Brussels
Sub-Theme 1.2: Risk Pathways jpdf from risk sources Data from pilot application sites Available models and previous proj. 5 Morphological changes 4 Loading & failure modes 8 Flood inundation Breaching 6 7 Reliability analysis: Pf Performance of entire defence system and its components, incl. breach growth, flood wave propagation & inundation Sub-Theme 1.3 Theme 2 Theme 3 Theme 4 WG-F Meeting Brussels
Risk Pathways: Required steps • Identify sections of defence line • Identify defence line elements for each section • Identify failure modes for each element • Failure probabilities for each failure mode • Setup fault tree for each element • Overall failure probability of element • Flooding probability of defence line WG-F Meeting Brussels
Failure Modes of Flood Defences • Consistent catalogue of flood defence struc-tures and related failure modes • Gaps • Extension of ca-talogue required • length effect of structures • transitions • animal burrows Source: Allsop, N.W.H.et al. (2006): Failure mechanisms for flood defence structures. FLOODsite - Integrated Flood Risk Assessment and Management Methodologies, Task 4, 150 p. WG-F Meeting Brussels
Breaching of dikes & embankments • Model tests and numerical models for breaching of sea dikes and river embankments • Gaps • breach initiation • soil erodibility • forecast for time & location • breach models in systems analysis WG-F Meeting Brussels
Reliability of Systems • New consistent approaches and computer model to determine flooding probabilities • Gaps • consider time depen-dency of failure modes • correlation of sections in system analysis • complex numerical models to be used in reliability analysis Source: Van Gelder, P.H.A.J.M. et al. (2008): Reliability analysis of flood sea defence structures and systems. FLOODsite - Integrated Flood Risk Assessment and Management Methodologies, Report no. T07-08-01, Task 7, 118 p. WG-F Meeting Brussels
Risk Receptors WG-F Meeting Brussels
Risk Receptors WG-F Meeting Brussels
Sub-Theme 1.3: Risk Receptors Flood wave propagation & inundation Data from pilot application sites EU-Guidelines and methods for socio-economic flood damage evaluation 9 10 11 Socio-economic evaluation + modelling Risk perception, comm. behaviour and resilience Direct / indirect & tangible / intangible losses, incl. degradation and resilience Framework and methods for assessment of flood risk acceptance Theme 2 Theme 3 Theme 4 WG-F Meeting Brussels
FLOODsite Results • guidance on socio-economic evaluation of flood damages • loss of life model based on data from river floods • influence of early warning • eco-toxicological modelling of flooding • resilience and community vulnerability • flood preparedness WG-F Meeting Brussels
Socio-economic Assessment • Guidelines summarising evaluation methods for tangible socio-economic damages • Gaps • indirect economic costs • intangible damages (en-vironmental and social) • influence of non-structural measures • uncertainties Source: Meyer, V.; Messner, F. (2006): National flood damage evaluation methods – a review of applied methods in England, The Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Germany. FLOODsite, Task 9, Braunschweig, Germany, 44 p. WG-F Meeting Brussels
Loss of Life Model • new model based on European river floods, not transferable to coasts • Gaps • more data on different types of floods • transfer to coast and estuaries • improved mapping methodology Source: Tapsell, S.M. et al. (2007): Socio-economic and ecological evaluation and modelling methodologies FLOODsite - Integrated Flood Risk Assessment and Management Methodologies, Task 10, 200 p., 1 Annex. WG-F Meeting Brussels
Conclusions • Improved understanding of flooding processes and assessment of flood impacts • Merging the worlds of flash floods, river floods, and coastal floods • Contributions to requirements of European Flood Directive • Application and further development of tools within Pilot Sites of FLOODsite WG-F Meeting Brussels
Photo: A. Kortenhaus, warning sign, Pilot Site “German Bight Coast” WG-F Meeting Brussels