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Pannon Biotechnology seminars viII .

Pannon Biotechnology seminars viII. Lectures Dr. Attila Fehér Biological Research Center , Szeged The exceptional regeneration ability of plant cells - what is behind? Dr. Mihály Dernovics Corvinus University , Faculty of Food Science, Budapest

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Pannon Biotechnology seminars viII .

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  1. Pannon Biotechnology seminars viII. Lectures Dr. Attila Fehér Biological Research Center, Szeged The exceptional regeneration ability of plant cells - what is behind? Dr. Mihály Dernovics Corvinus University, Faculty of Food Science, Budapest Metabolomic background of apricot self-incompatibility: a preliminary approach Dr. AttilaHegedűs Corvinus University, Faculty of Horticultural Science, Budapest Genome shaping force of a Prunus-specific non-autonomous, recently active transposon Dr. IstvánPapp Corvinus University, Faculty of Horticultural Science, Budapest Identification of a wheat regulatory gene of cuticle development Dr. JánosPauk NARIC, GK Cereal Research Non-profit Ltd, Szeged Biotechnology research for plant breeding Venue Biological Research Centre Szeged, Temesvári Krt. 62. Club room , II. floor Date 10 0021. October 2014 For further information:Ervin Balázs : ervin.balazs@gmail.com TÁMOP-4.2.3-12/1/KONV-2012-0001

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