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Improving Coverage and Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area System in the Republic of Moldova. Maria NAGORNII Head of the Analysis, Monitoring and Policy Assessment Department Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova. Istanbul -2010-. 3. 1. Expected results.
Improving Coverage and Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area System in the Republic of Moldova Maria NAGORNII Head of the Analysis, Monitoring and Policy Assessment Department Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova Istanbul -2010-
3 1 Expected results Project aim and objective 4 2 Actions planned for 2010 Project components 5 Lessons learnt PRESENTATION OUTLINE
Project aim and objective The aim of the project: to strengthenthe institutional capacities and the representativityof the Protected Area System (PAS) in the Republic of Moldova The project objective: Develop a efficient legal framework for ProtectedAreasSystem expansion, by including a low explored ecosystem
Project components 1. Improvement of the representativity and coverage of the Protected Area System 2. Enforcement of the capacities of the institutions responsible for the management of the protected areas
A B C EXPECTED RESULTS A – Revalidation of the Protected Areas within existing PAS B – Elaboration of the Strategy and the Action Plan for the enlargement of the PAS C – Establishment of the National Park Orhei EXPECTED RESULTS FOR COMPONENT 1
A B C D EXPECTED RESULTS • A – Review, identification and development of effective institutional models for PAS management B – Enforcement of the capacities of the Ministry of Environment C – Enforcement of the operational capacities of the institutions responsible for PA management D – Implementation of the education and awareness raising programs in Orhei district EXPECTED RESULTS FOR COMPONENT 2
Revalidation Cartography Database • Evaluation form • Revalidation methodology • Information and gap analysis • Mapping of the protected areas • The limits of the PAS were drawn on the digital map • Discussions on the structure of the database Achieved Result 1.A
Elaboration Database structure Discussions Workshop for stakeholders Law on NPA Recommendations elaboration Evaluation model In situ evaluation of the PA ACTIONS PLANNED FOR 2010 Establish the borders of the PA
ACTIONS PLANNED FOR 2010 For the expected result 1.B it is planned to identify the major territorial gaps in the PAS based on new territories and habitats of national and international importance according to the National Ecological Network Program and “Emerald Network” Project
ACHIEVED RESULT 1.C A C • Identified options for establishing the Orhei National Park • Legal framework for Orhei NP establishment B • Field studies for scientifically argumentation of Orhei NP establishment
Stakeholders Consultations completion Functions Functional zoning of the NP Spatial Establish the borders of the NP Science Research completion ACTIONS PLANNED FOR 2010
COMPONENT 2 Activities within this component are oriented towards the capacity enforcement of the authorities responsible for PA management, implementation of laws, policies and strategies on the PA
Practices Roles Workshop International and regional good practices were examined and advantages and disadvantages were identified Roles and responsibilities of different institutions were determined and classified A national workshop was held, where the international management models were presented ACHIEVED RESULT 2.A
Identify financial mechanisms for protected areas Elaborate guidelines, operational instructions for PA management Establish norms and standards for different categories of PA ACTIONS PLANNED FOR 2010 (2.B)
Inform local communities about the value and benefits of biodiversity conservation for present and future generations Information Elaborate a National Education and Information Strategy and a Implementation Plan Education ACTIONS PLANNED FOR 2010 (2.D)
PROJECT RISKS Political situation Poor coordination between different stakeholders Lack of institutional capacities and resources for PAS management Lack of financial resources of the responsible institutions
MoE should establish clear evaluation methods A B Personnel fluctuations reduce the efficiency of project implementation Action coordination and information of the involved parties is necessary D C LESSONS LEARNT A deep cooperation with the stakeholders is needed
CONCLUSIONS At the present stage of implementation the project achieved the proposed goals The activities planned for 2010 are being successfully implemented
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