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Controls Workshop

Controls Workshop. 22 nd June 2010. Eugenia Hatziangeli Beams Department – Controls group. Goals of the Workshop. To present work developed in BE/CO that might be useful for teams or projects in CERN and outside

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Controls Workshop

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  1. Controls Workshop 22nd June 2010 Eugenia Hatziangeli Beams Department – Controls group

  2. Goals of the Workshop To present work developed in BE/CO that might be useful for teams or projects in CERN and outside To share information and experience which we consider interesting with other controls-oriented people To encourage collaboration for the future

  3. Contents of the Workshop • A software oriented workshop split in 3 themes • Each presentation has 3' Q&A • Morning • Frameworks and services • Development Process & Tools: plans, experience, lessons learnt • Afternoon • Organised visit to the CCC and the CCR to present a large part of the Controls system infrastructure (mainly for ESRF) • Management of security aspects related to the infrastructure (user mng, network separation, role-based access to devices) • An overview of Tango: running an international software project • After the end of the workshop • Direct follow-up discussions, Informal demos • Discussions with people from BE/CO

  4. Introduction Situates and relates the systems presented during the day in the controls infrastructure Provides information on additional projects and activities not explained in the workshop

  5. CTRL CTRL T Controls HW infrastructure PUBLIC ETHERNET NETWORK OPERATOR CONSOLES FIXED DISPLAYS OPERATOR CONSOLES • A3-tier architecture • Client Tier • Interactive Consoles • Fixed Displays • Server Tier • Application servers • Database Servers where the setting and configuration of all devices exist • File Servers • Central Timing • Resource Tier • VME crates, PC GW & PLC dealing with high performance acquisitions and real-time processing TCP/IP communication services Client tier FILE SERVERS APPLICATION SERVERS SCADA SERVERS CERN GIGABIT ETHERNET TECHNICAL NETWORK Server tier TCP/IP communication services TIMING GENERATION RT Lynx/OS VME Front Ends WORLDFIP Front Ends PLC T T T T TCP/IP communication services Resource tier T WorldFIP SEGMENT (1, 2.5 MBits/sec) T T OPTICAL FIBERS FIP/IO T PROFIBUS T BEAM POSITION MONITORS, BEAM LOSS MONITORS, BEAM INTERLOCKS, RF SYSTEMS, ETC… QUENCH PROTECTION AGENTS, POWER CONVERTERS FUNCTIONS GENERATORS, … ACTUATORS AND SENSORS CRYOGENICS, VACUUM, ETC… LHC MACHINE

  6. CTRL CTRL T Controls Software Infrastructure PUBLIC ETHERNET NETWORK OPERATOR CONSOLES FIXED DISPLAYS OPERATOR CONSOLES A 3-tier architecture • Presentation Layer • Graphical interactive applications • Fixed Displays • Business Layer • General purpose and specific Application servers • Device Layer • Front End Device servers • Communication to the equipment goes through Controls MiddleWareCMW Presentation Layer TCP/IP communication services Client tier FILE SERVERS APPLICATION SERVERS SCADA SERVERS DB Business Layer CERN GIGABIT ETHERNET TECHNICAL NETWORK Server tier TCP/IP communication services TIMING GENERATION RT Lynx/OS VME Front Ends WORLDFIP Front Ends PLC T T T T CMW TCP/IP communication services Device Layer Resource tier T WorldFIP SEGMENT (1, 2.5 MBits/sec) T T OPTICAL FIBERS FIP/IO T PROFIBUS T BEAM POSITION MONITORS, BEAM LOSS MONITORS, BEAM INTERLOCKS, RF SYSTEMS, ETC… QUENCH PROTECTION AGENTS, POWER CONVERTERS FUNCTIONS GENERATORS, … ACTUATORS AND SENSORS CRYOGENICS, VACUUM, ETC… LHC MACHINE

  7. Controls Overview • Services and Applications • Sequencer • Logging • Data concentration • Post mortem • Software Interlock System • Analogue Observation System • Fixed Displays Frame • Core • Hardware (FEs, BEs, Consoles) • Hardware Designs • Device Drivers • Front End Dev Frame (FESA) • Middleware • Optics • Setting Generation/Management/Trim • Equipment & Beam Measurements • Hardware exploitation • On-line Databases • Timing system • Security • Role Based Access • Management of Critical Settings • Controls Network Security • Monitor and Diagnostics • Alarm System (LASER) • Monitoring/Diagnostics (DIAMON) • Industrial Controls • Machine Protection • Technical Infrastructure Monitoring (TIM)

  8. Controls Overview • Services and Applications • Sequencer • Logging • Data concentration • Post mortem • Software Interlock System • Analogue Observation System • Fixed Displays Frame • Core • Hardware (FEs, BEs, Consoles) • Hardware Designs • Device Drivers • Front End Dev Frame (FESA) • Middleware • Optics • Setting Generation/Management/Trim • Equipment & Beam Measurements • Hardware exploitation • On-line Databases • Timing system • Security • Role Based Access • Management of Critical Settings • Controls Network Security • Monitor and Diagnostics • Alarm System (LASER) • Monitoring/Diagnostics (DIAMON) E. Hatziangeli AB/CO

  9. Software Development Process Controls Overview • Services and Applications • Sequencer • Logging • Data concentration • Post mortem • Software Interlock System • Analogue Observation System • Fixed Displays Frame • Core • Hardware (FEs, BEs, Consoles) • Hardware Designs • Device Drivers • Front End Dev Frame (FESA) • Middleware • Optics • Setting Generation/Management/Trim • Equipment & Beam Measurements • Hardware exploitation • On-line Databases • Timing system • Security • Role Based Access • Management of Critical Settings • Controls Network Security • Monitor and Diagnostics • Alarm System (LASER) • Monitoring/Diagnostics (DIAMON) E. Hatziangeli AB/CO

  10. Other Projects and Activities Vito Baggiolini AnastasiyaRadeva Core • Hardware (FEs, BEs, Consoles) • Hardware Designs • Device Drivers • Front End Dev Frame (FESA) • Middleware • Setting Generation • Setting Management/Trim • Equipment & Beam Measurements • Optics • Hardware exploitation • On-line Databases • Timing system Services and Applications • Sequencer • Post mortem • Logging • Data concentration • Software Interlock System • Fixed Displays Frame • Analogue Observation System Roman Gorbonosov Erik Van derBij Marine Pace David Gonzalez MarekMisiowiec MaciejSobczak/Felix Ehm JakubWozniak Greg Kruk StéphaneDeghaye • Security • Role Based Access • Management of Critical Settings • Computing and Network Infrastructure for Controls (CNIC) WojtekSliwinski Jean-Claude Bau • Monitor and Diagnostics • Alarm System (LASER) • Monitoring/Diagnostics (DIAMON) Mark Buttner

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