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Location : where are windmills being built?

Location : where are windmills being built?. Made by : Anke Visscher & Julia Stindt. Researchquestion : What is the most favorable location for placing wind turbines? Subquestions : Where are the windmills located nowadays ? Why are the windmills located there ?

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Location : where are windmills being built?

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  1. Location: where are windmillsbeing built? Made by: Anke Visscher & Julia Stindt

  2. Researchquestion: • What is the most favorablelocationforplacing wind turbines? Subquestions: • Where are the windmillslocatednowadays? • Why are the windmillslocatedthere? • Wherewill the windmillsbe built in the future? • Whywill the windmillsbe built there? • What are the differences of wind energy in The Netherlandscompared to Germany and Denmark?

  3. General information • Approximately 2000 windmills are located in The Netherlands • The wind turbines generate as muchelectricity as 600.000 households are using • Most famousmillsgeneratedby wind are the mills in Kinderdijk • The fromorigin 20 millsfrom Schiedam are among the highestmills in the world Molenlocatie Kinderdijk 

  4. Where are the windmillslocatednow and why are theylocatedthere? • There is not a lot of space in The Netherlandsforplacingwindmills • Requirementsfor building wind turbines: - The distancebetweenwindmills - The height of a windmill - Visual pollution • Most windmills are located in the provinceswith most wind: Groningen, Friesland, Flevoland, Zeeland and (the northern part of) Noord-Holland • Just a few windmills are locatedinland

  5. Where are the windmillslocatednow and why are theylocatedthere? • There are alsowindmillslocated in the sea • Benefits of windmillsthat are located in the sea: - More space - More wind - No obstaclefor the view of peoplebecause nobody is living there Windmillslocated in the sea

  6. Where are the windmillslocated and why are theylocatedthere? Windmillparks in The Netherlands

  7. Wherewill the windmillsbe built in the future and whythere? • Replacement of old, smallwindmillsby modern, large models • Preferencesfor building largewindmillparks in: - Ports and industrial areas - Largescaleagricultural landscapes - Along the costor in largelakesor in the sea - Alongroads and railways

  8. Wherewill the windmillsbe built in the future and whythere? • Smaller initiatives are also important to reach the nationalpurposes • Building of windmills in the sea: Egmond aan Zee (Noord-Holland) • If the windmills, located in the sea, willbesuccessful, 20-30% of the energydemand in the futurewillbegeneratedby wind turbines Egmond aan Zee 

  9. Wherewill the windmillsbe built in the future and whythere? • Windmillslocated in the seagenerateapproximately 50% more energythanwindmillslocatedon the land • Conditionfor building a windmill in the sea: the seashouldnotbedeeperthan 40 metres • A project on the westcoast of Norway: floatingwindmills • Disadvantage of windmillslocated in the sea: they are difficult to maintain 8 windmillparks of 10.000 km² in the sea, can provide the whole of Europewithelectricity.

  10. Wherewill the wind turbines be built in the future and whythere? Expectedincrease of wind energy in the period 2012-2020

  11. What are the differences of wind energy in The Netherlandscompared to Germany and Denmark? • Germany: - Germany is a leading country basedon the introduction of wind energy - Germany has notsuch a long coastline compared to The Netherlands - Germany has a hilly landscape

  12. What are the differences of wind energy in The Netherlandscompared to Germany and Denmark? • Denmark: - Denmark has worldwide the largest contribution to the nationalenergydemand (24%) - Denmarkcontrolsapproximately 40% of the worldmarket of the production of energy out of wind energy - Denmark has a favorablegeographicallocation forgenerating wind energy

  13. What is the most favorablelocationforplacingwindmills? • The effectivity of windmillsdependon: - The wind speed (fasterthan 5 m/s) - The presence of buildings in the surroundings - The presence of hills and trees in the surroundings

  14. What is the most favorablelocationforplacingwindmills? • Looking at the effectiveness-factors, itwouldnotbe smart to place wind turbines in the south of the province of Limburg • Itwouldbe more logical to place windmills in the seaor in the north of the province of Noord-Holland. • Dikescanalsobe a favorablelocation to place windmills

  15. Are thereanyquestions?

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