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10/23: Lecture Topics

10/23: Lecture Topics. Input/Output Mouse, Disk and Network Buses SCSI Midterm review. Mouse Interfaces. Pointing device must provide: Status of each button Rate of motion in X and Y directions Software must interpret the input Double clicks Limits to motion, speed. Screen position.

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10/23: Lecture Topics

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  1. 10/23: Lecture Topics • Input/Output • Mouse, Disk and Network • Buses • SCSI • Midterm review

  2. Mouse Interfaces • Pointing device must provide: • Status of each button • Rate of motion in X and Y directions • Software must interpret the input • Double clicks • Limits to motion, speed Screen position Device driver Rate of motion Mouse interface Grid lines

  3. Disk Interface • Only two operations on a disk: • read block, write block • Hidden behind the interface: • block  sector mappings • maybe multiple sectors per block • maybe some blocks have gone bad • Unknown to the disk: • contents of the blocks/sectors Files File system interface Blocks Disk interface Sectors

  4. Networks • The device that lets a system connect to a network: network interface card • Listens for data on the network important to this system • Bundles the bits into packets and signals the OS when a packet is complete • Also takes packets from OS and sends them as bits on the wire

  5. Networking Interfaces • OS puts extra packets in to define where stream begins and ends • NIC puts extra bits in to define where packets begin and end Streams Networking protocols Packets NIC interface Bits

  6. From: YOU To: CNN From: YOU To: CNN GET http://cnn.com/index.html GET http://cnn.com/index.html Network Example CNN YOU GET http://cnn.com/index.html GET http://cnn.com/index.html STREAMS PACKETS BITS Internet 10101111010101001 1010111101010100110101010101010111

  7. CNN YOU From: CNN To: YOU From: CNN To: YOU From: CNN To: YOU From: CNN To: YOU From: CNN To: YOU From: CNN To: YOU From: CNN To: YOU From: CNN To: YOU Part 4 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3 Part 2 Part 4 Part 1 STREAMS PACKETS BITS Internet 10101111010101001 1010111101010100110101010101010111

  8. Communicating with Devices level 1 cache control main memory level 2 cache functional units registers PC input/ output the chip system bus

  9. System Bus • Lots of variations: • How many bits can be sent simultaneously (bus width)? • How will access to the bus be controlled? • Synchronous (clocked) vs. asynchronous (handshake protocol)

  10. Commands to I/O Devices • Memory-mapped I/O • A special region of memory is set aside for a device • Loads and stores to addresses in this region are interpreted as commands to the device • Provides easy access control via the memory system • Special I/O instructions

  11. Device to Processor Comm. • The device has some information for the processor. Two ways to convey it: • Issue an interrupt • Wait for the processor to ask for it - polling • Which is better, interrupt-driven I/O or polling? Depends on: • time sensitivity of data • whether data is expected

  12. Device to Memory Comm. • Direct Memory Access (DMA) allows devices and memory to communicate without involvement of processor • Processor sets up the transaction • Device and memory transfer the data • Device interrupts processor to signal completion • The processor gets a lot of other work done while transfer is happening

  13. Performance Issues in I/O • Processors double in speed every 18 months • Networks double in speed more slowly, perhaps every 3 years • Disks improve very slowly, because they are limited by mechanical factors

  14. The I/O Bottleneck • System A: processor speed = 100 MHz; disk transfer takes 10 ms • How many clock cycles elapse while disk transfer takes place? • System B: processor speed = 400 MHz; disk transfer still takes 10 ms • How many clock cycles now?

  15. SCSI vs. IDE • SCSI devices share one controller • Each IDE device has its own controller • SCSI is not inherently faster than IDE • in the past, high performance disks were only available with SCSI interfaces • now, high and low performance disks are available with either IDE or SCSI • SCSI supports disconnect • a device doesn’t hold on to the bus while servicing a request • Firewire is SCSI but even faster

  16. Midterm Review • Pipelining (25) • Caches (20) • Assembly language (20) • Procedure call (13) • ISA, Compiling/Linking/Loading etc. (10) • I/O (6) • 2’s complement/floating point/base conversions (6)

  17. Assembly Language • Architecture vs. Organization • Machine language is the sequence of 1’s and 0’s that the CPU executes • Assembly is an ascii representation of machine language • A long long time ago, everybody programmed assembly • Programmers that interface with the raw machine still use it • compiler/OS writers, hardware manufacturers • Other programmers still need to know it • understand how the OS works • understand how to write efficient code

  18. Instructions to Know • lw, sw, add, addi, sub, beq, bne, bgt, blt, slt, slti, move, jal, jr, j • Know what each of these instruction does • Know which instruction format is used by each instruction

  19. MIPS Instructions and Addressing • Types of MIPS instructions • arithmetic operations (add, addi, sub) • operands must be registers or immediates • memory operations • lw/sw, lb/sb etc., only operations to access memory • address is a register value + an immediate • branch instructions • conditional branch (beq, bne) • unconditional branch (j, jal, jr) • MIPS addressing modes, • register, displacement, immediate, pc-relative, pseudodirect

  20. Accessing Memory • Memory is a big array of bytes and the address is the index • Addresses are 32-bits (an address is the same as a pointer) • A word is 4 bytes • Accesses must be aligned

  21. Representing Numbers • Bits have no inherent meaning • Conversion between decimal, binary and hex • 2’s complement representation for signed numbers • makes adding signed and unsigned easy • flip the bits and add 1 to convert +/- • floating point representation • sign bit, exponent (w/ bias), and significand (leading 1 assumed)

  22. Instruction Formats • The opcode (1st six bits of instruction) determines which format to use • R (register format) • add $r0, $r1, $r2 • [op, rs, rt, rd, shamt, func] • I (immediate format) • lw $r0, 16($t0) • addi $r0, $t1, -14 • [op, rs, rt, 16-bit immediate] • J (jump format) • jal ProcedureFoo • [op, address]

  23. MIPS Registers • Integer registers hold 32-bit values • integers, addresses • Purposes of the different registers • $s0-$s7 • $t0-$t9 • $a0-$a3 • $v0-$v1 • $sp, $fp • $ra • $zero • $at

  24. Procedure Calls • Calling the procedure is a jump to the label of the procedure • “jal ProcedureName” what happens? • Returning from a procedure is a jump to the instruction after “jal ProcedureName” • “jr $ra” • Arguments are passed in $a0-$a3 • Return values are passed back in $v0-$v1 • $t0-$t9 and the stack is used for local variables • Registers are saved on the stack, but not automatically • if necessary, caller saves $t0-$t9, $a0-$a3, $ra • if necessary, callee saves $s0-$s7

  25. Preservation Conventions Preserved (Callee saved) Not Preserved (Caller saved) Saved registers: $s0-$s7 Stack pointer register: $sp Frame pointer register: $fp Return address register: $ra Temporary registers: $t0-$t9 Argument registers: $a0-$a3 Return value registers: $v0-$v1

  26. Understanding Assembly • Understand the subset of assembly that we’ve used, know what the instructions do • Trace through assembly language snippets • Assembly  C, recognize • while loops, if statements, procedure calls • C  Assembly, convert • while loops, if statements, procedure calls

  27. Pipelining • What happens in each execution stage • IF, ID, MEM, EX, WB • Concept of pipelining • Latency vs. throughput • Speedup • Dependencies vs. hazards • Data Hazards • stall • forwarding

  28. Pipelining Cont’ • Control Hazards • stall • move branch hardware to ID stage • branch delay slot • static and dynamic branch prediction

  29. Caches • Memory hierarchy • Spatial and temporal locality • Where can a block be placed? • Direct mapped, Set/Fully associative • Partition an address into tag, index and block offset based on cache parameters • What happens on a write access? • Write-back or Write-through • Which block should be replaced? • Random or LRU (Least Recently Used) • What kinds of misses? • compulsory, capacity conflict

  30. I/O • Disk layout • Components of disk latency

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