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Newham University Hospital CR3 Student Handbook. STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW…. READ ME!. This booklet contains important information, so have a read and keep it to hand during your CR3 placement. WELCOME TO NEWHAM.
Newham University Hospital CR3 Student Handbook STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW… READ ME! This booklet contains important information, so have a read and keep it to hand during your CR3 placement.
WELCOME TO NEWHAM We hope that you find your time with us both enjoyable and rewarding. Please read this handbook carefully. All the information you need should be here, but if not, feel free to speak to us. Your first point of contact should be one of the undergraduate coordinators or one of the teaching fellows, who can all be found in the education centre (for contact details see ‘Who’s Who?’).
WHO’S WHO? Course coordinator Prof Susan Gelding susan.gelding@bartshealth.nhs.uk (Associate Dean) CR3 Module lead Dr Kula Ranjan (Consultant kula.ranjan@bartshealth.nhs.uk Cardiologist) CR3 Link Teaching Fellow Dr Shameer Mehtashameer.mehta@bartshealth.nhs.uk Other Teaching Fellows Miss Sandy Abeysiri sandaruwani.abeysiri@bartshealth.nhs.uk Dr Girish Rayanagoudar girish.rayanagoudar@ bartshealth.nhs.uk Dr NazriHashimnazri.hashim@bartshealth.nhs.uk Dr Catherine Gouveia c.gouveia@qmul.ac.uk Undergraduate Fellow Office (ground floor, education centre)
WHO’S WHO? Deputy Medical Education Manager Aeesha Bhaiyat aeesha.bhaiyat@bartshealth.nhs.uk Phone: 020 73638143 Office 4 (ground floor, education centre) Undergraduate Programme Coordinator Afsana Begum afsana.begum@bartshealth.nhs.uk Phone: 020 7363 8349 Mobile: 07944033041 Medical education Office (first floor, education centre) Clinical Skills Coordinator Judith Dale judith.dale@bartshealth.nhs.uk Helen Mills helen.mills@bartshealth.nhs.uk Teaching Pharmacist UzmaShaikhuzma.shaikh@bartshealth.nhs.uk The generic email address to use in order to contact the entire team is: medicalundergraduateteachingteam@bartshealth.nhs.uk
Things to Note Travel Arrangements The nearest underground station to NUH is Plaistow on the District and Hammersmith and City Lines: NUH is a 5-10 minute bus ride from the station (bus routes 262 or 473) or a 20 minute walk. Outpatient clinics take place in Health Central at Zone 6. The Newham site also includes the Gateway Surgical Centre where most of the day surgery and elective surgery takes place. Diabetes and chest clinics are located at the Shrewsbury Centre, about 2 miles from NUH and a 5 minute walk from East Ham Tube station (District line). The 376 bus from the hospital main entrance also takes you to Shrewsbury Centre. If travelling by car, please note that Newham’s Visitors car park is “pay and display”. The fees are displayed and there are no waivers for students. Please use visitor parking spaces and NOT the staff spaces. Library There is a well stocked library located on the first floor of the Education Centre which you are encouraged to use. The staff of the library will give you any help needed. There are very good computer facilities for literature searches, a Cyber room with 6 terminals, scanner and printer all accessible via library services. Telephones Most Telephones on the wards, corridors and Education Centre are connected directly to the switchboard at NUH. Dial the extension directly if you know it, or Dial 0 to contact the operator. Dial 3133 for security. To Bleep Dial 66: wait for the announcement then type in the bleep number, tel extension, # and replace the receiver. Wait by the phone for the person you have bleeped to call you back. Please be patient. .
Things to Note • Lockers and Facilities • Lockers are available in the Education Centre on the ground floor corridor, between the Lecture theatre and Events room. You will have to provide your own padlock and key. Please remember to clear your locker and take your padlock when you leave. • There is a major problem with theft in any hospital so you are encouraged to make the best use of the lockers. • The Education Centre doors lock automatically so please note the following times: • Ground Floor 0745 – 19.00 • Rear doors (access to stairs) Mon-Fri 0745 – 1730 • If you get locked out/in please contact security on x3133 to help, though please bear in mind this can take some time so do not make a habit of leaving your possessions behind. • Please keep the locker room tidy – DO NOT LEAVE THEATRE BLUES IN THE ROOM. THIS IS A HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARD • Toilets are located on the Ground Floor of the Education Centre, in the main corridor out side the Education Centre and outside the restaurant in zone 4. • There are two Cash Machines on site: located in the Ground Floor Corridor of the main hospital (these machines charge a small fee). Always be discreet when using the machines and ensure no one can see your pin. • The nearest post office, newsagents and chemist are on Prince Regent Lane, 5 minutes walk away. • Unfortunately the doctors Mess at NUH is not large enough to accommodate students. • .
Things to Note Restaurants and Coffee Shops The restaurant is located on the 1st floor – Zone 4, at NUH. The restaurant stays open most of the day till 8pm (though does not serve hot food between 11.30-12.00 and 17.30-18.00). There is an adjacent coffee lounge with vending machines. There is Costa Coffee Shop in the Health Central (opening times 08:00-18:00), as well as a coffee shop in the Gateway Surgical Centre. FOR SECURITY AN ID BADGE WILL BE PROVIDE D TO FACILITATE ACCESS INTO WARDS. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO DEPOSIT £10 WHICH WILL BE REFUNDED ON RETURNING THE BADGE AT THE END OF PLACEMENT. PLEASE WEAR YOUR ID & MEDICAL SCHOOL BADGES AT ALL TIMES – for security purposes in clinical areas.
Things to Note Twitter For those with a twitter account, we highly recommend you follow us on @newhameducation. For those without, please do create an account via www.twitter.com (it only takes a few seconds). This is an excellent way to let you know of any potential late changes to your teaching schedule, to avoid missing sessions. We also provide many helpful tips and advice on medical matters, which previous students have found very useful. Please remember to ‘Turn On Notifications’ from our profile when you follow us so that you can stay up to date with all developments in the department. @newhameducation
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US • TEACHING SESSIONS • Firm-based teaching forms the main part of your curriculum. • Additional teaching sessions are as follows: • Bedside teaching - Monday mornings • Meet outside teaching fellows’ office. Note: it is your responsibility to find and consent suitable patients before the session. ONE PATIENT PER STUDENT • PBL – Monday afternoons • Generic topic teaching – Tuesday lunchtimes (see timetable) • Clinical skills – see timetable later in handbook • Pharmacy teaching – see timetable later in handbook • Note: attendance is mandatory for all sessions. • Timetables for teaching sessions are available in this booklet or on the student notice board in the education centre. • Teaching Website – additional teaching resources (including tutorials, examination atlases and quizzes) are available at: http://qmplus.qmul.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=2996
WHAT WE EXPECT FROM YOU Attendance – this is a full time course, and attendance is compulsory. You should inform the undergraduate coordinator and your consultant of any unavoidable absences. You must sign in every morning after 08.30 with your swipe card on the barcode reader located on the ground floor of the Education Department outside Office 2. We also keep registers for teaching sessions. Attendance is reported to the Medical School. Be punctual. Patient contact – we are fortunate to look after patients who have a wide variety of clinical pathology here at Newham. Please do use this to your advantage and maximise every opportunity to learn from our patients, but remember to always treat them with respect. Patient clerkings – you must perform a full history and full examination of at least 5 patients per week. Written clerkings - you should submit 5 written clerkings to your firm during your time at Newham. These will form part of your end-of-firm assessment. On calls – attend at least 4 on calls with junior doctors from your team, and attend the post-take ward round when your consultant has been on call. Note: It may be more useful to attend on calls with your FY2 or registrar than your FY1, who is likely to have mainly ward jobs to attend to. Outpatient clinics – discuss appropriate times to attend with your consultant. These are a really useful opportunity to see clinical signs and clerk patients. Logbooks – complete tasks required by the medical school as detailed in your log books. SSC – one half day a week can be used for SSC-related work. Details of SSC requirements can be found in your medical school handbook.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? • You will spend 9 weeks at Newham University Hospital, divided into: • 3-5 weeks cardiology • 3-5 weeks respiratory • 1 week anaesthetics • Step 1: • Induction day – Monday 6thOctober, 09.30 Medical Education Centre • Step 2: • First firm (+/- anaesthetics) – from 7th October 2014 • Group A: Respiratory (Dr. Jayasekera) • Group B: Respiratory (Dr O’Shaughnessy) • Groups C & D: Cardiology (Dr Ranjan) • Step 3: • Mid-firm appraisal – ______________ (Events Room) • Step4: • Second firm (+/- anaesthetics) – from 3rd November 2014 • Groups A & B: Cardiology (Dr Ranjan) • Group C: Respiratory (Dr. Jayasekera) • Group D: Respiratory (Dr O’Shaughnessy) • Step 5: • End of firm assessment – 1st & 2nd December 2014 • Remember: • SSC: Submission to medical school by __________ Names of students in each group can be found on the back of this booklet
TIMETABLE - INDUCTION DAY Monday 6th October 2014 Lecture Theatre
Group allocations: Group A PoojaniAjulraja p.arulrajah@smd12.qmul.ac.uk Ramiro D’Abrantes r .dabrantes@smd12.qmul.ac.k Charlotte Francis Pollock c.f.pollock@smd13.qmul.ac.uk Group B Nicholas Harrison n.harrison@smd12.qmul.ac.uk Amy Flora Hearn a.hearn@smd12.qmul.ac.uk Oliver Johnson o.m.h.johnson@smd12.qmul.ac.uk Group C Katie Jane Lock k.lock@smd11.qmul.ac.uk ZanakManoj Mehta z.mehta@smd12.qmul.ac.uk Amit Mahinder Gupta a.m.gupta@smd12.qmul.ac.uk Group D Leanna Ruprai l.ruprai@smd12.qmul.ac.uk PrasanthSritharan p.sritharan@smd12.qmul.ac.uk Suzanne Tween s.tween@smd13.qmul.ac.uk
CR3 Firm Allocations 6th October – 3rd November: Groups A - Respiratory (Dr. Jayasekera) Group B – Respiratory (Dr. O’Shaughnessy) Group C & Group D – Cardiology (Dr. Ranjan) 3rd November – 5th December: Groups A & B – Cardiology (Dr. Ranjan) Group C - Respiratory (Dr. Jayasekera) Group D – Respiratory (Dr. O’Shaughnessy)
Anaesthetics Placements These placements last for 1 week and are allocated as follows: On the first morning of your Anaesthetics placement please attend the Anaesthetics department at 9am to meet Dr Mohr, Anaesthetics consultant. You will be given a timetable for your placement at this point.
Bedside Teaching Timetable It is your responsibility to identify suitable patients, and ask their consent to be examined PRIOR to the bedside teaching sessions. Please report to the Teaching Fellow Office on the ground floor of the Education Centre at your allotted time.
PBL Timetable Any amendments to this timetable will be posted on the notice board, and tweeted (@newhameducation). Please check both daily for changes.
3rd Year Generic Topic Teaching Time-table It is mandatory to attend all generic topic teaching sessions. Please check the notice board and Twitter (@newhameducation) for any updates
3rd Year Clinical Skills Teaching sessions All sessions delivered in the clinical skills suite, first floor education centre Please note there is only session per skill. Hence attendance to all sessions is mandatory Please check the notice board and Twitter (@newhameducation) for the Clinical Skills Teaching timetable
GP Placements Placement Dates Students 1-8:Students 9-12: Thursday 16th Oct Thursday 13th Nov Thursday 23rd Oct Thursday 20th Nov Thursday 30th Oct Thursday 27th Nov Thursday 6th Nov Thursday 4th Dec
ASSESSMENT • The end of firm sign off in your medical school log book will be done by Dr Ranjan. This assessment will be based on the following: • Attendance and performance within each firm, as assessed by the Consultant for that firm – assessment forms for each of your 3 placements (Cardiology, Respiratory, Anaesthetics) have been provided at the end of this handbook, and should be signed by the appropriate consultant at the end of your attachment with their firm. • Medical School log books – you should have histories, clinical examinations etc signed off as detailed in the log book. • Attendance and performance at teaching sessions. • Written clerkings. • Professionalism and conduct. • End of firm assessment performance: • Data interpretation exam • Clinical examination OSCE • Clinical skills OSCE
NEWHAM ASSESSMENT FORM 1 Student name………………….. Speciality CARDIOLOGY Dates…………………………. to ………………………………….. Circle the appropriate grades below (Commendation/Pass/Fail): Attendance C P F Knowledge C P F Examination skills C P F Practical skills C P F Clinical reasoning C P F Professionalism Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Overall grade: Commendation Pass Fail General comments. Please comment on any favourable areas, or areas to which the student should be asked to pay special attention. A comment must be entered for all failed students. Name of assessor............................................. Date………………… Signature of assessor…………………………………………………………….. Signature of student…………………………….. Date………………….
NEWHAM ASSESSMENT FORM 2 Student name………………….. Speciality RESPIRATORY Dates…………………………. to ………………………………….. Circle the appropriate grades below (Commendation/Pass/Fail): Attendance C P F Knowledge C P F Examination skills C P F Practical skills C P F Clinical reasoning C P F Professionalism Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Overall grade: Commendation Pass Fail General comments. Please comment on any favourable areas, or areas to which the student should be asked to pay special attention. A comment must be entered for all failed students. Name of assessor............................................. Date………………… Signature of assessor…………………………………………………………….. Signature of student…………………………….. Date………………….
NEWHAM ASSESSMENT FORM 3 Student name………………….. Speciality ANAESTHETICS Dates…………………………. to ………………………………….. Circle the appropriate grades below (Commendation/Pass/Fail): Attendance C P F Knowledge C P F Examination skills C P F Practical skills C P F Clinical reasoning C P F Professionalism Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Overall grade: Commendation Pass Fail General comments. Please comment on any favourable areas, or areas to which the student should be asked to pay special attention. A comment must be entered for all failed students. Name of assessor............................................. Date………………… Signature of assessor…………………………………………………………….. Signature of student…………………………….. Date………………….
Appendix A On Call Reflective Practice Diaries
Appendix A On Call Reflective Practice Diaries
Appendix A On Call Reflective Practice Diaries
Appendix A On Call Reflective Practice Diaries
Appendix B • Medical Student Worksheet (Post Take WR)