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The Graph Query Language

Heritage Style Viewgraphs. 2. Team Members. Wayne BetheaJim Cavanaugh Clay FinkPaul FrankJohn GershElisabeth ImmerRoger Remington. Heritage Style Viewgraphs. 3. Outline. Goals

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The Graph Query Language

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    1. The Graph Query Language David Silberberg The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory July 18, 2006

    2. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 2 Team Members Wayne Bethea Jim Cavanaugh Clay Fink Paul Frank John Gersh Elisabeth Immer Roger Remington

    3. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 3 Outline Goals & Example Scenario Related Work and Key Features of GQL Graph Model and Query Language Computational Complexity of Query Execution Future Directions

    4. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 4 Goals of the Graph Query Language (GQL) Project To introduce a new approach to graph query languages for graph analysis Enable graph analysts to perform semantic search and iterative analysis over large graphs in a scalable fashion Seamlessly integrate graph analysis functions into the graph query language To quantify the scalability of this type of language To use ontologies to enrich graph querying

    5. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 5 Example Scenario Farmer Jones' lettuce crop did well this year, but few other farmers did well. Why? First, find Farmer Jones.

    6. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 6 Example Scenario Rabbits usually eat lettuce. Let's find the rabbits that ate Farmer Jones' lettuce.

    7. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 7 Example Scenario Let's look at all the farmers, and their locations, whose lettuce was eaten by fewer than 5 rabbits.

    8. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 8 Example Scenario What commonalities do the farmers have with each other and with the rabbits?

    9. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 9 Graph Interaction Methods Graph Analysis is a process of both browsing and searching elements of the graph Browsing One-step-at-a-time graph navigation One-operation-at-a-time graph algorithms Searching Several-steps-at-a-time graph navigation The steps can include one or more graph algorithms GQL is a declarative graph query language for searching!

    10. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 10 Outline Goals & Example Scenario Related Work and Key Features of GQL Graph Model and Query Language Computational Complexity of Query Execution Future Directions

    11. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 11 Related Work Four categories of graph query languages Knowledge base (subject-predicate-object) query languages SPARQL, RQL, RAL, RDF Query Language Graph reasoning query languages OWL-QL, GraphLog, Query and Inference Service for RDF Query languages with graph operators GOQL GRAM Graphical user interface query language QGRAPH

    12. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 12 Key Features of GQL Graph Paradigm Syntax, operators and results use the graph paradigm Returns a single graph or a set of graphs (not tables or XML files) to support analysis of large graphs Facilitates iterative graph querying Semantic Graph Query Schema-based Can be extended to utilize ontology-based inference Graph Exploration Wildcard searches Query over patterns

    13. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 13 Key Features of GQL (continued) Expressivity Composite entities New graph construction of results Universal and existential quantification Analysis support Hypothesis expressions Special graph functions (Shortest Path, Adjacent Vertices, etc.) Aggregation functions (count, sum, average, min, max) Set aggregation functions (union, intersection, difference)

    14. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 14 Outline Goals & Example Scenario Related Work and Key Features of GQL Graph Model and Query Language Computational Complexity of Query Execution Future Directions

    15. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 15 Graph Data Models Simple model Vertices – usually represent concepts or objects Edges – usually represent relationships between vertices Properties – attributes of objects or relationships Represent highly-connected information such as Social networks Knowledge bases Disciplines that use graphs Link mining analysis Semantic Web Bioinformatics

    16. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 16 Example Graph Model Graph Schema Data Graph

    17. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 17 GQL Operators - Overview Basic Syntax SUBGRAPH clause Finds a subgraph in the source graph CONSTRAINT clause Filters the subgraph based on property constraints RETURN clause Describes the resulting graph or sets of graphs to return Syntax for analysis ASSUME clause Supports hypothesis statements PATTERN clause Defines search patterns

    18. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 18 Basic GQL Operators Subgraph Template Operators – SUBGRAPH clause Conjunctions and disjunctions of path-segment operators Hierarchy operators (for composite vertices) Constraint Operators – CONSTRAINT clause Standard first-order logic Conjunctions, disjunctions and negations as well as universal and existential quantification of predicates. Projection Operators – RETURN clause Constructs the result graph(s) Path segment operator Hierarchy operator (for composite vertices) Present results as a set of graphs Edge expansion operator Common join operator

    19. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 19 Simple Query SUBGRAPH Fox Chases Rabbit AND Fox Eats Rabbit CONSTRAINT Chases.Time < Eats.Time RETURN Fox Chases Rabbit AND Fox Eats Rabbit

    20. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 20 New Result Graph Structure Query SUBGRAPH Fox Eats Rabbit AND Rabbit Eats Lettuce RETURN Fox new(Ingests) Lettuce

    21. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 21 Aliasing SUBGRAPH Fox ALIAS ChasingFox Chases Rabbit AND Fox ALIAS EatingFox Eats Rabbit CONSTRAINT ChasingFox.name <> EatingFox.name RETURN ChasingFox Chases Rabbit AND EatingFox Eats Rabbit If our graph had an additional edge in which George Fox chased Jack Rabbit at 8 a.m., the result would look like:

    22. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 22 Wildcard Queries SUBGRAPH Fox * ALIAS InterestingEdge Rabbit RETURN Fox InterestingEdge Rabbit

    23. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 23 Composite Vertices Composite vertices Composed of vertices and edges Contained vertices can be composite as well

    24. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 24 Composite Vertex Queries - continued SUBGRAPH HuntingEvent OccuredAt Place AND HuntingEvent DIRECTLY CONTAINS Rabbit AND Rabbit Eats Lettuce CONSTRAINT Place.name = ‘Smith Game Park’ RETURN Rabbit Eats Lettuce

    25. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 25 Patterns Pattern Definition Assigns names to interesting graph patterns Can be used in multiple queries PATTERN Predator (Fox new(PreysUpon) Rabbit) = SUBGRAPH Fox Chases Rabbit AND Fox Eats Rabbit CONSTRAINT Chases.time < Eats.time RETURN Fox new(PreysUpon) Rabbit

    26. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 26 Pattern Use Query: SUBGRAPH Predator(Fox PreysUpon Rabbit) AND Rabbit Eats Lettuce RETURN Fox new(Ingests) Lettuce Is evaluated as if it were: SUBGRAPH Fox Chases Rabbit AND Fox Eats Rabbit AND Rabbit Eats Lettuce CONSTRAINT Chases.time < Eats.time RETURN Fox new(Ingests) Lettuce

    27. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 27 Hypothesis Expressions Enables queries on hypothetical data SUBGRAPH Fox Chases Rabbit AND Fox Eats Rabbit AND Rabbit Eats Lettuce CONSTRAINT Chases.time < ‘8am’ RETURN Fox new(Ingests) Lettuce ASSUME EDGE Chases [NEW time = ‘7am’] FROM Fox[CONSTRAINT name= ‘Fred’] TO Rabbit[CONSTRAINT name= ‘Jack’]

    28. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 28 Special Graph Operator Queries Shortest Path SUBGRAPH GameWarden Chases Fox AND ShortestPath(Fox, Rabbit) ALIAS SP_alias AND Rabbit Eats Lettuce RETURN GameWarden Chases Fox AND SP_alias AND Rabbit Eats Lettuce Adjacent Vertices SUBGRAPH AdjacentVertices(Rabbit) ALIAS AV_alias CONSTRAINT count_edges(Rabbit) > 10 RETURN AV_alias

    29. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 29 Returning a Set of Graphs Can be done with edge expansion or joins in the RETURN clause Can be seamlessly integrated with non-graph expansion expressions Any query can be returned as a set of graphs if desired SUBGRAPH Fox Chases Rabbit RETURN Fox Chases# Rabbit

    30. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 30 Outline Goals & Example Scenario Related Work and Key Features of GQL Graph Model and Query Language Computational Complexity of Query Execution Future Directions

    31. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 31 Query Optimization Query execution time is the key to success for any query language – GQL is no exception Our approach Address query optimization on a per path-segment basis Address path-segment ordering Address the management of large amounts of intermediate results of a query Our efforts so far Addressed per path-segment optimization Started to address path-segment ordering Have not yet addressed the management of large amounts of intermediate results

    32. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 32 Query Optimization Query plan representations are used to define query execution plans Query plan representations are manipulated to optimize the query execution time Via laws of graph algebra Via graph statistics to estimate query costs for each operation Query optimizer determines The best algorithm to execute each operation The best operation ordering to optimize overall query execution time

    33. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 33 Query Planning and Optimization Query planning process determines the operators required to solve a query Query optimization process determines the most efficient way to: Execute query operators Order the execution of query operators Heuristics have been identified to implement query planning and optimization based on statistical analysis

    34. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 34 Graph Statistics Estimating costs requires statistical knowledge of the graph We estimate the cost of the path segment operator One of the most common and costly operations Statistics that we initially considered useful: Vertex Cardinality: The number of vertices of type v is count(v) or just V. Vertex Edge Set Cardinality: The total number of edges e that emanate from all vertices of type v is count(ev) or just EV. Edge Cardinality: The number of edges of type e is count(e) or just E. Edge Distribution: The number of different vertex type pairs that edges of type e connect of just ED. Selectivity Factor: The percentage of vertices or edges that match a property constraint is sel(?), where ? is the property constraint. Uniformity assumption Independence assumption

    35. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 35 Path Segment – Vertex Search, No Indices Algorithm Iterate through a set of vertices of type v in O(V) time For each vertex, iterate through its edge list to find edges of type e in O(EV/V) time Follow the edge to vertex w in constant time Execution time is O(V*(EV/V)) = O(EV)

    36. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 36 Path Segment – Indices on Vertex Edge Set

    37. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 37 Path Segment – Edge Indices, Constraint Beneficial when the query includes a constraint ?v on an indexed property of vertices of type v Vertex edge sets are indexed as well Algorithm Logarithmic-time search through the indexed properties ?v in time O(log(V)) Iterate through vertices (collocated in the index) that satisfy the constraint in time O(sel(?v)*V) Performs a logarithmic-time search on the edges of each matching vertex in time O(log(EV/V)) Iterate through the matching edges in time O(E/EDV) Execution time is O(log(V) + (sel(?v)*V*(log(EV/V) + E/EDV)) ) = O(log(V) + sel(?v)*V*log(EV/V) + sel(?v)*E/ED) If sel(?v) ? 0, the dominant factor is the search for vertices or O(log(V)) If the selectivity factor is higher, the execution time approaches the times of the previous slide

    38. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 38 Path Segment – Edge Search, No Indices Algorithm Iterate over edge types e and select those that connect v to w in time O(E) Find the corresponding vertices in constant time Execution time is O(E)

    39. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 39 Path Segment – Edge Search, Constraint Beneficial when the query statement includes a constraint ?e on an indexed property of edges of type e Algorithm Performs a logarithmic-time search through properties to find the first matching edge in time O(log(E)) Performs a linear search through all subsequent matching edges in time O(sel(?e)*E) Find both vertices attached to each edge in constant time Execution time is O(log(E) + sel(?e)*E) If sel(?e) ? 0, the algorithm tends to an execution time of O(log(E)) Otherwise, the algorithm tends to an execution time of O(E)

    40. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 40 Varying Number of Vertices per Vertex Type

    41. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 41 Varying Number of Edges per Vertex

    42. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 42 Varying Edge Types with Constraints

    43. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 43 Path Segment Ordering Assume the following query SUBGRAPH Fox Chases Rabbit AND Rabbit Eats Lettuce CONSTRAINT Rabbit.age < 3 RETURN Fox new(Ingests) Lettuce Query processing produces the following query execution plan

    44. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 44 Path Segment Execution Order Choice Which is more efficient?

    45. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 45 Execution Order Heuristics In simple terms Identify the path segment operation that promises to return the least number of results Then identify the next operation that promises to return the next least number of results It is actually more complicated than this Need to search an exponential number of orderings to find the most efficient ordering Heuristics can make this search tractable

    46. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 46 Path-Segment Ordering Metric Order the path segment operators to return the fewest results Rough heuristic: If predicates ?v, ?e, and ?w are applied to V, E and W respectively Start with V and use selectivity factors to estimate execution time Execution time is: V * sel(?v) * (E/EDV) * sel(?e) * (WED/E) * sel(?w) Or, sel(?v) * sel(?e) * sel(?w) * W Use this formula to determine whether Fox Chases Rabbit should precede or follow Rabbit Eats Lettuce

    47. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 47 Outline Goals & Example Scenario Related Work and Key Features of GQL Graph Model and Query Language Computational Complexity of Query Execution Future Directions

    48. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 48 Future Work Create an operational prototype of a Graph Query Language system Continue to address query optimization issues Use ontologies to enrich graph queries Address language issues Define the query execution process Inferences Ontology to graph mappings Tie GQL to a graphical interface Enables analysts to express queries through graphical means Can leverage several technologies (QGraph, Conceptual Graphs, etc.) Augment GQL to include Uncertainty, Geospatial and Temporal operators and data structures

    49. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 49 Backups

    50. Heritage Style Viewgraphs 50 Costs of Various Path Strategies Search by Vertex Type Plain: O(EV) With indexed Edges: O(V*log(EV/V) + E/ED) If ED ? E (i.e., one edge of type e emanates from each v), then the algorithm tends to operate in time O(V*log(EV/V)) If ED ? E and EV ?V, the algorithm tends operate in time O(V) If ED ? E and EV?>> V, the algorithm tends to operate in time O(V*log(EV)) If ED >> E, then the algorithm tends to operate in time O(E/ED) With indexed Properties and Edges: O(log(V) + sel(?v)*V*log(EV/V) + sel(?v)*E/ED) If sel(?v) ? 0, the dominant factor is the search for vertices or O(log(V)) Otherwise, the execution time approaches the times of the previous strategy Search by Edge Type Plain: O(E) Since EVW ? EV, the execution time is at least as fast as that of the first algorithm With indexed Properties: O(log(E) + sel(?e)*E) If sel(?e) ? 0, the algorithm tends to an execution time of O(log(E)) Otherwise, the algorithm tends to an execution time of O(E)

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