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ERP Evaluation Services

ERP Evaluation Services. Table of Contents. About TPN Why TPN ERP Evaluation Methodology ERP Evaluation Criteria ERP Evaluation Process Timelines Summary. Why TPN. Global Presence & Global experience Middle East presence & focus Expertise in ERP ERP Advisory Services

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ERP Evaluation Services

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  1. ERP Evaluation Services

  2. Table of Contents • About TPN • Why TPN • ERP Evaluation Methodology • ERP Evaluation Criteria • ERP Evaluation Process • Timelines • Summary

  3. Why TPN • Global Presence & Global experience • Middle East presence & focus • Expertise in ERP • ERP Advisory Services • SAP, JDE, Oracle, Peoplesoft, Navison implementation services & support services • Cost effective ERP solutions & highly satisfied global customers • Value Base methodology for Delivering Customer Value • Consultants with excellent delivery capabilities

  4. Methodology • Our Value Base methodology delivers Customer value • We follow proven delivery methodologies

  5. Our ERP Evaluation Methodology • Finalize Key evaluation criteria • Analysis of Present & projected requirements • Redefine the processes • Finalize Functional Requirements • Shortlist betrween JDE and EMS • Evaluate • Recommend

  6. ERP Evaluation Criteria • Major Criteria • Functional Evaluation • Vendor Evaluation • TOC & ROI evaluations

  7. Evaluation Process Steps • Arrive at Evaluation Criteria, Tools, Processes • Arrive at Functional Requirements • Arrive at Technical Requirements • Evaluate & Shortlist 2- ERPs which meet Functional & Technical requirements • For each shortlisted ERP • Collect Information of Product functionality, Cost • Collect Technical info • Collect Vendor Info • Evaluate results using evaluation criteria • Compare & Present the Findings

  8. Define Evaluation Criteria • The key criteria & Weightages to be assigned to them are to be arrived at in discussions with Client, such as • Functional Criteria including Legal requirements • Technical Criteria • Vendor Characteristics criteria • Cost-Effectiveness criteria • Maintainability, Upgradeability of solution, ease of Integration, ease of change … • Installed base feedback & Perception etc

  9. Arrive at Tools & Processes • Discuss & finalise • Tools for Data Collection, data Analysis, Documentation, Comparison • Processes for Project Management, Interaction, recording of results and verification, presentation etc. • Some steps and processes may involve subjective information – arrive at mechanisms to remove bias • Risk Assessment & Management tools

  10. Arrive at Functional Requirements • Study & Analysis of the current systems and documenting the processes • Needs Analysis – using growth projections & other requirements (Technical & Functional) • Market Trend Analysis for the sectors of Business & assessment of Technical & Functional Impact • Best Practices Analysis and adoption

  11. Arrive at Technical Requirements • Visualize & Analyze the Ideal Usage scenarios and arrive at usage of Technical Components like • Hardware sizing • Hand-held devices • Connectivity • Integration areas if applicable

  12. Shortlisting ERPs • Based on the Functional & Technical Requirements, top ERPs best meeting Functional & Technical requirements to be shortlisted. • Reduce the shortlist to 2 ERP solutions based on key evaluation criteria • Use Analyst Information to recommend the best ERP solution based on Industry, User Perception etc

  13. ERP – Functional Evaluation • Coverage of Functional areas & sub-areas • How well the functional requirements are covered with respect to the processes • Ease of use • Security features for access, data, transaction etc • Ease of change of processes • Ease of Integration, wherever required • Support for Local requirements & Legal Changes • Support for Pervasive devices, wherever required

  14. ERP Technical Evaluation • Architecture & ease of adoption • Support for Web-Services • Conformity to International Standards & Open Standards • Security features • Ease of Integration • Use of Technology endorsed by big players

  15. ERP Vendor Evaluation • Standing of Vendor in Gartner ERP Magic Quadrant / similar rankings • Technology Adoption Index of Vendors • Financial Standing of Vendor • Investments in R&D • Partnering model and capability to expand product capability through complementary products

  16. TCO Analysis Product Cost Implementation cost Rollout cost Support Cost Operations cost Upgrade Cost Integration Cost Cost of enhancements & Modifications Continuous training costs ROI Analysis Tangible Benefits Direct Benefits Indirect Benefits Intangible Benefits Direct & Indirect ERP TCO & ROI Evaluation

  17. Comparison of ERPs • Compare the ERP solutions based on : • the agreed criteria broken up into many finer aspects/ sub-areas (Functional, Technical Coverage & other criteria). Assign a grade on a 10 point scale • Assign Weightages to each criteria • Arrive at the Weighted cores and Weighted Averages for each Criteria • Arrive at a Relative ranking, based on the above Weighted Averages

  18. Timelines • Overall timeframe: 4 weeks • Project Preparation : 1 week • Initial Study of Altek: 2 weeks • Discussion & finalization of processes: 1 week • Shortlisting ERP Solutions: 1 week • Evaluation of ERP Solutions: 1 week • Final Presentation: Some of these processes would overlap to reduce elapsed time

  19. Project Phasing Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Project Preparation 1 wk Study of BP 2 wks Process Finalization 1 wk 1 wk ERP Shortlisting 1 wk ERP Evaluation ERP Recommendation 1 wk

  20. Resource Deployment Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Project Preparation 1 wk PM + PL + 4 Analysts Study of BP 2 wks PM + PL + 4 Analysts PM + PL + 4 Analysts Process Finalization 1 wk 1 wk PM + PL + 4 Analysts ERP Shortlisting 1 wk PM + PL + 4 Analysts ERP Evaluation PM + PL + 4 Analysts ERP Recommendation 1 wk

  21. Summary • TPN has proven expertise in delivering value in its ERP Advisory & ERP Implementation Services • TPN has a global presence including focused operations in Middle East • With its cost-effective delivery capabilities, TPN has emerged as one of the leading & dependable ERP services Organization worldwide Together we deliver excellence !

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