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WHAT IS TOPS?. Thermoflow, Inc. TOPS stands for Thermoflow’s Optimization System and is a general purpose optimizer for use with Thermoflow’s core programs. TOPS runs from inside the MS Excel environment just like ELINK.
WHAT IS TOPS? Thermoflow, Inc. TOPS stands for Thermoflow’s Optimization System and is a general purpose optimizer for use with Thermoflow’s core programs. TOPS runs from inside the MS Excel environment just like ELINK. • TOPS helps you optimize power plant design by finding the set of design parameters that maximizes Return on Investment (ROI), or Net Present Value (NPV), or provides highest efficiency. • TOPS helps you optimize plant operation by finding equipment loads that maximize profit, or minimize fuel consumption, or maximize dispatch.
Base Case You create the TOPS Base Case in any of Thermoflow’s main programs, GT PRO, STEAMPRO, GT MASTER, STEAM MASTER, or THERMOFLEX. TOPS lets you input values for any program inputs, such as ambient condition, and letsyou choose any other inputs for TOPS to automatically adjust, such as equipment loads.You can choose any core program outputs to use in your optimization function, such asnet power, total heat input, etc.
New TOPS Workbook Thermoflow-TOPS menuin Excel gives access to allfunctions. You begin by loading anexisting file created withany of Thermoflow’s coreprograms.
Inputs with known values Some core model inputshave known values thatyou enter. Examples areambient temperature,known design parameters,limits on permissibleequipment loading, etc.These inputs are set by the user and not adjusted during the optimization calculation. Virtually any core programinput can be set from withinExcel. Inputs are listed in a treestructure that follows themenu structure in the coreprogram.
Inputs with unknown values Some core model inputs haveunknown values that TOPS willfind for you. Starting from an initialguess, and working in a specified range,TOPS calculates values for these inputsthat maximize (or minimize) yourobjective function. Examples are equipment designparameters for optimized plant design,or equipment load levels for optimizingplant operation.
Outputs for Optimization Finally, you choose the core programoutput variables you want to includein the function to optimize. You canchoose any program outputs that youcould review using the core programitself. To optimize plant operation, choosethe net output power, total fuelconsumption as primary values usedin calculating operating profit, acommon function to optimize.
Main Worksheet Model inputs treated as givens have values you specify and are not changed during optimization. Model inputs for TOPS to adjust are those core program inputs that can vary (within specified range) that affect the function to optimize. TOPS finds values for these inputs that maximizes or minimizes your objective function. Model outputs are values calculated by the core program that you use in your function top optimize. You supply a function to optimize using standard Excel features. Here, revenues & expenses are calculated by combining core program performance outputs with prices to find operating profit.
Calculation TOPS runs the calculationengine for the core programfrom Excel. It manages allinput and outputs for youand provides the result backin Excel upon convergence. TOPS uses a well-proven androbust optimization methodcapable of navigating thepotentially non-linear parameterspace defined by your objectivefunction. As TOPS iterates, it displaysprogress in Excel, or it can runin “quiet” mode where it runsin the background. TOPS can be made to runonline by providing inputs toExcel, and by harvesting outputsfrom Excel using a bridge programconnected to the plant’s DCS.
Tabulate Results In this example, TOPS predicts optimized cooling systemoperation. It determines (1) how many circ pumps to run,and (2) how many cooling tower cells to operate. Thebest combination generates maximum operating profit. The core model considers in detail, all the elements thataffect plant performance, such as steam turbine leavingloss, circ pump power, pressure loss in condenser atdifferent cooling flows, and cooling tower fan auxiliary power.
Plot Results In this example, TOPS predicts optimumair-cooled condenser design pressure,the value that maximizes the Net PresentValue (NPV). The core model considers the thermodynamic impact ofreduced condenser pressure, as well as the economicimpact of higher capital cost, given estimates for electricity,fuel, and O&M prices over the plant’s anticipated lifetime.