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3D Shape Information Tag for Recognizing Objects in the Real World

3D Shape Information Tag for Recognizing Objects in the Real World. Yutaka Yanagisawa, Kaoru Hiramatsu, Takashi Hattori, Tatsumi Yamada, and Takeshi Okadome, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation. Background.

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3D Shape Information Tag for Recognizing Objects in the Real World

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  1. 3D Shape Information Tagfor Recognizing Objects in the Real World Yutaka Yanagisawa, Kaoru Hiramatsu, Takashi Hattori, Tatsumi Yamada,and Takeshi Okadome, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation

  2. Background • Specifying the position of an object in real world is one the most significant technologies for ubiquitous application systems. desk stand CRT books PC What is on the desk? Where is my PC? How to search an object in complex real world How many books are there?

  3. Searching Objects andSpatial Queries • In spatial database systems, users can search objects by describing flexible spatial queries. • Spatial databases can retrieve objects based on the geometrical relations between objects’ shapes applied to … A What is on A? How many boxes are there? What is on the desk? How many books are there? Requirements: HOW TO GET Position: p = <x,y,z> Direction: d = <u,v,w> (Rotation) Shape: P (is a set of polygons)

  4. Image-based Systems • Specify object position and direction by matching camera image with pre-captured 3D shape information of the object. • Advantage: • Highly accurate tracking • Disadvantages: • Too expensive to match images with shape data • Tracks only one object • Weakness for noise. Captured Image Shape Data Comparing and extractionthe object from the image Detected Object

  5. Tag-based Systems • Specify position and direction of a tag attached to an object using a microwave- or supersonic-based device to specify object position. • Advantages: • Cheaper than image-based systems • Simultaneous multiple object tracking. • Disadvantage: • No shape data Detecting a tag andspecifying the position of the tag

  6. Our Work • We propose a method to search objects in real world using spatial database system. • Our basic idea introduces 3D Shape information Tag (3DS-tag), which has an object’s shape information, into the tag-based tracking system. A 3DS-tag Shape Information

  7. 3DS-tag: 3D Shape Information Tag • Object’s shape information is captured and registered to a tag before the searching process. • As a set of polygons: P = {p1, …, pn} • Tag also has the tag’s pre-captured position p=<x,y,z> and direction d=<u,v,w> on the object’s coordinate system. p = <x,y,z>, d = <u,v,w> z w (yaw) y Captured Shape P x v (pitch) u (rotation)

  8. 3DS-tag: 3D Shape Information Tag • In tracking process, system specifies tag position p’ = <x’,y’,z’> and direction d’=<u’,v’,w’> on global coordinate system. • The searching system can estimate the situation of the object using the position and shape data. z On global coordinate system .. p = <x’,y’,z’> d = <u’,v’,w’> y position, direction, and shape x The system can estimate the situation of the object

  9. System Overview • Our proposed system is composed of 3DS-tags and the following two sub-systems: • [Capturing System] • Shape Capturing: capturing shape P and the tag’s position p and d • [Searching System] • Sensor module: specifying p’ and d’ • Recognition / Searching module searching object using spatial queries • Spatial Database module: storing shape data P, p, and d,retrieving data required by spatial queries

  10. Capturing System • This system captures 3D shape data P of an object and write the data into a tag (or database system). • Also the system specifies position p and direction d of a tag attached to object on the object’s coordinate system. Laser Scanner Shape Data P z Tag Sensor Spatial Database p, d, andtag’s ID number y x Laser Scanner Laser Scanner

  11. Searching System • After the system specifies p’, d’ and ID number of each tag, the system require shape data to database. • The system tries to recognize the situation of detected objects using position, direction, and shape data. z Users x y spatial queries detecting tags Recognition module x y estimation of objects’ situation Spatial Database

  12. Implementation • We are implementing a searching system using the following products and software: • Recognition module: Implemented on Windows XP using C# Language. • Sensor module: INTERSENSE IS-600 • 3DS-tag: beacons of IS-600 • Database module: PostgreSQL database system • Shape Capturing module: Laser scanner and IS-600

  13. Conclusion • We propose a object searching method that can track the position, direction, and shape of an object, based on 3DS-tags. • Future work: • Implementation of a complete system. • Evaluation of our proposed system by application to practical application systems.

  14. System Overview Capturing System Searching System

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