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ACTS 4: 1-31 Lesson 5. Courage under Fire. Reading Text – Acts 4. 1 - 31. Courage under Fire. The church grew by leaps and bounds. 120 apostles and believers at the beginning. 3,000 on 1 st day of Pentecost, Acts 2:41. 5,000 by Acts 4:4 “More and more men and women” Acts 5:14
ACTS 4: 1-31 Lesson 5 Courage under Fire 03 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang
Reading Text – Acts 4. 1 - 31 Courage under Fire 03 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang
The church grew by leaps and bounds. • 120 apostles and believers at the beginning. • 3,000 on 1st day of Pentecost, Acts 2:41. • 5,000 by Acts 4:4 • “More and more men and women” Acts 5:14 • “The number of disciples increased rapidly, and a large number of priests become obedient to the faith” Acts 6:7
What has been witnessed so far? • Acts 1.3 the visible appearance of Jesus after his death. • Acts 1.9 Jesus ascends to heaven, before their very eyes. • Acts 2.3 The 1st miraculous, visible manifestation of the HolySpirit in tongues of fire. • Acts 2.43 Wonders and signs performed by apostles. • Acts 3. 7-11 Healing of the lame man at the temple gate leaves adeep impression on the whole city. (Acts 4.16-17)
The growth of the early church was enabled by the many miracles performed and displayed to the believers. • Miracles are conspicuous in the books of Acts, they give Christianity a start in the world.
Flying geese make good and easy targets . • Enemy at the gates, • Why? • Peter and John were preaching Jesus. (the Priests were responsible for Jesus’ death). • Peter and John were preaching the resurrection (the Sadducees were against the resurrection) • The last time Peter preached? 3,000 were baptized and added to the church.
The Devil continues to watch and plots. • He is concerned with the growth of the church. • He “ prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” 1 Pet 5.8
Faith of Peter and John vs Faith of the Priests and Sadducees. • Knows core message, know its mission. • Involved the community of believers. • Has a sense of urgency, asks “What will God do through me (us)?” • Forgets core message, inwards looking. • Closed-door decision making, does not empower people to serve God. • No sense of urgency, driven by fear “What will happen to us, what would people think?”
Key Questions Courage under Fire 03 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang
Faith of Peter and John: where did they get their boldness from? Where did they find courage under fire? • They remembered the promises of Jesus. • Luke 12. 11-12 • Luke 21. 12-15. • They were witnesses of Jesus resurrection and ascension. • Faith will grow. ( observe Peter’s transformation from denial to declaration) • They received the Holy Spirit, as promised.
The unity of believers is demonstrated. • They did not pray for things to be easier, they prayed things to be better. • Specifically, they prayed for boldness to speak the word of God. • Boldness • Parrhesia(Greek) • Par (“all”) • Rhesis(“speech”) • Freedom of speech. • Unreservedness of utterance.
The growth of the early church was enabled by the many miracles performed and displayed to the believers. • Miracles are conspicuous in the books of Acts, they give Christianity a start in the world. By the power of the Holy Spirit, confirming the work of God, giving courage to the believers to speak the word boldly.
ACTS 4:32 to 5:11 Lesson 6 How Much Is That Glory In The Window? 10 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang
Reading Text – Acts 4. 32 to 5.11 How Much Is That Glory In The Window? 10 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang
Key Question How Much Is That Glory In The Window? 10 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang