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What is the WRIS?. The Wage Record Interchange System facilitates the interstate exchange of UI wage data for the use of participating states in responding to performance and reporting requirements for programs identified in the Workforce Investment Act and for programs authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act. .
1. The Wage Record Interchange System
Sharing Data and Protecting
2. What is the WRIS? The Wage Record Interchange System facilitates the interstate exchange of UI wage data for the use of participating states in responding to performance and reporting requirements for programs identified in the Workforce Investment Act and for programs authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act.
3. WIA Performance Accountability Report on performance of state and local programs
Certify eligible training providers
Prepare consumer reports on eligible training provider performance
4. The Workforce Investment Act and Data Sharing WIA directs states to use wage data to measure performance of state and local programs and training providers
Directs Secretary of Labor to facilitate interstate exchange of wage data
Provides that any data sharing must be consistent with state law and FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act )
5. WRIS Precedents The INTERSTATE BENEFITS Program
6. Primary State WRIS Concerns Utility of the System
Confidentiality of Data Exchanged Through the System
Cost of the System to the States
7. WRIS Programs - Current WIA Title IB Programs
Dislocated Worker
Wagner-Peyser Programs
8. WRIS Programs – Future Expansion VETS
Title 38
Welfare to Work
Trade Act DOL Grant Programs
Older American Community Service
Migrant Seasonal Farm Worker
Native American
Veterans Workforce Investment
Youth Opportunity
Job Corps
9. What is WRIS Data? WRIS Data includes social security numbers and reported wages of employees and the quarter in which the wages were earned, the name(s), FEIN and industry code of employers (if available) who have reported such wages and the SESA reporting the wages.
WRIS Data also includes duplicate data created from WRIS Data and data extracted or copied from WRIS Data.
10. Inclusion of Federal Wages in WRIS Some WRIS states already receive limited employment and wage information from federal OPM, DOD and Postal Service
NASWA is currently investigating the feasibility of including federal civilian and military employment and wage information in the WRIS for access by all participating states
Representatives of states already participating in the WRIS are assisting with this effort
11. WRIS Data Subjects Customers who have relocated and become employed in another state
Resident Customers employed across state lines
Resident Customers with multiple jobs inside and outside state
13. Distributed Data Base Index Details Identifies those SSNs for which wages have been reported to participating states
File maintained at WRIS Clearinghouse
Contains data for 8 most recent completed quarters of data available to SUIA Is refreshed quarterly by SUIA in accordance with schedule established by Lockheed Martin
Failure to timely provide data to DDBI will preclude PACIA participation for quarterly cycle
14. PACIA Responsibilities Compile WRIS Requests
Process Data from WRIS Results
Prepare WIA Program Assessments and/or Consumer Reports
Assist with Audits/Reports
15. SUIA Responsibilities Process WRIS Requests
Prepare WRIS Replies
Assist with Confidentiality Compliance Audits and WRIS Performance Reports
Help Lockheed Martin Troubleshoot the System
16. Lockheed Martin Duties Assist States with Technical Readiness
Assign WRIS Usernames/Passwords
Operate WRIS Clearinghouse
Troubleshoot the WRIS
Provide States with Ongoing Technical Support
Assist NASWA with Audits/Reports
17. NASWA Responsibilities Administrative Support to States
WRIS Username and Password Process
Confidentiality Compliance Audits
Continuous Improvement of System
Report on System Operation/Value
18. WRIS: System Security Secure Socket Layer Technology
Use of ICON Connection
Limited Employee Access
Password/User IDs
Timely Destruction of WRIS Data
Physical Security of WRIS Hardware/Software
19. The Workforce Investment Act and Data Confidentiality Although the WIA directs states to use wage data to measure performance and directs the Secretary to facilitate the interstate exchange of wage data it also requires that any data sharing must be consistent with state law and FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and prohibits the creation of a
national wage database.
20. Compliance with State Laws Release of personally identifiable data to public employees/agents only
All other releases in aggregate form or with individual consent
Data Sharing Agreement which:
limits access to and disclosure of data
requires physical security of data
notifies employees of confidentiality requirements and penalties for violation
21. WRIS Data Sharing Agreement
Data Sharing Agreement and Operating Plan
Purpose and Legal Authority
Defines Terms
Describes System Operation
Responsibilities of Parties
Restrictions on Use/Disclosure of Data
Security of WRIS Hardware/Software
Boilerplate Provisions
22. Restrictions on Use and Disclosure The PACIA may not request data except for authorized purposes nor disclose WRIS data except to: 1) authorized employees of the PACIA; 2) NASWA and LM for official duties; 3) public auditors in performance of official duties; 4) in the form of reports containing aggregate data only; or 5) to the Secretary in the form of individual records with no identifiers; 6) with informed consent.
23. Compliance with Federal Law Will Not Involve Collection of SSNs
Will Not Impact Rights or Entitlements to Benefits
Involves SSNs Already Known to Parties
Will Not Involve Exchanges Between Federal Agencies
Involves Release of Individual Data to Public Entities Only
Part of a Program of General Public Welfare
24. WIA/FERPA Compatibility Need SSN and Course Information for All Students for Comparison Purposes
Joint DOL and DOE Memorandum
Applies “Financial Aid” Exception to WIA Students and “State Educational Authorities” Exception to All Students
PACIAs Are Only Entities That Can See Individual Data; Aggregate Data May Be Shared With Other Interested Entities
25. How is the WRIS Supported? NASWA recommended permanent federal funding
ETA has committed funding for the system’s fixed costs so long as funds are available for this purpose
26. States Participating in the WRIS
27. % of Civilian/Non-Institutional Employment Captured in the WRIS
28. Florida Wagner-Peyser Test Run DDBI test run of 800,000 SSNs produced wage record matches for 63,000 persons
8% Return Rate
Nearly 65% of all data matches were from non-border states
37% of data matches were from states which were neither border states nor regional neighbors
23,000 wage records were available only through the WRIS
29. A Useful Tool for States While participation in WRIS is voluntary, states are encouraged to use the WRIS to meet data sharing requirements of the WIA and to enhance their reporting for programs under WIA and the Wagner- Peyser Act.
30. Administrative Readiness Steps Review WRIS Data Sharing Agreement and WRIS Operating Plan
Contact NASWA w/Questions or Concerns
SUIA and PACIA Execute Documents
Authorize Employee Users
31. Technical Readiness Steps Contact Lockheed Martin to coordinate SUIA participation
Arrange for DDBI Input
Select Code to Create Responses
State Code
Lockheed Model Code
Finalize Data Exchange Setup
32. CONTACT Information NASWA (Administration/Confidentiality)
Rich Hobbie, rhobbie@naswa.org,
(202) 434-8020
Maria Colavito, mcolavito@aol.com, (518) 489-2019
Lockheed (Technical Operation)
Bill Grier, william.b.grier@lmco.com, (407) 306-7016
Martha Hazelrigg, martha.c.hazelrigg@lmco.com,
(407) 306-7228
33. Additional WRIS Information Information about the WRIS is also available through the WRIS Watch link on the NASWA web site, www.workforceatm.org