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Ch 6, Sec 2 The Age of Railroads

Ch 6, Sec 2 The Age of Railroads. 1. In order to help bring about western settlement and economic development, the Federal Government did what on behalf of railroads? Gave huge land grants to railroad companies Gave huge loans to railroad companies

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Ch 6, Sec 2 The Age of Railroads

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  1. Ch 6, Sec 2The Age of Railroads

  2. 1. In order to help bring about western settlement and economic development, the Federal Government did what on behalf of railroads? • Gave huge land grants to railroad companies • Gave huge loans to railroad companies 2. In 1869, the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads lines met at Promontory, Utah, thus completing what? • A Transcontinental railroad • The Eastern U.S. was now linked by rail with the West Coast

  3. 3. By 1890, the United States had about how many miles of railroad track nationwide? • Over 150,000 miles 4. The Central Pacific Railroad employed thousands of whom? • Chinese immigrants 5. The Union Pacific Railroad employed multitudes of whom? • Irish Immigrants

  4. 6. In 1869, Professor C.F. Dowd proposed that the earth be divided into 24 what? • Time zones 7. Why did he want to do this? • In a world of increasing integration via railroads, steamboats, steamships, and telegraphs, the keeping of time needed to be standardized. Prior to the late-1800s, each area kept its own time standard.

  5. 8. When did railroads go on standardized time zones go into effect in the United States? • November 18, 1883 9. When did the Federal Government officially adopt railroad time for the entire United States? • 1918

  6. 10. The growth of railroads helped the growth of what major things? • Industries • Towns and Cities • New Markets • New Opportunities for many people 11. Because of railroads, Chicago, Illinois became known for its what? • Stockyards (Livestock)

  7. 12. George M. Pullman built a factory for what railroad-related product? • Sleeper Cars 13. Members of The Grange (a farmers’ organization) demanded more government regulation of what industry? • Railroad

  8. 14. In the 1870s, Grangers in agricultural areas convinced several state legislatures of pass laws regulating what? • Railroad rates • In 1877, Munn v. Illinois, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Granger Laws. 15. What was the federal Interstate Commerce Act of 1887? • A federal law requiring federal supervision of railroad rates • It established the Interstate Commerce Commission

  9. 10. What economic catastrophe hurt the railroads in the late 1800s? • The Panic of 1893, a major economic depression 11. By the dawn of the 20th Century, seven large companies controlled what? • About two-thirds of the nation’s railroad tracks.

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