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WRITE to WIN: A Grant Writing Guide

Step-by-step guide on grant applications for research, arts, and community projects. Includes writing tips, proposal essentials, and evaluation strategies. Learn how to secure funding from various sources - government, private foundations, nonprofits. Boost your success with practical advice and examples.

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WRITE to WIN: A Grant Writing Guide

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  1. Why are you here today?

  2. Why are you here today? Because these trees don't exist

  3. Before we go any further, let’s confirm that you possess ... Passion Ambition Intelligence Purpose

  4. Before we go any further, let’s confirm that you possess ... Passion Ambition Intelligence Purpose And aren’t afraid of competition!

  5. WRITE to WIN A Guide to Grants, SURF, and Funding

  6. Grants? Who awards grants? Who receives grants? Where do I find these grants? Local, State, and Federal governments Private, Philanthropic, or Corporate Foundations Non-profit organizations Community-Based Organizations Grants.gov

  7. Uses of Grants Countless projects! Specific research – science, humanities, social sciences, political science, etc. Broad research projects (generally awarded to major organizations to support multiple projects) Arts events Artistic production Historical Conservation Almost anything that you can create

  8. Some Basics Grant –money given to support efforts and projects for the common good: research, artistic creations/productions, restoration, construction, renovation, conservation, etc. Grant Proposal – a formal proposal to a grant-awarding agency requesting funds for a specific project Usually invited by the agency in a “Request for Proposals”

  9. Differences in Writing Style Essays convey ideas to the reader Proposals explain a planned process to the reader If the RFP follows an outllne format, your successful proposal will follow that same format!

  10. Project-Based Proposal Addresses a specific inquiry or concern Limited to a specific time-period Affects a defined location/locations and population Produces specific and measurable outcomes

  11. Time-Honored Truths Every Grant is Unique K.I.S.S. Plan for Everything Write first, ponder later Do it now REVISE! If you run into difficulties, wash, rinse, and repeat!

  12. General Model for Grant Proposals Most grant proposals require: Abstract Narrative Budget Budget Narrative Supporting Documents

  13. Abstract A short description of the proposed project Concisely and explicitly states: Who, What, When, Where, Why, For Whom, How Much Edit it down; keep it short! The abstract is the first thing the reviewer reads; write it first and revise it last!

  14. Narrative The bulk of the writing Each of the following components might be called something different Most grant proposals need each of these

  15. Narrative Narrative contents: Introduction Statement of Need Project Description Dissemination Plan Evaluation Plan Continuation Plan Management Plan Project Time-line Key Personnel

  16. Introduction Overview of sponsoring organization History of project to date Mission/purpose of project Goals objectives, and outcomes of project One sentence summary

  17. Goals/Objectives Goals - an end, getting from the beginning to the end point Objectives - actions taken to reach goals Outcomes - results of reaching the goals Be specific and indicate qualitative measurements for each

  18. Statement of Need Why is this project needed now? Social Problems? Insufficient information? Discovery? Remarkable Opportunity? Whom does the project serve? Use statistics and charts What are standards and common metrics? Use “wow” statements

  19. Project Description Simple description of what you plan to do (CLARITY!) Adhere closely to specified formats Show the beginning, middle, and end Avoid jargon Don't bog things down with too many details Describe research and support that are part of the project, Use “wow” statements

  20. Dissemination Plan Might be called “Outreach” or “Publication” Answers: “How are you going to reach out to your targeted potential users, beneficiaries, and/or audiences?” Update the public on milestones? How will the results be published? Is there a user/public feedback component?

  21. Dissemination Plan Cont. Consider the users or beneficiaries: Age appropriate Language Appropriate Statement of Equal Opportunity Targeted community (geographic, ethnic, cultural, age, professional) Knowledge can’t be used unless it is disseminated

  22. Evaluation Plan Government and academia are obsessed with evaluation – get used to it! Defines metrics and standards Formative evaluations –data collected at regular intervals to achieve immediate feedback on the project Assessment Tool Adjust to insights/discoveries or problems

  23. Evaluation Plan Cont. Summative evaluations – assess the quality and success of the entire project Are goals achieved? Are the planned outcomes reached? Is data collected and preserved? How? Key evaluation points identified Evaluation points are measurable Outcomes and Effects are timed Useful data is measured and preserved

  24. Evaluation Plan Cont. Quantitative Evaluation – based on gathering numerical data from large samples and employing statistical models. Qualitative Evaluation– based on interviews, observations, and interpretation. Mixed Evaluation – employs both Big projects require professional evaluators More Info: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2002/nsf02057/start.htm

  25. Continuation Plan/Sustainability What is the life of the project or research after the grant period? Who will be responsible for continuing improvements? How will funding be maintained?

  26. Management Plan How the project will be guided and operated Management team (charts help!) Explains the responsibilities of key individuals/institutions Outlines basic time frames Complex projects require professional managers

  27. Time-Line Usually a chart Reflects the entire project Start through the end of the project with regular intervals Time Intervals Milestone intervals Funding Intervals

  28. Key Personnel Cites all key personnel and provides their resumes Looks at their qualifications Often the person listed as the project manager is a “visible” personality, not the person who actually manages the program.

  29. Budget The financial plan for spending grant funds Personnel Travel Equipment Supplies Contractual Construction Other/Miscellaneous Direct cost Indirect cost

  30. Budget Narrative/Justification Line by line brief explanation of appropriated funds BUDGET MUST MATCH NARRATIVE – it's a deal breaker if they don't.

  31. Supporting Documents Resumes Strategic Plan Business Plan Financial Audits Letters of Support/Committment Bibliography Letters from Boards

  32. Now, Let's Dive In!

  33. Start with the Request for Proposal (RFP) Read it Re-read it Re-re-read it Follow it strictly The RFP is the guide for your proposal!

  34. Now, Imagine What will this grant look like? How many total pages? What sections are the largest? What information must you acquire? What permissions must you acquire? What kind of resumes do you need? What types of letters of support do you need?

  35. Time to Get Specific What is the purpose of the grant? Look at page 4 of the SURF RFP Your proposal must explicitly meet these purposes

  36. Grant writing is generally black and white. Your proposal should conform with the RPF requirements -- no more, no less If you do less, you are not meeting the terms of the RFP If you do more, even if it would revolutionize the field and the world, cure cancer, end world hunger, bring peace to the middle east, or justify the ways of God to man, you have exceeded the bounds of the RFP Good ideas can be worked into the proposal without detracting from the funding purpose

  37. Organization Based on the purpose statement, you should be able to start conceiving of a way to organize the goals/objectives and narrative outline of your proposal Again: the purpose statement is your guiding principle and the RFP is the map for writing a successful proposal

  38. Now look at the SURF RFPand the SURF Evaluation Sheets

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