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Área de Gestión DGI: Física de Partículas (FPA)

Entidad Solicitante: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) (Departamentos de Física Teórica I y II). Título del Proyecto Coordinado: APLICACIONES DE LAS TEORÍAS EFECTIVAS MODERNAS FPA2011-27853-01, FPA2011-27853-02. Investigador Principal Antonio Dobado.

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Área de Gestión DGI: Física de Partículas (FPA)

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  1. Entidad Solicitante: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) (Departamentos de Física Teórica I y II) Título del Proyecto Coordinado: APLICACIONES DE LAS TEORÍAS EFECTIVAS MODERNAS FPA2011-27853-01, FPA2011-27853-02 Investigador Principal Antonio Dobado Área de Gestión DGI: Física de Partículas (FPA) Área evaluación ANEP: Física y Ciencias del Espacio Clasificación UNESCO: Cosmología, Física Teórica, Física de Altas Energías Tipo: B-Tradicional Duración: 3 años Presentación pública de los proyectos de investigación presentados en la convocatoria del MCI-2011 Programa Nacional de Física de Partículas

  2. The group and previous projects Grown from the research group on Particle Physics and Cosmology in the Complutense University of Madrid, created 12 years ago: EFFECTIVE LAGRANGIANS FOR THE STANDARD MODEL. TXT96-2253 10/12/1996 – 04/12/1997 – 4104 €. (LIBRO) NUEVAS APLICACIONES DE TEORÍAS EFECTIVAS. PB98-0782 01/12/1999 – 01/12/2002 – 18.030,36 €. 2 participants. NUEVAS APLICACIONES DE TEORÍAS EFECTIVAS. BFM2002-01003 01/12/2002 – 14/10/2005 – 30.000 €. 6 participants. APLICACIONES DE LAS TEORÍAS EFECTIVAS EN FÍSICA DE PARTÍCULAS Y COSMOLOGÍA. FPA2005-0237 15/10/2005 – 14/10/2008.. 90.000 €. 9 participants. APLICACIONES DE LAS TEORÍAS EFECTIVAS MODERNAS. FPA2008-00592 151/01/2009 – 31/12/2011.. 168.500 €. 17 participants. Consolidated group with a sustained growth over 12 years Only UCM phenomenology group on Particle Physics and Cosmology in this National Particle Physics Program http://teorica.fis.ucm.es/~PaginaWeb/home.html

  3. The group and previous projects Evolution from 1999: (PB98-0782, BMF2002-01003, FPA2005-023227, UCM/CAM-910309, FPA2008-00529) More than 5300 citations since 1999 More than 7100 citations Financial support ~ 40.000 €/ year

  4. The group and the current project Activities within the current 3-year project (FPA2008-000529) Thesis 4 Defended L. Tabares-Cheluci, J. Beltrán, A. Cruz Dombriz, D. Fernández 1 Presented R. García-Martín 1 to be presented this year: J. Torres-Rincón, L. Prado In progress: G. Ríos, J. Nebreda, J. Ruiz de Elvira, R. Torres, M. García Echevarria, V. Galmmandi Organization of Conferences and Workshops Light quark masses and hadron Physics workshop (UCM 2009) Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IX (UCM, 2010) International Meeting on Fundamental Physics XXXVIII (La Palma 2010) Spanish Relativistic Meeting (UCM 2011)

  5. The Effective Theories in Modern Physics Group is a research group in Theoretical Physics hosted at Complutense University of Madrid, which gathers people from the Theoretical Physics Departments I & II.

  6. Project structure: Two coordinated subprojects corresponding to two departments Theoretical Physics I and II at the UCM Justification for subprojects: The increasing number of participants, belonging to two different departments, complicates the administration of a single project inside our university. The second subproject will increase the influence of our line of research within the Department of Theoretical Physics II regarding university funding, postdocs, tenure track-positions, space, master and PhD teaching programs, etc… Justification for coordination: The history and many common scientific goals, suggest that a coordinated project will optimize common expenses and use of equipment, while maintaining the many interdepartmental collaborations: networks, organization of seminars, conferences and workshops, teaching inside our new master program, thus profiting from the synergies established so far.

  7. Project organization: Project Name: Applications of Modern Effective Theories IP: Antonio Dobado The two members of the original project in 1999, which now belong to different departments, are the IP’s of the coordinated subprojects Subproject I Name: Effective Theories in Particle Physics and Cosmology IP: Antonio Dobado (Departamento de Física Teórica I) Subproject II Name:Hadronic Physics and QCD: From low energies to the LHC IP: José Ramón Peláez (Departamento de Física Teórica II)

  8. Entidad Solicitante: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Departamento de Física Teórica I Title of subproject I: Effective Theories in Particle Physics and Cosmology FPA2011-27853-01 Investigador Principal Antonio Dobado

  9. Proposal:“Effective Theories in Particle Physics and Cosmology” Members The group: 5 participants/ 4 EDP: 4 doctors: A. Dobado, (IP)Catedrático F.J. Llanes Estrada Prof. Titular J.A. Ruiz Cembranos Ramón y Cajal Álvaro de la Cruz Dombriz Prof. Contratado Doctor Simultaneous research and teaching duties 1 student with fellowship: R. M. Torrés Rincón

  10. Proposal:“Effective Theories for Particle Physics and Cosmology” OBJECTIVES Scientific goals In this project we will develope applications of effective theories of the SM and other emergent theories in Particle Physics with special attention to LHC and Cosmology. The reserarch lines are a natural continuation of the projects presented in the last editions. We will articulate the research mainly along the following lines: a) Theoretical studies of proton and heavy ion collisions with applications to the LHC. b) Spectroscopy and hadronic structure. c) High Energy processes beyond the standard model. d) Particle physics in extreme conditions (astrophysics, neutron stars…). e) Cosmology, origin evolution and structure of the Universe (modified gravity).

  11. (1) Be able to compute the charm diffusion coefficient in a pion gas (2) Provide a bound on gluon deconfinement (none exists) based on expt.data (3) Provide some feedback to diffractive studies (4) Work out the consequences of Regge behavior for Generalized Parton Distributions (5) Compute the bulk (or volume) viscosity of a pion gas, and compute also: (6) The thermodynamics of interacting meson gas at low E (7) Three-gauge boson scattering (8) Light by light scattering in the Dyson-Schwinger formulation (9) Provide some theory support to ALICE at LHC (10) Establish whether one should expect rotational bands in Hadrons (11) Provide observables on Insensitivity to Chiral Symmetry Breaking in High Spectrum (12) Obtain the large-Nc composition of the sigma meson in Fock space (13) Obtain and employ Effective Potentials between alpha-particles and for heavy quarks

  12. (14) Recompute odd-spin glueballs on the lattice (15) Study the loss of hadron sphericity in extreme environments (16) Establish viscosity as an estimator of the size of a neutron star's core (17) Give an anthropic bound on mq from Hoyle resonance (18) Perform some review studies of primordial cosmonucleosynthesis (19) Study non-homogeneous condensates (20) Study the multiple solutions of the gap equation. (21) Study the order of symmetry breaking of different groups by fermion condensation (22) Calculate the viscosity of a photon gas (23) Establish the viability of Non-local field theories as dark energy (24) Study the main signatures of the Inert doublet model as dark matter (25) Analyze the cosmological phenomenology of Scalar-tensor theories of gravity (26) Explore the connection between thermodynamics and gravity within the theory of general relativity and beyond

  13. Proposal:”Effective Theories in Particle Physics and Cosmology” Budget proposal Personnel: Salary Complements (5 members, 3 years). 25.200 € Supplies: Office and computer supplies. Small scientific equipment and books: 20.000 € 5.000 € Travel and per diems: To participate in conferences and establish and continue scientific collaborations. The collaboration, diffusion and exchange of ideas and results with the rest of the scientific community is essential for a phenomenological group like ours. 25.000 € TOTAL (3 years):: 85.200 € Varia: Seminar organization, software, unexpected expenses Including Overheads: 103.092 € 10.000 € Execution cost for 3 years Total Execution cost (3 years): 60.000 € Estimated by rescalingthe previous project budget taking into account:5 participants, 4 EDPs and a correction for inflation

  14. Entidad Solicitante: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Departamento de Física Teórica II Title of subproject II: Hadron Physics and QCD: from low energies to LHC FPA2011-27853-02 Investigador Principal José R. Peláez

  15. Members Proposal: “Hadron Physics and QCD: from low energies to LHC” 10 participants, 9 EDP 5 doctors: J.R.Peláez, (IP) Prof. Titular A.Gómez Nicola Prof. Titular I.Scimemi, Ramón y Cajal D. Cabrera Postdoc CPAN D. Fernández Fraile Brookhaven Natl. Lab. (USA) (external=0 EDP) Simultaneous research and teaching duties Relatively young group 5 PhD students: G. Ríos Márquez, J. Nebreda, J. Ruiz de Elvira, M. García Echeverría, R. Torres Andrés

  16. Members Proposal: “Hadron Physics and QCD: from low energies to LHC” All the UCM members of this subproject belong to the Theoretical Physics Department II Research in this department has been traditionally dedicated to Mathematical Physics or Classical Gravity. However, in the department, our group is the second largest with 2/3 of the PhD students (6 in total). This would be the first Particle Physics project here, and will consolidate the group increasing the influence of Particle Physics in this department and the UCM Relevant for university funding, postdocs, positions, teaching programs,etc… It will also ease the administrative burden at the university level.

  17. Members Proposal: “Hadron Physics and QCD: from low energies to LHC” Previously, our research dedication was spreaded in several projects instead of just one J.R. Pelaez and D. Cabrera were: 50% with UCM (IP: A. Dobado) 50% with U. Valencia (IP: E.Oset) A. G. Nicola was: 50% with UCM (IP: A. Dobado) 50% with UCM (IP: R. Fernández Alvarez-Estrada) D. Fernández was: 100% with UCM (IP: R. Fernández Alvarez-Estrada) These projects expire now simultaneously, and some of them are to be extinguished This proposal represents the unification of all our research dedication into a single project based in our own department.

  18. Previous results Other recent related projects (IP: J.R. Peláez), EXPLORA program 2008-2009 “Study of light scalar mesons and their implications on the Anthropic Principle”,designed to explore lines of research. This subproject incorporates the natural continuation of that program Madrid node of the “QCDnet Networking Activity“, under the EuropeanFP7 “Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum QCHS9”- FPA2010-09499-E “Quark masses and Hadron Physics” FPA2008-05287-E/FPA Despite being relatively young, all our papers listed in SPIRES/SLAC have received more than 3900 citations 1 “famous”, 8 “Very well known” and 7 “Well Known” papers for a total of ore than 130 published papers

  19. Proposal: “Hadron Physics and QCD: from low energies to LHC” Budget proposal 3.9.2. Small scientific equipment (hardware & software) & books: 36000 € 3.9.3. Supplies: Office and computer supplies. 10500 € 3.9.4. Travel and per diems: To participate in conferences and establish and continue scientific collaborations. The collaboration, diffusion and exchange of ideas and results with the rest of the scientific community is essential for a phenomenological group like ours. 94500 € 150000 € TOTAL (3 years): 9000 € 3.9.5. Varia: Seminar organization, software, unexpected expenses Execution cost for 3 years (10 people) 4000 €/yr per UCM doctor, 3000 €/yr non-UCM doctor, 1500 €/yr students. 5000 for guests/invitations Roughly corresponds to a rescalingthe previous project budget, according to the new number of partcipants

  20. Proposal: “Hadron Physics and QCD: from low energies to LHC” Budget proposal TOTAL (3 years):: 214700 € Including Overheads: 45.087 € 150000 € Total Execution cost (3 years): 3.9.1. Personnel: Cofinancing the CPAN postdoc of D. Cabrera (1 yr) Salary Complements (10 members, 3 years). 8000 € 56700 € The formative capacity of the group is very high: PhD students/doctor ratio= 1. In order to keep our high formative capacity, we are also applying for the Program for Formation of Researchers (FPI) asking for ONE FPI fellowship for a PhD student

  21. Proposal: “Hadron Physics and QCD: from low energies to LHC” Scientific Goals Five lines of research: 1) Light Quarks: Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) 2) Hadron Spectroscopy and Unitarized ChPT. Includes continuation of EXPLORA. Coordinated with the other subproject 3) Data analysis and spectroscopic interpretation using analytic and dispersive methods 4) Hadrons, chiral symmetry and QGP dynamics: applications in Heavy Ion Collisions and Nuclear Matter. Coordinated with the other subproject 5) Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) and Perturbative QCD Our group has a wide experience in these topics, with more than 130 published papers and more than 3900 citations according to SPIRES/SLAC

  22. Proposal: “Hadron Physics and QCD: from low energies to LHC” Summary This proposal unifies all the Particle Physics research of all the members of the Theoretical Physics Department II at the UCM, previously spreaded in three different projects Realistic budget. Rescaled fromprevious project budget according to 10 members and 9 EDP’s Execution costs (3 years): 150000 € The group has a wide experience in these topics backed by more than 130 publications and more than 3900 citations (according to SLAC/SPIRES) The results of the group have met very well the scientific expectations advanced in previous projects The scientific proposal combine some realistic and feasible objectives with other more ambitious proposals, including new lines of research. All of them within areas of active worldwide research.

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