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Empower Students with Love and Logic: Classroom Management Philosophy

Love and Logic philosophy enables teachers to create consistent, supportive, and empowering classrooms where students learn from their mistakes and understand consequences. Explore techniques, principles, and research supporting Love and Logic implementation.

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Empower Students with Love and Logic: Classroom Management Philosophy

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  1. Classroom Management with: Love and Logic

  2. What is Love and Logic? Love and Logic is the philosophy of classroom management, which allows teachers to become “happier, empowered, and more skilled” in their interactions with students. The goal for all Love and Logic classrooms is an environment of consistency of values, which is much easier to obtain than consistency between students, situations, and consequences.

  3. The Parts of Love and Logic Love: allows the students to grow and learn from their mistakes Logic: allows the students to understand and live with the consequences of their mistakes Together: Love and Logic puts teachers in control and teaches the students to be responsible, and prepares them to live in the real-world of choices and consequences.

  4. Practices of Love and Logic • Read and re-read all you can about Love and Logic. Over-learning the techniques is recommended. • Obtain a copy of the Creating Your School’s Core Beliefs worksheet. Pick 5-7 of the ideas to adapt for your classroom and to guide your disciplinary practices. • Start slow. Pick one or two techniques and start to experiment in your classroom. • After you’ve experimented with those, pick one or two more and repeat the process.

  5. Practices of Love and Logic Cont • Make sure to use “Enforceable Statements” • Once you have a plan in place for you classroom, give a copy to each of your student’s parents so they understand your policies. • Post a list of expectations and describe to your students how the classroom will be run. • Do not warn students of specific consequences in advance!

  6. Anticipatory Consequences • Do not give consequences when you’re angry. • Show sadness or empathy before giving consequences. • If you don’t know what to do, delay consequences until you have thought about it or conferred with others. (Delisio, 2008)

  7. Anticipatory Consequences • Example: Say something like, “Oh, no. This is so sad. I’m going to have to do something about this! But not now… later. Try not to worry about it.” • Allows teacher time to confer with others and to make sure consequences can be enforced. • Gives student time to think about the possible consequences. (Delisio, 2008)

  8. Curriculum Research Statement on Love and Logic website: “Although there has been limited empirical research conducted on these programs, the studies do show evidence that support (sic) using Love and Logic techniques. Love and Logic does not currently have any studies published in academic journals, however, it is a project that is currently under review.” (Fay, 2012)

  9. Curriculum ResearchInformation on L&L Website • Lengthy list of supporting theory and research, little of which dealt directly with Love and Logic • Two doctoral dissertations that cited interviews with teachers trained in Love and Logic • Bullock, D. (2011). Early childhood teachers’ perceptions of student behavior after implementing love and logic classroom management and discipline program. (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University). • Spencer, P. (2008). A logical choice?: Perceived impacts of love and logic. (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).

  10. References Delisio, E. (2008, September 08). Practicing love & logic
can mean happier schools. Education World, Retrieved from http://www.educationworld.com/a_admin/admin/admin536.shtml Fay, J., Cline, F. W., & Fay, C. (2012). Curriculum research. Retrieved from http://www.loveandlogic.com/research.html#studies Fay, J., Cline, F. W., & Fay, C. (2012). How to create a Love and Logic classroom. Retrieved from http://www.loveandlogic.com/documents/how-to-create-a-love-and-logic-classroom.pdf Fay, J., Cline, F. W., & Fay, C. (2012). The 9 essential skills for the love and logic classroom: Supporting theory and research. Retrieved from http://www.loveandlogic.com/documents/9%20Essential%20Skills-Supporting%20Theory%20and%20Research.pdf Fay, J., Cline, F. W., & Fay, C. (2012). What is Love and Logic for teachers? Retrieved from http://www.loveandlogic.com/what-is-for-teachers.html

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