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OLC Derivatives

Explore the diverse ecosystems shaped by human influence over time. This study delves into the changes in inhabited regions, from primeval forests to bustling cities, analyzing the impact of settlement on natural environments.

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OLC Derivatives

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OLC Derivatives Chapter 10

  2. habito, habitare inhabit inhabitable inhabitant habitat uninhabitable

  3. oro, orare oration oratory oration oracle peroration

  4. quaero, quaere inquisition inquest request conqueror inquiry inquire require acquire acquisition inquisitive prerequisite exquisite

  5. quiesco, quiescere quiet quiescence acquiesce acquiescence unquiet disquiet

  6. tollo, tollere tollo

  7. primus, prima, primum primal primitive primary primate principal principle prime primeval

  8. de decrease descend decline depreciate describe

  9. sub subzero submarine subway substitute subscription subscript support suspicion

  10. nauta, nautae nautical astronaut nautilus

  11. silva, silvae sylvan Pennsylvania Transylvania

  12. unda, undae undulate undulation inundate inundation

  13. caelum, caeli caerulean celestial

  14. periculum, periculi peril perilous imperil

  15. verbum, verbi verbal verb adverb proverb proverbial verbosity verbose verbiage

  16. clamor, clamoris clamor clamorous

  17. homo, hominis homo sapiens homicide

  18. mare, maris marine submarine maritime mariner Marines

  19. mons, montis mount dismount amount surmount insurmountable paramount tantamount mountain

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