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Competing Provers Protocols for Circuit Evaluation

Competing Provers Protocols for Circuit Evaluation. Gillat Kol joint work with Ran Raz. Delegation of Computation. Delegation of Computation.

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Competing Provers Protocols for Circuit Evaluation

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  1. Competing Provers Protocols for Circuit Evaluation Gillat Kol joint work with Ran Raz

  2. Delegation of Computation

  3. Delegation of Computation A computationally weak verifier (client) wants to delegate computation to a more powerful untrusted (buggy, dishonest,…) prover (cloud, server) The prover needs to convince the verifier that the computation was performed correctly data result

  4. Interactive Proof (IP) Protocols IP Setting: A poly-time verifier wants to compute f(x) with the help of a computationally-unboundedprover, where f,x are known to both IP Protocol for f:Strategies for the verifier and prover. After interacting, the verifier outputs a guess for f(x): either 0, 1 or “?” (don’t know). Whp: Prover follows his strategy  Verifier outputs f(x) Else, the verifier outputs (whp) either f(x) or “?”

  5. Delegation Protocols Delegation Protocol for f: An IP protocol for f, where additionally: The verifier is almost-linear-time (npolylog(n)) The honestprover is poly-time (Soundness against an unboundedprover) More realistic setting… Theorem[S‘92,LFKN‘92]:IP = PSPACE with poly(n) rounds Doesnot yield a delegation protocol, parties do not meet the additional complexity demands

  6. Previous Result [GKR‘08] Theorem [GKR‘08]: Let C be a log-space uniform circuit of size s and depth d. Interactive Proof protocol for C with Communication rounds:dpolylog(s) Bits exchanged: dpolylog(s) Prover’s complexity:poly(s) Verfier’s complexity:(d+n)polylog(s) allows a fast access to the structure of C The Class P • For log-space uniform, poly-size, linear-depth circuits we get a delegation protocol

  7. Delegation to Several Provers

  8. Delegation to Several Provers • Our Motivation:In real life, one can delegate to more than one prover

  9. Delegation to Several Provers Our Motivation:In real life, one can delegate to more than one prover Assumption: From now on assume that at least one of the provers is reliable Observation: In this case, the verifier can always learn the correct value: Run a delegation protocol with each prover separately

  10. Is More Merrier? Our Work:Can we get protocols with less communication by delegating to several provers instead of just one? Main Challenge: Suppose we ask all the provers for f(x) If they all agree, it must be the correct value But, if they don’t, how do we tell who’s reliable? Idea: The provers now compete on the verifier’s trust. The verifier can use the provers one against the other: Use the first proverto validate the claims of the second…

  11. Competing Provers (CP) Protocols CP Setting[FST‘88]:A poly-time verifier wants to compute f(x) with the help of 2computationally-unboundedproversP0and P1, where f,x are known to all CP Protocol for f:Strategies for the verifier and provers. After interacting, the verifier outputs a guess for f(x): either 0or 1 One of the provers follows his strategy  Verifier outputs f(x) (whp) Observation: Wlog, may assume that at the beginning P0 claimsf(x) = 0, while P1claimsf(x) = 1. Hence, P0 and P1 are Competing Provers

  12. CP Delegation Protocols CP Delegation Protocol for f: A CP protocol for f, where additionally: The verifier is almost-linear-time The honest provers are poly-time (Soundness against unboundedprovers) Theorem [FK‘97]: CP = EXP with poly(n)rounds CP = PSAPCE with 1 round Doesnot yield CP delegation protocols, parties do not meet the additional complexity demands

  13. Our Result Theorem: Let C be a log-space uniform circuit of size s and depth d. rCompeting Provers protocol for C with Communication rounds:r Bits exchanged: d1/rpolylog(s) Provers’complexity:poly(s) Verfier’s complexity:(d1/r+n)polylog(s) in GKR dpolylog(s) in GKR (d+n)polylog(s) • r = 1 Bits exchanged:dpolylog(s) (independently proved by [CRR]) • r = O(log(d)/loglog(s))Bits exchanged:polylog(s)

  14. Our Result Theorem: Let C be a log-space uniform circuit of size s and depth d. rCompeting Provers protocol for C with Communication rounds:r Bits exchanged: d1/rpolylog(s) Provers’complexity:poly(s) Verfier’s complexity:(d1/r+n)polylog(s) in GKR dpolylog(s) in GKR (d+n)polylog(s) • We give a delegation protocol for every language in P

  15. Another Application Communication Complexity & Circuit Lower Bounds [AW‘09]

  16. Communication Complexity Setting: Alice and Bob are computationally-unbounded players Alice has input x and Bob has input y The players’ mutualgoal is computing f(x,y)with the least amount of communication between them

  17. Communication Complexity with CP • New Setting: Alice andBobwant to computef(x,y) with the help of Competing Proverswith the least amount of communication between all parties • fis known to all, Alice knows x, Bob knows y, Provers know both x and y • P0 claims f(x,y)= 0, while P1claims f(x,y) = 1 • Each party can communicate with every other party

  18. Corollary of Our Result Corollary: Let C(x,y)be a circuit of size s and depth d. rCommunication Complexity protocol with Competing ProversforC with • Communication rounds:r • Bits exchanged: d1/rpolylog(s) • The corollary follows easily from the proof of our theorem, using the approach of [AW‘09] • For example, if CNC then a 1-round protocol exchanges polylog(n) bits s = poly(n), d = polylog(n)

  19. Circuit Lower-Bounds Our corollary can be viewed as a possible direction towards proving circuit lower-bounds For example, in order to prove fNC, it suffices to show: Any 1-round Communication Complexity protocol with Competing Proversfor f requires the exchange of (polylog(n)) bits Relatively simple combinatorial property that implies strong lower bounds

  20. Proof of Main Theorem for r=1(sketch of sketch)

  21. Main Ingredient I: [GKR‘08]Delegation to a Single Prover

  22. Fix circuit C of size s and depth d, and an input x Enumerate C’s layers: layer 0= output, layer d= inputs Let Li be the vector of values of layer i’s gates when C is evaluated on x Representing the Circuit output C(x) • Let Vi = LDE(Li) • V0(0m) = C(x),Vd= LDE(x) • The verifier knowsVd(r) • for r unknown to the prover, • and wants to compute V0(0m) V0 V1 . . . C Vd-1 Vd input x

  23. Let z0 =0m and zd= r The prover sends V0(z0) = C(x) For i = 1,…,d Reduce knowing a value in a layer to knowing a random value in the layer below: The verifier randomly selects zi, and reduces the correctness of the claim “vi-1 = Vi-1(zi-1)” to the correctness of the claim “vi = Vi(zi)” using the prover Finally, the verifier checks Vd(zd) The Protocol of [GKR‘08] . . . vi-1 vi . . . output C(x) V0 Vi-1 C Vi Vd input x

  24. Claim: A point in layer i-1 is a degree-2 polynomial in the values of the gates of layer i Vi-1(z) = w,w’HmCz,w,w’ Li (w) Li (w’) Proof: Vi-1= LDE(Li-1), thus a point in Vi-1is a linear combination of points in Li-1 (the values of layer i-1’s gates) Connection Between Layers MULT • The value of a gate in layer i-1 is a degree-2 polynomial in the values of its two children in layer i layeri-1 z w w’ layeri Li-1(z) = Li (w)Li (w’)

  25. The reduction between the layers is via a standard IP protocol called Sum-Check [LFKN‘92] Central in PCPs, IP = PSPACE, MIP = NEXP, … Allows computing xHmg(x)for a low-degree g, when the verifier knows g(r) for randomrFm, unknown to the prover (the verifier “tests” the prover on r) Sum-Check can be used to reduce layer i-1 to layer i as: Recall: A point in layer i-1 is a deg-2 poly in layer i polynomial = sum of monomials The prover does not know the test point ziuntil the next iteration Sum-Check Protocol

  26. Main Ingredient II: [FK‘97]Sum-Check for Competing Provers

  27. Recall: IP = PSPACE with poly(n)rounds [S‘92] Proof uses the poly(n)-rounds IPSum-Check protocol of[LFKN‘92] Recall: CP = PSAPCE with 1 round[FK‘97] Proof constructs a 1-round CP Sum-Check protocol Sum-Check for CP

  28. Combining Main Ingredients

  29. Our Goal: Reduce dpolylog(s) rounds to 1 First Attempt: Implement iteration i of GKR using the 1-round Competing ProversSum-Check protocol of FK Problem: Still requires d rounds Second Attempt: Run all d Sum-Checks simultaneously–Theverifier sends all z1,…,zdat once, provers reply to all Problem: During iteration i, provers mustn’t know the test point zi Combining Main Ingredients

  30. Main Idea:Disguisez1,…,zd i, the verifier gives the proversa low-degree curve i:FFmthat passes throughzi(instead of ziitself) The parties run dSum-Checks simultaneously, one for each layer The ithSum-Check uses i-1 instead of zi-1, and iinstead of zi. I.e., it computes Vi-1(z) for all the points zoni-1, using any of the points ronias a test point The proof relies on the fact that the replies of the honest provers are low-degree polynomialsin the zivariables Main Idea i • zi

  31. The verifier checks the replies (low-deg polynomials H) in an alternating order (one of P0 and one of P1) When reply H is checked, the verifier already knows a point on H using a previous reply G of the other prover E.g., assume H(t) = ((t)) and G(t) = ((t)) ( is a low-degfunc, , are intersecting low-deg curves).Knowing G implies knowing a point on H If a proversends an incorrect reply, it disagrees with the correct reply on the known point whp (both are low-deg) Verifier’s Check Algo

  32. Generalization to rrounds and d1/rpolylog(s) bits: Setk = d1/r.Run r-1 rounds of a k-ary search to find layers i > j,i-j = k s.t. the provers agree on a point on Vi but disagree on a point on Vj Run the 1-round protocol on the subcircuitC’ of depth k obtained from layers j…i of C Our Result Requires More Work… output C(x) V0 • Getting a very efficient verifier (assuming log-space uniformity) V1 j C’ . . . C i Vd-1 Vd input x

  33. Thank You!

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