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“Aún no habían entendido lo de los panes” Marcos 6:45-52 “For they had not understood about the loaves” Mark 6:45-52.
“Aún no habían entendido lo de los panes” Marcos 6:45-52 “For they had not understood about the loaves” Mark 6:45-52
Remaban con gran fatiga, porque el viento les era contrario… Jesús vino a ellos andando sobre el mar… Tened ánimo; yo soy, no temáis ... Subió a ellos en la barca, y se calmó el viento. • They were rowing with great fatigue, because the wind was contrary … Jesus came to them walking on the sea …Take courage; it is I, do not fear ...He got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased.
“Se asombraron .. Se maravillaban”. ¿Por qué? “Porque aún no habían entendido lo de los panes” … Si lo hubieran entendido, no se habrían maravillado de este milagro. Pero no meditaban, no reflexionaban sobre su significado verdadero. • They were greatly amazed and marveled. Why? “For they had not understood about the loaves” .. If they had understood it, they would not have been amazed at this miracle. But they did not meditate, they did not reflect upon its true meaning.
“Los panes” eran amplia evidencia para probar la deidad de Cristo. ¡Obraba como Dios! Pero tenían sus sentidos embotados. Por eso, no sacaron la conclusión o inferencia necesaria en cuanto a la naturaleza divina de Cristo. • “The loaves” were ample evidence to prove the deity of Christ. He worked as God! But their hearts were hardened. Therefore, they did not draw the conclusion or necessary inference as to the divine nature of Christ.
Jesús, Dios de la naturaleza. Heb. 1:3, “quien sustenta todas las cosas”. Creador y Sostén del mundo. Tenía poder sobre los panes y peces. Tenía poder sobre vientos y olas. Todos los elementos de la naturaleza están bajo su control. Jesus, God of nature. Heb. 1:3, “upholds all things.” Creator and Sustainer of the world. He had power over the loaves and fish. He had power over the winds and waves. All the elements of nature are under His control.
Milagro = señal (dice algo) . No captaron el men-saje del milagro. Juan 20:31, para producir fe. Dice que Cristo es Dios; por eso, El abre ojos y oídos, suelta lenguas, levanta muertos, echa fuera demonios. Señal implica esto; ellos y nosotros debemos inferir (concluir) la verdad. Miracle = sign (says something). They didn’t catch the message of the miracle. Jn. 20:31, to produce faith. It says that Christ is God; therefore, He opens eyes and ears, loosens tongues, raises the dead, casts out demons. A sign implies this; they and we must infer (conclude) the truth.
El pueblo no entendía esto. Jn 6:14, “viendo la señal que Jesús había hecho, dijeron: Este es el profeta que había de venir al mundo. 15 Pero entendiendo Jesús que iban a venir para apoderarse de él y hacerle rey, volvió a retirarse” The people did not understand this. Jn. 6:14 “when they had seen the sign that Jesus did, said, "This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world. 15 But Jesus perceiving that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, departed.”
Muchos no entienden “lo de los panes”. Testigos: era “un dios”, creado. Sólo Jésus: era tres personas. Hermanos: tenía atributos divinos, pero no los usaba (no pensaba, hablaba, obraba como Dios, sino como mero hombre) ¡Blasfemia! Many do not understand about the loaves. Wit-nesses (Watchtower): “a god”; Jesus only: three persons; brethren: had divine attributes but did not use them (did not think, speak, work as God, but only as a mere man). Blasphemy!
Una gran inconsecuencia. Dicen que Jesús era Dios, que poseía los atributos de Dios, pero que pensa-ba, hablaba, obraba como un mero hombre. Se-gún esto, su vida no era una representación correcta de lo que era: Imanuel, Dios y hombre. A great inconsistency. They say that Jesus was God, that He possessed the attributes of God, but that he thought, talked, worked as a mere man. According to this, His life was not a correct representation of what He was: Immanuel, God and man.
Siendo Dios, Jesús podía protegerlos. El tenía poder sin límite (era omnipotente). Habrían sabido esto si hubieran entendido lo de los panes. En ese milagro mostró que El mismo es Dios el Creador del mundo. Juan 1:3. Being God Jesus could protect them. He had un-limited power (omnipotent). They could have known this, if they had understood about the loaves. In that miracle Jesus showed that He Himself is God the Creator of the world, Jn 1:3.
Jesús les envió al mar. Mar. 6:45, “Hizo a sus discípulos entrar en la barca e ir delante de él … a la otra ribera”. Si los envió, ¿no los cuidaría en la barca, aun durante la tempestad? ¿No tenía poder sobre los vientos y las olas del mar? Jesus sent them out to sea. Mk 6:45, “He made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side.” If He sent them, would He not care for them in the boat, even during the tempest? Did He not have power over the winds and the waves of the sea?
Se saciaban pero no le adoraban.Mat. 14:20, Comieron “y se saciaban”, pero no le adoraban como Dios. Sólo querían más panes y peces. Juan 6:26, “me buscáis porque comisteis el pan y os saciasteis”. Pero no confesaban que era Dios. They were filled but they did not worship Him. Mt 14:20, they ate and “were filled,” but they did not worship Him as God. They only wanted more loaves and fish, Jn. 6:26, “you seek me because you ate the loaves and were filled.” But they did not confess that He was God.
¿Qué es, pues, “lo de los panes”?¡Jesucristo es Dios! Creador de los panes -- Dios sobre la naturaleza. Creador de los vientos -- le era fácil calmarlos. Mat 8:26,27, Creador del mar -- podía andar sobre el agua como sobre la tierra. • What, then, is that “about the loaves”? Jesus Christ is God! Creator of the loaves – God over all nature. Creator of the winds – it was easy to calm them. Mt. 8:26,27, Creator of the sea – He could walk on the water as on land.
Ahora sí le adoran. Mat. 14:33, “le adoraron” como Dios … “Hijo de Dios” = Dios el Hijo (mismo, igual a Dios, Jn. 5:18) … Jn. 10:29, Jesús dijo, “mi Padre”, v. 36, “Hijo de Dios soy”. Jn. 10:33, “tu, siendo hombre, te haces Dios”. Now they do worship Him. Mt. 14:33, they “worshiped Him” as God! … “Son of God” = God the Son (same, equal, Jn 5:18) … Jn. 10:29, Jesus said, “my Father”, v. 36, “I am the Son of God”. Jn. 10:33, “you, being a man, make yourself God.”
Jn. 1:18, Dio a conocer al Padre; lo ha revelado. Jn. 14:9, “El que me ha visto a mí, ha visto al Padre”. Para hacer esto tenía que actuar (vivir, obrar) como Dios: omnipotente, omnisciente, santo, etc. Imposible revelar a Dios con poder limitado. Jn. 1:18, Declared, explained, made known the Father; has revealed Him. Jn. 14:9 “he that has seen me has seen the Father.” To do this He had to act (live, work) as God: Omnipotent, omni-scient, holy, etc. Impossible to reveal God with limited power.
¿No actuaba como sí mismo?Creen algunos que era Dios, pero que no vivía o no obraba como Dios. Desde luego se portaba como hombre por- que era hombre. Pero también era Dios. Tenía naturaleza doble. Era Emanuel, Dios y hombre. He didn’t act like Himself? Some believe that He was God, but that He did not live or work as God. Of course He acted like a man because He was a man. But also He was God. He had a dual nature. He was Immanuel, God and man.
Propósito de MMLJ.¿Probar que Jesús pensaba, hablaba, obraba como hombre? Todos sabían que era hombre (no necesitaba prueba). Proba-ron que Cristo pensaba, hablaba, obraba, vivía como Dios, que no era un mero hombre. Purpose of MMLJ. To prove that Jesus thought, spoke, worked as a man? Everyone knew that He was a man (that needed no proof). They proved that Christ thought, spoke, worked, lived as God, that He was not a mere man.
¿Cuándo está fuera de sí? Mar. 3:21, “Está fuera de sí”. Extraño. Curioso. Medio raro. ¿Por qué? ¡porque actuaba como Dios! Jn. 7:5 no creían. Si no hubiera actuado como Dios, habría estado fuera de sí, porque El ERA DIOS. When was He beside Himself? Mk. 3:21, “He is out of His mind.” Strange. Curious. Sort of off. Why? Because He acted like God! Jn. 7:15, they did not believe. If He had not acted like God, He would have been beside Himself, because He WAS GOD
“Yo Soy”, Jn. 8:58. Sólo Dios es el Pan de vida, 6:35; la Puerta, 10:9; Buen Pastor, 10:14 (Sal. 23); Resurrección y la Vida, 11:35; el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida, 14:6. Para ser todo esto Cristo mostró sus atributos divinos. “I Am,” Jn. 8:58. Only God is the Bread of life, 6:35; the Door, 10:9; Good Shepherd, 10:14 (Ps 23); Resurrection and the Life, 11:35; the Way, the Truth and the Life, 14:6. To be all this Christ demonstrated His divine attributes.
Por eso, si hubieran entendido lo de los panes, no habrían temido los vientos, las olas. Indicaba falta de fe en Jesús. No se habrían asombrado al ver a Jesús andando sobre el agua. Se maravilla-ban mucho, pero comprendían poco. Therefore, if they had understood about the loaves they would not have feared the winds, waves. This indicated lack of faith in Jesus. They would not have been amazed to see Jesus walking on the water. They were greatly amazed, but understood little.
Conclusión. ¿Entendemos lo de los panes? Creemos que Jesús mostró atributos divinos? Muchos no. ¿Creemos que Cristo, el Creador, nos puede cuidar? ¿Estamos miedosos, ansiosos? ¿Le adoramos y servimos como Dios el Hijo? Conclusion. Do we understand about the loaves? Do we believe that Jesus demonstrated divine attributes? Many do not. Do we believe that Christ, the Creator, can care for us? Are we fearful, anxious? Do we worship and serve Him as God the Son?