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BA 351 Managing Organizations. Managing Organizational Culture and Change. Yes or No.
BA 351ManagingOrganizations Managing Organizational Culture and Change
Yes or No • Organizational culture is a system of shared values, assumptions, beliefs, and norms that unite the members of an organization because it reflects, "What it's like to work here." This becomes apparent through the visible level of the culture, the espoused values that are not observed but rather explained and justified, and through the core beliefs that are widely shared through the organization.
Levels of Corporate Culture Visible Culture Expressed Values Core Values
Video: New Belgium Organizational Culture What are some core values at NBB?
Key Effects of Organizational Culture Employee Self-management Stability Organizational Culture Socialization Strategy Implementation
Managing Cultural Processes Company Rituals and Ceremonies Cultural Symbols Company Heroes Stories Language Organizational Policies and Decision Making Leadership
Characteristics and Types of Organizational Culture • Cultural Uniformity versus Heterogeneity • Strong versus Weak Cultures • Culture versus Formalization • National versus Organizational Culture
Characteristics and Types of Organizational Culture (continued) • Types: Traditional Control or Employee Involvement • Traditional control • emphasizes the chain of command • relies on top-down control and orders • Employee involvement • emphasizes participation and involvement
Four Types of Culture Classification • Baseball team culture--rapidly changing environment • Club culture--seeks loyal, committed people • Academy culture--hires experts who are willing to make a slow steady climb up a ladder • Fortress culture--focused on surviving and reversing sagging fortunes
Video: Pike Place Fish Market
What type of culture classification does Pike Place Fish Market exhibit? • Baseball team culture • Club culture • Academy culture • Fortress culture
Questions: • Identify some of the visible components of org. culture at Pike Place? • Does Pike Place have a strong or weak org. culture? How can you tell?
Types of Change • Planned Change--change that is anticipated and allows for advanced preparation • Dynamic Change--change that is ongoing or happens so quickly that the impact on the organization cannot be anticipated and specific preparations cannot be made
What Are The Sources Of Change That Create Tension In Your Life/School/Organization? On a piece of paper write 3 or more positive changes & 3 or more negative changes Share your information with a partner
How many of you are afraid of change? If You Are Afraid of Change,PLEASE STAND UP
How many of you think Other People are afraid of change? If You Think Other People Are Afraid of ChangePLEASE STAND UP
What does that tell you? Most of us are more afraid of change than we would like to admit – even to ourselves.
Are You Comfortable Where You Are? CHANGE WHERE YOU ARE SITTING NOW! Change Quickly
How Do You Feel When You Are Told To Change Quickly But Do Not Know Why? Change Imposed is Change Opposed
Forces for Change: Environmental Forces • Put pressure on a firm’s relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees. • Environmental forces include: • Technology • Market forces • Political and regulatory agencies and laws • Social trends
Forces for Change: (continued) • People – By 2040 US Census predicts a world population of 10 BILLION!! • Technology – Over 80% of the world’s technological advances have occurred since 1900 • Information – More information was produced in the 30 years between 1965 – 1995 than was produced in the entire 5,000-year period from 3,00 B.C. to 1965
Forces for Change: Internal Forces • Arise from events within the company. • May originate with top executives and managers and travel in a top-down direction. • May originate with front-line employees or labor unions and travel in a bottom-up direction.
Resistance to Change Self-Interest Cultures that Value Tradition Lack of Trust and Understanding Different Perspectives and Goals Uncertainty
Fears That Create Resistance to Change (The Individual) • Fear of Losing One’s Identity • Fear of Losing Control • Loss of Meaning • Fear of Not Belonging • Loss of Future • Fear of Making a Mistake
10 Phrases that Deter Us From Changing “We’ve tried that before.” “That’ll never work.” “They’ll never let us do that.” “Yes, but…” “I already know how it will turn out.” “That’s not how I would do it.” “We’ve always done it that way.” Nobody else does it that way.” “We’ve got more than enough good ideas.” “Whose idea was this, anyway?”
“A Natural Process” Change Curve Continue Change Denial Acceptance Test New Realities Confusion/ Chaos Negative Energy Anger/ Blame Bargaining Depression/ Inadequacy Time
Personal Survival Techniques Become a Quick Change Artist New Procedures
Personal Survival Techniques Accept Ambiguity and Uncertainty
Personal Survival Techniques Behave Like You Own The Business What could you do to build your business?
Personal Survival Techniques Become a Life Long Learner
Personal Survival Techniques See Yourself as an Independent Service Center Who are your internal customers? What product or service do you supply to your internal customers?
Surviving & Thriving Skills Take Charge of Your Own Morale On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your morale? Where would you like your morale level to be? What behaviors would you display at that level that you are not currently displaying?
Surviving & Thriving Skills Be a Problem Solver
Prescription for Change:Six Simple, But Not Easy, Rules Face it Accept it – Don’t Fight it Float With It – Don’t Tense Wit It Let Time Pass – Don’t Be Impatient You Have To Give Up Control In Order To Gain Control “For The Ego To Integrate, It Has To Regress”
Survival Guides Don’t count on anybody else coming along to relieve your stress. The organization is going to change – it must – if it is to survive and prosper. Accept fate, and move on. Survival