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IEPs That Meet Their Needs; Integrating Language and Auditory Skills and State Standards

IEPs That Meet Their Needs; Integrating Language and Auditory Skills and State Standards. Teri Ouellette, M.S. Ed. Helen Zuganelis, M.S., CCC-SLP St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf – Indianapolis. Meeting State Standards.

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IEPs That Meet Their Needs; Integrating Language and Auditory Skills and State Standards

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  1. IEPs That Meet Their Needs;Integrating Language and Auditory Skills and State Standards Teri Ouellette, M.S. Ed. Helen Zuganelis, M.S., CCC-SLP St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf – Indianapolis

  2. MeetingState Standards There is a push at the state level to write IEP goals that address Indiana’s academic standards Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten and up

  3. MeetingState Standards Who is bound to standards? Why use the standards?

  4. Application at SJI-I Language is the underlying basis for the majority of academic standards. The language of… 1. English/Language Arts 2. Mathematics 3. Science 4. Social Studies

  5. Application at SJI-I Skill areas addressed include : Language (vocabulary, semantics, syntax) Pragmatic Language Audition Articulation

  6. Child # 1 Kindergarten age child with high level of auditory, language, and speech abilities

  7. Child # 1 - Language • Goal: Child will formulate a set of directions (e.g., “Tell me how…”) or statements to unify a sequence of pictures/story in 80% of opportunities.

  8. Child # 1 - Language • Examples of state standards this goal supports: READING: Comprehension; Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text K.2.4 Retell familiar stories WRITING: Process; Organization and Focus K.4.2 Tell a story that the teacher or some other person will write LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Skills, Strategies, and Applications; Speaking Applications K.7.5 Tell an experience or creative story in a logical sequence.

  9. Child 1 - Language • Goal: Child will answer questions/formulate descriptive statements to identify similarities and differences in 80% of opportunities.

  10. Child # 1 - Language • Examples of state standards this goal supports: MATHEMATICS: Measurement K.5.1 Make direct comparisons of the length, capacity, weight, and temperature of objects and recognize which object is shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier, warmer, cooler or holds more. SCIENCE: Common Themes; Models and Scale K.6.1 Describe an object by saying how it is similar to or different from another object SOCIAL STUDIES: Individuals, Society, and Culture K.5.4 Identify and compare similarities and differences in families in other places and cultures.

  11. Child # 1 – Language/Audition • Goal: Child will perceive and produce plural –s/z in 80% of trials.

  12. Child # 1 – Language/Audition • Example of state standard this goal supports: LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Skills, Strategies, and Applications; Oral Communication K.7.2 Share information and ideas, speaking in complete, coherent sentences.

  13. Child # 1 – Pragmatic Language • Goal: Child will maintain and follow conversational topic for 5 exchanges with peers in 80% of opportunities.

  14. Child # 1 – Pragmatic Language • Example of state standard this goal supports: LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Skills, Strategies, and Applications; Oral Communication K.7.2 Share information and ideas, speaking in complete, coherent sentences.

  15. Child # 1 – Articulation/Audition • Goal: In phrases, child will perceive and produce /s/ and “th” in initial, medial, and final positions in 80% of trials.

  16. Child # 1 – Articulation/Audition • Example of state standard this goal supports: LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Skills, Strategies, and Applications; Oral Communication K.7.2 Share information and ideas, speaking in complete, coherent sentences.

  17. Child # 2 Kindergarten age with low level of auditory, language, and speech skills, multiple issues

  18. Child # 2 – Language • Goal: Child will understand and produce at least 30 new words per month.

  19. Child # 2 - Language • Example of state standard this goal supports: All academic standards! • Depending on a child’s individual needs, there will not always be a specific standard that can be associated with the goal.

  20. Child # 2 - Language • Goal: Child will demonstrate understanding and use of developmentally appropriate concepts (e.g. spatial concepts, qualitative concepts, quantitative concepts) in 80% of opportunities.

  21. Child # 2 - Language • Examples of state standards this goal supports: MATHEMATICS: Measurement K.5.1 Make direct comparisons of the length, capacity, weight, and temperature of objects and recognize which object is shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier, warmer, cooler or holds more. SCIENCE: Common Themes; Models and Scale K.6.1 Describe an object by saying how it is similar to or different from another object

  22. Child # 2 – Pragmatic Language • Goal: Child will increase initiation of spontaneous productions of greetings, social phrases, and feelings (i.e., “Hello.”; “Good morning.”; “Goodbye”; “Do it again.”; “Help me.”; “Look at this.”; “I don’t know.”; “I like this.”; “I’m tired.” to 10-15 times per week.

  23. Child # 2 – Pragmatic Language • Example of state standard this goal supports: LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Skills, Strategies, and Applications; Oral Communication K.7.2 Share information and ideas, speaking in complete, coherent sentences.

  24. Child # 2 - Audition • Goal: Child will correctly perceive consonants that differ by place cues in 80% of trials. • Goal: Child will recall two critical elements in message with 80% accuracy.

  25. Child # 2 - Audition • Example of state standard these goals support: ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS: Reading, Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development; Phonemic Awareness K.1.12 Listen to spoken sentences and recognize individual words in the sentence; listen to words and recognize individual sounds in the words.

  26. Child # 2 – Articulation/Audition • Goal: Child will perceive and produce Ling Step 1 and Step 2 phonemes in initial position of syllables in 80% of trials.

  27. Child # 2 – Articulation/Audition • Example of state standard this goal supports: LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Skills, Strategies, and Applications; Oral Communication K.7.2 Share information and ideas, speaking in complete, coherent sentences.

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