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Primality and generation of prime numbers. Motivations. Most of the public key encryption algorithms require large prime numbers. Example: in the RSA scheme, the modulo is the product of two prime numbers. In El-Gamal, LUC, ECC, etc … large prime numbers are also required.
Motivations • Most of the public key encryption algorithms require large prime numbers. • Example: in the RSA scheme, the modulo is the product of two prime numbers. • In El-Gamal, LUC, ECC, etc … large prime numbers are also required.
Prime and composite numbers • A number is said to be prime if it is divisible only by 1 and by itself (1 is not a prime number). Otherwise it is said to be composite. • Example: 7 is prime, 9 is composite. • Euclid’s theorem: There is infinitely many prime numbers.
Density • LaVallée-Poussin theorem: the number of prime numbers smaller than N is almost equal to N/ln(N). • A number smaller than N randomly chosen has approximately 1 chance out of ln(N) to be prime. • Example: a number with 100 decimal digits has 1 chance out of 230 to be prime. • There are « relatively » many prime numbers.
Primality: prehistory • Erathostene’s sieve: to determine whether N is prime, try to divide it by all the integer numbers between 2 and N. • Unpracticable if N is large. • China (200 BC): If 2N-1 1 (mod. N) then N is prime. • Other works: ideonal numbers (Euler). • Before Lehmer, there were no efficient criterion.
Primality: history • Lehmer (186?): two efficient criteria which require the factorization of either N-1 or N+1. • Pocklington (1914): improved Lehmer’s criterion (an incomplete factorization of N-1 is sufficient). • Brillhart (1973): lighter factorization and combination of N-1 and N+1criteria. • Other works (1976-1978): Judd, Williams, Bach, … Criteria using factorizations de N2+1, N2+N+1, N2-N+1, … • Lenstra-Cohen (1983): First generalist test (no factorization required). • Schoof (1985): Generalist test using elliptic curves. • Atkin-Morain (1988): Elliptic curves. Lighter than Schoof’s algorithm. • Agarwal-Saxena-Kayal (2001): Primality has a polynomial complexity.
Complexity • Factorization of numbers with more than 100 decimal digits are not practically feasible. • Elliptic curve algorithms are unpracticable for digits with more than 300 decimal digits. Moreover, they are difficult to implement. • There are inexact (or only incomplete) methods which give good results.
Fermat’s theorem • Let a and N be two integers with 2aN-1. If N is prime then aN-11 (mod N). • N=7, a=2, 26=641 (mod 7). So 7 is maybe prime. • N=9, a=5, 587 (mod 9). So 9 is not prime. • N=341, a=2, 23401 (mod 341). But 341=1131 is composite. 341 is said to be pseudo-prime for the basis 2. • The converse of Fermat’s theorem is false. • The chinese criterion is not true.
Fermat’s test • 334056 (mod 341) and thus 341 is not prime. • We can consider to combine several Fermat’s tests. • But 561 takes any Fermat’s test in default: 25601 (mod 561), 35601 (mod 561), 55601 (mod 561), etc … • Fermat’s test, alone, is insufficient.
Carmichael’s numbers • A composite number which suceed for any Fermat’s test is said to be a Carmichael’s number. • 561 is the smallest Carmichael’s number. • Let n be an integer such that 6n+1, 12n+1 et 18n+1 are prime, then N=(6n+1)(12n+1)(18n+1) is said to be a Chernick’s number. • A Chernick’s number is a Carmichael’s number (1729 is the least one). • Heuristically, there are infinitely many Chernick’s numbers. • Granville’s theorem (1993): There are infinitely many Carmichael’s numbers.
The equation X21 (mod N) • Let X be an integer suxh that X21 (mod N). • Then X2-1=(X+1)(X-1)0 (mod N). • If X1 and XN-1, then we have the product of 2 numbers smaller than N whose result is a multiple of N, then N is not prime. • Example 521 (mod 24), thus 640 (mod 24).
Miller-Rabin’s test • Let N be an odd integer greater or equal to 3. • Let a be an integer such that 2aN-1. • Suppose that aN-11 (mod N). • N-1 is even. Let X=a(N-1)/21 (mod N). • Then X21 (mod N). • Thus if X1 et XN-1 then N is not prime. • If X1 (mod N) and (N-1)/2 is even, we continue with Y=a(N-1)/41 (mod N). • If X=N-1 then the test is finished. • N is said to pass Miller-Rabin’s test for the basis a when all the possible verifications have been made without to obtain any contradiction.
N,a ii+1 Determine h and d such that d odd and N-1=2h.d yes i=h ? N fails no XX2 (mod N) Compute Xad(mod N) i0 yes X=1 ? N fails no no no X=1 or N-1 ? X=N-1 ? yes yes N succeeds N succeeds Iterative version • N,a integers, N odd, N3, 2aN-1.
Example 1 • N=53, a=2 • N-1=52=2213 • X0=213 (mod 53)30 • X1=302 (mod 53)52=N-1 • We have obtained no contradiction thus 53 passes the test for basis 2.
Example 2 • N=561, a=2 • N-1=2435 • X0=235 (mod 53)263 • X1=2632 (mod 53)166 • X2=1662 (mod 53)67 • X3=672 (mod 53)1 • We have obtained a contradiction thus 561 does not pass the test. • 561 is not prime.
Example 3 • N=2047, a=2 • N-1=21023 • X0=21023 (mod 53)1 • 2047 passes Miller-Rabin’s test for basis 2. • But 2047=2389 is not prime. • 2047 is said to be a strong pseudo-prime for basis 2.
Miller-Rabin’s test • Miller’s theorem: Let N be a composite number, then it can pass successfully at most N/4 Miller-Rabin’s test. • In fact this is a very pessimistic bound. • Let N be a number to be tested, we choose randomly n basis for the tests. • If N passes all the tests, then there is less than 1 chance out of 4nthat N is in fact composite.
Balance • The algorithmic cost of a Miller-Rabin’s test is inferior to the one of Fermat’s test. • It enables to efficiently distinguish composite numbers from prime numbers. • But this test cannot establish that a number is prime above any doubt. • Note nevertheless that no strong pseudo-prime for at least 30 different basis is known.
Prime number generation • There exist methods which generate numbers which are effectively prime. • In counterpart, the generated numbers are not absolutely random. • Any prime number cannot be generated. In fact, the generated numbers N have a shape such that if N is effectively prime, the « proof » is easy to obtain.
Lehmer’s theorem • Let N be an odd integer greater than 3. • Suppose that there exists an integer a2such that aN-11 (mod N). • Suppose moreover that for any prime divisor p of N-1, there exists an integer apsuch that ap(N-1)/p1 (mod N). • Then N is prime.
Gordon’s method (1985) • Choose N randomly and try to factorize N-1. • If N-1 can be entirely factorized, apply Lehmer’s theorem to N. • If the factorization is not successful, choose another integer N and iterate. • Problem: The entire factorization of N-1 does not have any chance to terminate if N has several hundreds of decimal digits.
Example (Knuth) • N0=37866809061660057264219253397. • 3N0-11 (mod N0), thus N0is suspected to be prime. • We factorize N0-1 and we obtain N0-1=22 . 19 . 107 . 353 . 91813 . N1 with N1=143675413657196977. • 3N1-11 (mod N1), thus N1is suspected to be prime. • N1-1=24 . 32 . 547 . 1103 . N2 with N2=1653701519. • 3N2-11 (mod N2), thus N2 is suspected to be prime. • N2-1=2 . 7 . 19 . 23 . 137 . 1973. • The factorization of N2-1 is exact: all the prime divisors are known with certainty. • We can try to apply Lehmer’s criterion.
Example (Knuth) • We have 2(N2-1)/21 (mod N2), thus a2=2 is not satistactory. • We try successively 2, 3, 5, 7 … • We have 7(N2-1)/21653701518 (mod N2) thus a2=7 satisfy Lehmer’s condition. • We also find a7=a19=a23=a137=a1973=2. • N2is then established to be prime. • The factorization of N1-1 is then exact and we try to apply Lehmer’s criterion to N1.
Example (Knuth) • We continue and we show that N1, thenN0are prime. • This is a descending proof. • N0 is prime if N1<N0 is prime, N1is prime if N2<N1 is prime and N2is small enough to be easily shown to be prime. • Other certificates like Atkin-Morain’s one use also a descending principle.
Pocklington’s theorem • Let N be an odd integer greater than 3. • Hypotheses: N=R.F+1 with F even. • The factorization of F is entirely known. • GCD(R,F)=1. • There exists an integer a such that aN-11 (mod N) for any prime divisor p of F, GCD(a(N-1)/p-1,N)=1. • Then: Any prime divisor of N is of the form k.F+1 with k1. • In particular, if N<(F+1)2, then N is prime. • In fact, if N<(F+1).(2F+1) then N is prime.
Maurer’s method (1987) • We wish to generate a prime number with 20 decimal digits. • We choose F even whose factorization is known. For instance, F=23257376907=5010183422. • We choose randomly an odd integer R such that R2F, for instance R=7419669081. • We compute N=R.F+1=37173903026352175183. • We choose a randomly and compute aN-1 (mod N). • Example 2N-1 31953700866015605260 (mod N). • The result is not equal to 1 so N is not prime. • We choose a new value for R and we iterate.
Maurer’s method (1987) • R=7785640265. • N=39007485785358686831. • We have 7N-11 (mod N) thus N is maybe prime. • We have 7(N-1)/2 39007485785358686830 (mod N). • GCD(39007485785358686829,N)=1 thus N satisfies the first condition. • Likewise, GCD(7(N-1)/32573-1,N)=1 and GCD(7(N-1)/76907-1,N)=1. • Thus N is prime.
Remarks • In the preceding example, if we take a=2, we effectively have 2N-11 (mod N) and thus N is suspected to be prime. • But 2(N-1)/21 (mod N) and thus GCD(2(N-1)/2-1,N)=N. • The value a=2 does not permit to establish the primality of N. • Two strategies are possible: either we insist and choose a new value for a (because we expect that N is effectively prime), or we give away and generate a new candidate.
Remarks • Most of the problems appear when the divisor 2 of F is tested: half of the times, a « does not work ». • We can avoid this problem by computing the Jacobi symbol of a for N: if J(a,N)=-1, a will not cause a problem. • This computation is quick with respect of the exponentiations. • Another remark: in order to choose the prime divisors of F, we can recursively use the same method. • Then we can choose values for F with large prime factors.
Refinement of Brillhart et al. • Let N verifying the conditions of Pocklington’s theorem except that N<2F3 only. • We pose R=2Fs+r with 0r2F. • Then if s=0 or if r2-8s is not a perfect square, then N is prime. • Determining exactly whether a number is a perfect square is algorithmically costly.
Perfect square • When generating prime numbers, only sufficient conditions are considered. • If N2 (mod 3), N is not a perfect square. • If N2 ou 3 (mod 5) or N3, 5 ou 6 (mod 7) idem. • If N verifies at least one of these congruences, then N is not a perfect square. • Generally, if Na (mod M) with J(a,M)=-1 where J is Jacobi’s symbol (resp. Legendre) if M is composite (resp. prime), then N is not a perfect square.
Other methods • There also exist primality tests based on Lucas series. • Those criteria permit to establish if a number not too large is prime, to generate large prime numbers or to test with a great fiability (Strong pseudo-primalité for Lucas’s criterion) • The primality criteria of logiciels like Mupad, Maple or Mathematica are in fact most of the time composed of a series of Miller-Rabin’s tests followed by a strong pseudo-primality test for Lucas’s criterion. • It is also possible to combine with other tests: Perrin’s series, Fibonacci, Judd, Williams, elliptic curve tests.