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CLIC requirements on Warm Magnets (for CLIC Modules mainly). CERN-UK Collaboration Kick-off Meeting. CLIC “Two-Beams” Module Layout. CLIC at 500 GeV : 4248 modules CLIC at 3 TeV : 20924 modules …(+ some special modules not yet fully defined)…. Standard Module 8374 per Linac.
CLIC requirements on Warm Magnets (for CLIC Modules mainly) CERN-UK Collaboration Kick-off Meeting M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
CLIC “Two-Beams” Module Layout CLIC at 500 GeV : 4248 modules CLIC at 3 TeV : 20924 modules …(+ some special modules not yet fully defined)… Standard Module 8374 per Linac Module Type 3 477 per Linac Module Type 2 634 per Linac Module Type 4 731 per Linac CLIC Module Type1 154 per Linac CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
Test Program 2010-2013 Demonstration of the two-beam module design This implies the assembly and integration of all components and technical systems, such as RF, magnet, vacuum, alignment and stabilization, in the very compact 2-m long two-beam module Prototype modules in LAB [4 Modules] • Demonstration of the two-beam acceleration with two-beam modules in CLEX • Address other feasibility issues in an integrated approach. • Industrialization and mass production studies Prototype modules in CLEX [3(+1?)Modules] LAB Test Program CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
Test Program 2010-2013 CLEX Test Program CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
Quadrupoles for the CLIC “Two-Beams” Modules: Drive Beam Quads DBQ: Available space very limited (also due to increase of magnetic performance requirements (integrated gradient) along the years (without space increase!). The max active length is now 194 mm. Very wide range of nominal operating gradients along the decelerator: 62.8 -6.3 T/m. The total number of DBQ required for both linacs is ~ 42000 EM Design: Call for Tender going out for 6-9 units. CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
Quadrupoles for the CLIC “Two-Beams” Modules: Drive Beam Quads CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
Quadrupoles for the CLIC “Two-Beams” Modules: Mock-ups (for Lab Tests) and ALTERNATIVE DBQ design (by Cockcroft) Mock-up for LAB Test Program: Pieces for 5 units are at CERN. ALTERNATIVE PM design (by Cockcroft; see next presentation of J.Clarke): Design is going-on and is close to completion. Prototypes procurement will then follow. CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
Quadrupoles for the CLIC “Two-Beams” Modules: ALTERNATIVE design (by Cockcroft) CLEX Test Program The design and procurement of two prototypes (High and Low Gradient) based on TUNABLE PERMANENT MAGNET technology is the scope of the WP2 of the CERN-UK Coll. Agreement (KE1789/TE). The Low Grad. Prototype design will be compatible with CLIC Module layout in order to be eventually tested in CLEX. CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
Quadrupoles for the CLIC “Two-Beams” Modules: Main Beam Quads(magnet aperture: 10 mm; Nominal Gradient: 200 T/m; 4 different lenghts) MBQ: Beam pipe is supported by the magnet and must be aligned to the magnetic centre of the Quad with an accuracy better than 30 μm; transverse tolerance for pre-alignment 17 µm at 1σ; stabilization: 1 nm >1Hz in vertical & 5 nm >1Hz in horizontal direction at 1σ. The total number of MBQ required for both linacs is ~ 4000. CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
MBQ steering dipole correctors: -MBQ independent steering correctors (the solution with added correcting coils in the quadrupole seems to not guarantee an adequate field quality for both the quadrupole and dipole corrections). - Analysis on the BPM acquisition/processing/etc. times leads to a settling time for the corrector of: 2 ms. -The most realistic operation mode (and the one less impacting on stability!) should be with a relative small correction between pulses; it was estimated ≤ ± 25% of the full “nominal” correction range between sequential pulses; (“nominal” correction range: 4, 3, 2, 1 mTm for Type4,3,2,1 MBQ). -These values recently discussed (11 March 11) will be now taken to finalize the steering correctors design in full transient operation mode. Prototypes (Type1 and 4 ) will then follow. CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
Possible development of collaboration with Cockcroft on CLIC Magnets studies • During the WP Definition, we identify with J.Clarke as other possible subject of collaboration : ”Studies on mass production techniques and cost effective manufacturing methods”. • We were thinking of course to: • DBQ production (~40000 u.), • but these studies could also be applied to: • - MBQ production (~4000 u.) • Steering correctors production (idem) • Since program shorted to 3-years duration, this activity item is not officially there. CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
…looking at the CERN-UK Collaboration WPs, other “interactions” would be probably on RTML and BDS integration studies since we are deeply involved in the “CLIC Magnet Catalogue” where all of the magnets of the CLIC complex are analyzed in term of: overall design, main manufacturing and operational parameters, expected costs. This work is well advanced and the majority of the CLIC magnet system is already analyzed and assessed. CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
…about CLIC Magnet Catalogue… CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC
…about CLIC Magnet Catalogue… …Thanks for the attention… CERN-UK Kick-off Meeting: M. Modena, CERN TE-MSC