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What is childlike faith? How can my life be marked by it, so that I trust in Gods goodness and view the world with awe and wonder? Here help...
Learn about Child Like Faith Child Like Faith is really believing what God says. Faith does not look to itself, faith looks only to God! Faith is informed by the word of God about who God is. Faith knows that God is who he claims to be, and God will do what he says he does. Faith lives according to what God declares. Faith does not only look at what is going on around but looks at what God has promised. He knows that even if God's promises are not visible, they are more real and real than what one can see and touch. Because what is seen and touched exists for a moment, but tomorrow no longer exists. Instead, what God promises will exist for all eternity. Therefore, it is wiser to believe in what God promises, rather than in what is seen around today. So what does it mean to live by faith? Think of a child with an extremely trustworthy and honest father. That child knows that his father does everything he says he does. So when that child is at home and the father is out, the child knows that his father will do what he said when he returns. And therefore, he behaves in such a way as to obtain the prizes that his father has promised. When there are problems, he is calm, because his father promised him that he would provide for every need. Even if he does not see how his father will do, he knows that his father will keep his word, and he will do whatever is necessary to make what his son has to do fit. Since the child knows with certainty that the father keeps his word, he lives by faith like a child, making his decisions based on his father's knowledge. He lives by faith in his father, and that child will not be disappointed. God wants faith from us: As we read throughout the Bible, what God wants of us is that we live by faith. Living by faith means, first of all, believing what God says. God says that we are sinners, and those who live by faith agreewith what God says. He knows he is a sinner, and he knows he deserves eternal judgment and condemnation. True faith produces a profound joy that does not depend on the circumstances of this life. So if you don't have the joy, the question is whether you are looking at Jesus Christ. Look to Christ, with faith in him, and you can have the joy of salvation. To know more about child like faith, do not miss to visit childlikefaith.com for interesting posts and quotes.