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Cancer’s a bad thing, so said everyone from your family doctor, to your friends, family, spouse and even the well-meaning office colleague. But have you actually paid heed to what they’ve been saying? You probably have but never took them seriously under catastrophe struck.
Cancer’s a bad thing, so said everyone from your family doctor, to your friends, family, spouse and even the well-meaning office colleague. But have you actually paid heed to what they’ve been saying? You probably have but never took them seriously under catastrophe struck.
That’s a hypothetical situation, but so that it never happens to you, now is the best time to say goodbye to lung destroying cigarettes and turn to the electronic cigarette if you can’t do without the bite of nicotine in your throat.
Why put money in another fancy gadget? You just thought that, didn’t you? What’s in a fancy gadget that claims to give you the pleasure of smoking at little or practically no harm to your physical health?
For starters, the fancy gadget has a cleverly conceived contraption which is technologically advanced so doesn’t allow the fumes to damage your lungs. Since electronic cigarettes only emit the vapour and not the tar laced smoke, they can be used even in places that are No Smoking areas.
If you are what they call a pack-a-day smoker, then electronic cigarettes are the perfect accompaniment for you as they let you enjoy smoking without risking the long term health hazards that traditional cigarettes have.
Plus, while traditional cigarettes can cost you quite a bit of money every month, an electronic cigarette can curtail your smoking expenses by at least 50%. Plus, if you choose to order from wholesalers, you can also enjoy benefits like discounts and special offers.
Sounds interesting; tell me more You’ll be happy to know that unlike traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes aren’t just available in the ever existing flavours of menthol and tobacco.
There is an extensive and exciting range including flavours like Pina Colada, Cheery Crush and others which may sound girlish, but can cater to all vaping palettes. Plus, to recreate the earlier nicotine experience, people can choose the percentage of nicotine they want in their e juice.
Also, since e-cigarettes are made to order, not only can one define their nicotine and flavour preferences, they can also dictate the fragrance they want their e cigarette to have.
This modern gadget is indeed so wonderful that it doesn’t let one feel smelly after a few drags. E-cigarettes are non-messy and easy to use like, let’s say, a pack of gums. All one has to do is find the appropriate variety and have it with no one the wiser.
Not just the e cigarette, but everything else associated with it is easily available. Therefore, one can easily buy refills, cartridges and also rechargeable batteries.
Though some may be of the opinion that electronic cigarettes too can harm this nation till date has not been backed by any scientific data.
Studies prove that demand for e-cigarettes are on the rise with each passing day because not only does it reverse the dangers of tobacco-induced smoking.
They also improve the health conditions of users who were earlier hooked to traditional cigarettes. Nobody wants a slow, painful death; more importantly, nobody wants to lead a life of disease and suffering. And these are exactly the reasons why electronic cigarettes are swiftly making their way to the top.
For more information, visit us http://strictlyecig.com