4. We chose the background of a brick wall as this associates with the topic of graffiti and one of the most popular places where both legal and illegal graffiti is found. This shot also includes the street and can see that this image was taken at night, a time where stereotypically graffiti takes place the most. FINAL We decided to have the ‘vandal’ to the left of the image with the brick wall visible as we wanted to take note of our research and have the channel 4 logo to the right of the advertisement, as that is the house style of Channel 4 documentaries. The use of direct address is used and also the low angle shot which works together to show intimidation towards the audience; making the ‘vandal’ look more superior and intimidating. . We chose the choice of clothing due to the stereotypical thoughts of how ‘vandals’ dress with the colours they were and trying to hide their identity. Also the colour choices of clothing were carefully chose as they wouldn’t wear brightly coloured coats etc to show We decided to use the low angle shot, with the vandal bent down also, because we felt the audience can see the surroundings better and also had a territorial stare and stance. In addition to the stance he is also aiming the spray can, with direct address, to the camera. We incorporated this from Images 1 + 2 we had taken as we felt it was engaging and still wanted to use it on our final poster.