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Supplemental Figure 1. Aerosolized LTB 4 administered 24 h post- S.pneumoniae challenge reduces pulmonary bacterial burdens at doses greater than 100 ng. WT mice were infected with 10 6 S. pneumoniae via the i.n. route and treated with aerosolized vehicle
Supplemental Figure 1. Aerosolized LTB4 administered 24 h post-S.pneumoniae challenge reduces pulmonary bacterial burdens at doses greater than 100 ng. WT mice were infected with 106S. pneumoniae via the i.n. route and treated with aerosolized vehicle (PBS with 0.5% BSA) or 5, 25, 100, 500, or 1000 ng of LTB4 24 h later. Lung homogenates were obtained for bacterial CFUs 24 h after LTB4 treatment (48 h post-infection). Data are expressed as the percent of the CFUs in vehicle treated mice. Bars represent the mean ± SEM for n=4-5 mice per group. *, P<0.05 vs vehicle by ANOVA using Dunnett’s multiple comparison test for mean separation.
Supplemental Figure 2. Effect of aerosolized LTB4 on lung cytokine levels in mice with pneumococcal pneumonia. WT mice were infected with 105 CFUs of S. pneumoniae and exposed to aerosolized vehicle or 100 ng of LTB4 24h later. Lungs were harvested for cytokine extraction 8h following LTB4 exposure. Bars represent the mean ± SEM of n=5 mice per treatment group.