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University candidates' expertise and workplace requirements

University candidates' expertise and workplace requirements. NUAS seminar Tromsø 25-27 October 2011. Objectives. To provide a picture of society's view on UiB's graduate candidates, the relevance of the candidates' expertise and give an indication about competency requirements in the

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University candidates' expertise and workplace requirements

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  1. University candidates' expertise and workplace requirements NUAS seminar Tromsø 25-27 October 2011

  2. Objectives To provide a picture of society's view on UiB's graduate candidates, the relevance of the candidates' expertise and give an indication about competency requirements in the future. • Administered by the company Ideas2Evidence Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  3. Methodology • Government statistics • Reanalysis of survey data of UiB candidates in work • Survey of companies • population 1,047 • replies 460 (44%) • Survey of employees at UiB • population 1,108 • replies 468 (42%) • Qualitative investigation (interview) • of UiB candidates (14) • of employers (15) Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  4. The labour market for highly educated workers • 11 percent in 1980, 26 percent in 2009 • From 212,000 people to about 1 million • A growth in number of 473 percent • Despite this growth, the demand has kept pace with the development in supply Proportion of people with higher education ■HE < 4 years ■ HE > 4 years Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  5. 30.0 700 600 25.0 25.6 25.2 25.3 24.3 24.0 23.3 23.1 500 23.0 22.9 22.5 20.0 400 15.0 300 13.0 11.9 11.8 10.0 11.7 11.5 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.1 10.6 200 5.0 100 0.0 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Academic occupations and college occupations are growing • The academic occupation's proportion of total employment has risen from 10.6 percent in 2000 to 13.0 percent in 2009. • In absolute terms, this represents a growth of 85,000 people, from 240,000 to 325,000, i.e. an absolute increase of almost 65 percent. • In the same period the so-called college professions (i.e. professions requiring competence equivalent to 1-3 years education from university or college), have risen from 510,000 to 634,000 people. This represents an absolute growth of almost 52 percent. • The college occupation's proportion of total employment in 2009 is 25.3 percent and the total of academic occupations and college occupations comes to 38.3 percent. ▬ Academic Occupation % ▬ College professions % ─ Academic Occupation no. of employed ─ College professions no. of employed

  6. 1400 1200 1000 800 600 1.000 people 400 200 0 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 Higher education, bachelor’s level Higher education, master’s level Projection of population with higher education • This model is based on constant study inclinations • The proportion of the population aged 16-74 years old with university and college education at a lower level, will increase from about 700,000 in 2008, to approximately 893,000 in 2020 and further to 1,010,000 in 2030 • Correspondingly, the proportion of the population with university and college education at a higher level will rise from about 190,000 in 2008, to almost 253,000 in 2020 and continue on to 294,000 in 2030. • This represents a percentage growth for people with the lower level of about 44 percent and for the higher level of approximately 54 percent.

  7. Expected demand is greater than projected supply, especially for lower level Projection of demand and supply University and college education – higher level University and college education – lower level Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  8. Variations between the subject areas Overqualified Underemployed Unemployed % of workforce Natural sciences Law Social sciences Humanities Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  9. ”Do you expect that [the company] will employ more or fewer people with university education over the next 5 years compared with the previous 5 years?” No significant change Don’t know Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  10. Connection between occupation and education Total Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Psychology Faculty of Law Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of History and Philosophy Faculty of Social Sciences The assignments require the professional knowledge I have acquired educationally The assignments require general educational qualifications The assignments do not require my level of education, but this remains beneficial Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  11. Comparison – university employees and business leaders • The survey had 3 categories of questions which enables a direct comparison between the views of university employees and those in the workplace • Important for employment • The employees were asked: Which of the following do you think are considered to be important or less important in working life when employing people with university education? • The companies were asked: Which of the following do you consider to be important or less important when employing people with university education? • Most emphasised when employing people • The employees were asked: When everything is taken into account, what do you think those in working life place the greatest emphasis on when employing people with university education? • The companies were asked: When everything is taken into account, what do you place the greatest emphasis on when employing people with university education? • The candidate's skills and qualifications • The employees were asked: When it comes to candidates with 1) a bachelor's degree / 2) a master's degree from your institution, what is your assessment of the various skills they acquire during the education? • The companies were asked: When it comes to candidates from the University of Bergen (the companies were asked about each individual faculty based on previous answers), what is your assessment of the various qualifications that they have acquired during the education?

  12. The employers' emphasis on various employment criteria • It is the most direct proof of what the candidates have acquired through their education that is emphasised the least • But both professional expertise and degree are more highly emphasised than work experience in the most knowledge intensive enterprises • Grades are often used as an initial screening mechanism • Grades also mean more for recent graduates Personal qualities Previous work experience Professional specialised expertise Formal level of education Grades Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  13. Little variations between employers in the private and public sectors Cooperation skills Communication skills, written and oral Capacity for independent and critical thinking Capacity to gain new knowledge Professional and theoretical knowledge Capacity to make use of knowledge in new areas Capacity to establish contacts and build relationships Methodical skills Analytical skills Capacity to manage and coordinate assignments Capacity to work under pressure Public Private Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011 Source: The employer survey

  14. Examples of differences in emphasising competencies between various businesses • The oil industry • strong emphasis on analytical skills and ability to use their knowledge in new areas, • less concerned with the candidate's communication skills • Information and communication • very concerned about the ability to work under pressure • Finance and insurance • significantly less concerned with the ability to use their knowledge in new areas than other industries • Public administration and service provision • strong emphasis on the candidate's communication skills Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  15. Which qualifications the employers emphasise when employing people with university education? Cooperation skills Capacity to gain new knowledge Capacity for independent and critical thinking Communication skills, written and oral Capacity to make use of knowledge in new areas Capacity to establish contacts and build relationships Professional and theoretical knowledge Analytical skills Capacity to work under pressure Methodical skills Capacity to manage and coordinate assignments Average values on a scale from 1 to 5 Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  16. How strongly the university employees think that the employers emphasise various qualifications when employing people with university education? Capacity to gain new knowledge Cooperation skills Communication skills, written and oral Capacity to make use of knowledge in new areas Capacity for independent and critical thinking Analytical skills Capacity to work under pressure Capacity to establish contacts and build relationships Professional and theoretical knowledge Capacity to manage and coordinate assignments Methodical skills Average values on a scale from 1 to 5 Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  17. What the employers emphasise when employing and what the employees think that they emphasise • The employees at the university underestimate the role that professional and theoretical knowledge and ability to think independently and critically plays when employing people • It is first and foremost the employees at the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Social Sciences who underestimate the importance of these qualifications Difference on average between the employers and the university employees Capacity to establish contacts and build relationships Professional and theoretical knowledge Capacity for independent and critical thinking Cooperation skills Capacity to work under pressure Methodical skills Communication skills, written and oral Capacity to gain new knowledge Capacity to manage and coordinate assignments Capacity to make use of knowledge in new areas Analytical skills Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  18. The employees' assessment of their own candidates Difference between Master’s and Bachelor’s Degree candidates Capacity for independent and critical thinking Analytical skills Methodical skills Capacity to make use of knowledge in new areas Communication skills, written and oral Capacity to manage and coordinate assignments Capacity to work under pressure Professional and theoretical knowledge Capacity to establish contacts and build relationships Capacity to gain new knowledge Cooperation skills Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  19. Important for employment • Most interesting in the relationship between university employees' evaluation and the workplace evaluation are the answers to the questions about ”professional and theoretical expertise” and ”ability to think independently and critically” • These two questions have the greatest difference between the employees' evaluation of the workplace evaluations, and the actual evaluations of the business leaders • Moreover, the average assessments are 3.9 for the UiB employees and 4.2 for the business leaders, and 4.1 for the UiB employees and 4.4 for the business leaders respectively. Professional and theoretical expertise Ability to think independently and critically Employees Companies Employees Companies Very low importance 5 Very important 5 Very important 1 Very low importance Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  20. The social scientists and to an even greater extent the humanists are highly valued for their communication skills The natural scientists are highly valued for their specialised knowledge and their analytical and methodical skills The psychologists are highly valued for their ability to collaborate, as well as make contacts and build relationships However the psychologists (and the medical students) were given a low valuation for their ability to administer and coordinate How the employers evaluate the qualifications of candidates from the University of Bergen Variations between the subject areas Professional and theoretical knowledge Capacity to gain new knowledge Capacity for independent and critical thinking Analytical skills Communication skills, written and oral Cooperation skills Capacity to make use of knowledge in new areas Methodical skills Capacity to establish contacts and build relationships Capacity to work under pressure Capacity to manage and coordinate assignments Average values on a scale from 1 to 5 Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  21. «Based on the experiences you have had, would it be of interest to hire people from the University of Bergen with these educations again?» • The companies were asked whether they, based on previous experiences, would consider employing people with the same educational background again • Almost none of the respondents answered ”No” to the question • Considering how the humanists and the humanities have been previously emphasised it is interesting that those who actually employ humanists appear to be pleased. Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

  22. The steps forward • Identify quality in research based education • Engaging students in research activities on both bachelor’s and master’s level • Establish an advisory body for public relations • Yearly monitoring of students employability skills • Invite employers to opposite career days

  23. Source: "Kompetanse 2020", Ideas2Evidence 2011

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