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Cars and Their Effect on Teenagers

Cars and Their Effect on Teenagers. Cars and Their Effect on Teenagers. Driving Question: How do cars shape teenagers responsibility?. Cars and Their Effect on Teenagers. Thesis Statement:

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Cars and Their Effect on Teenagers

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  1. Cars and Their Effect on Teenagers

  2. Cars and Their Effect on Teenagers Driving Question: How do cars shape teenagers responsibility?

  3. Cars and Their Effect on Teenagers Thesis Statement: First time teenage car owners build their responsibility through their first car, through car safety, and through job path ways in the automotive industry.

  4. Keeping Teenagers Safe

  5. Keeping Teenagers Safe • Organizations formed to help keep teenagers safe • “Partners for Safe Teen Driving” • "Car crashes are the leading cause of death among 16-19 year olds...In 2006, 12,711 teenagers died in the U.S. from injuries sustained in car crashes." - Partners for Safe Teen Driving

  6. Keeping Teenagers Safe • Dedications to those lost in accidents. • Teen Memory Wall • "Each brick represents a teenager lost to car crashes", "Stand up act" - Teen Memory Wall

  7. Keeping Teenagers Safe • Risks of the road • "Texting drivers carry eight times the risk of crashes when compared to a non-impaired driver", smiley and smiley LLP • "Over 68,000 teenage drivers have died in auto accidents the past 10 years.", Car Accident Claims

  8. Why is it important? If teenagers know what they are faced with then they are more likely to consider them when on the road. Being educated about the dangers of driving allows teenagers to be responsible about tackling driving.

  9. Teens and Their First Car

  10. Teens and Their First Car • Car Buying Tips • "You must buy a car in which you can afford to put down 20%. There is no room for arrogance or indignant responses here, it's a mathematical fact of life"-Carbuyingtips.com

  11. Teens and Their First Car • Getting your drivers license • How hard is it to get a license? • "nearly 1 in 5 licensed drivers – roughly 38 million Americans – would not pass a written drivers test exam if taken today. "- GMAC Insurance.

  12. Teens and Their First Car • Teens and Auto Insurance • "The risk of crash per mile driven is thee times higher for 16-19 year olds than for drivers age 65-69"- RMIIA.

  13. Why is it important? Teens when getting their first car have a lot of things that they are responsible for. Money, insurance, and even maintain the car are all aspects of what teenagers have to be responsible enough to do.

  14. Teenagers getting a job in the automotive industry

  15. Teenagers getting a job in the automotive industry • Automotive classes • "This student has taken numerous history classes with me, and has done well. Do his eyes light up when I speak of Caesar or Socrates, or some other story of history? Maybe. It pales in comparison to the emotion that student shared when showing me his excitement of putting his dream car together."- GRETCHEN KRIEGMONT

  16. Teenagers getting a job in the automotive industry • Success of a career in the automotive industry • "This research also assesses the influential impact of the annual revenues earned by the top six automotive companies in the United States"-Michael F. Thompson

  17. Teenagers getting a job in the automotive industry • Automotive path ways • "A traditional four-year college is not for everyone. That doesn’t mean you can’t get the education necessary to pursue your career dream. There are different, but equally rewarding paths, to a successful future. Among them are careers as professional automotive, collision repair, and diesel technicians."-Ken Golaszewski.

  18. Why is it important? Some teenagers are really passionate when it comes to automotives and to have a job dealing with cars could be a dream. But in order to plan for their future they must be responsible with their grades and commit to giving 100% effort.

  19. Car safety, buying your first car, and jobs in the automotive industry are all things that help shape teenagers responsibility

  20. With over 1 billion drivers on the road it is very important for us to give up and coming youth a chance to be responsible and wise with cars and hopefully used as an influence for the rest of their lives.

  21. Annotated Bibliography • "FAQ's | SAFE TEEN DRIVING | Partners for Safe Teen Driving." SAFE TEEN DRIVING | Partners for Safe Teen Driving. 2004. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. <http://www.safeteendriving.org/faq/faq.php>. • This site help explains the dangers and the risk that teens take and are faced by when they drive. Most teens don't realze the actualpercentage of deaths that happen on the road. This site helps inform and answer questions that teenagers might have when going out on the road. • All State. "Teen Memory Wall." Teen Memory Wall. All State. Web. 5 Apr. 2011. <http://www.teenmemorywall.com/?CMP=KNC-Teen-Memory-Wall&HBX_PK=teenage+car+accidents&HBX_OU=50>. • This site helps acknowledge the effect that teen car crahses has on love ones. This is a site that has pictures of teens that have passed away due to car accidents. Each brick or picture represents a teenager lost to a car crash and for each brick there is a memorial site that people can set up to help acknowledge that person and their lost. This site is sponsered by all state. • Bus, Turning. "Texting, Teens and Car Accidents | New York City Car Accident Lawyer | Bronx Car Crash Attorney." New York City Personal Injury Attorney | NYC Wrongful Death Lawyer | Midtown Manhattan Car Accident Law Firm. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. <http://www.smileylaw.com/Articles/Texting-Teens-and-Car-Accidents.shtml>. • This site is provide by an attorney center and establishes information dealing with teens and texting while driving. The site provides alot of information dealing with injuries and recks caused by texting compared to other car crashes. The percentage of teens affected by texing while driving is alot larger than adults. • "Statistics On Teenage Car Accidents and Teen Deaths." Car Accident Claims, Auto Insurance Settlements, Personal Injury Amounts. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. <http://www.after-car-accidents.com/statistics-on-teenage-car-accidents.html> • This site is provide by a law firm and provides factual information about teens and auto accidents. These statistics help influence car rates and policies because of the high risk to teens and their cars.

  22. Annotated Bibliography • This site outlines the importance of high school auto shops. It points out how having these auto shops in high school make a difference in teenagers future and in their life in general. These auto shops help establish futures for teenagers. • "Employment and Economic Growth in the U.S. Automotive Manufacturing Industry." Home: Indiana Business Research Center: Indiana University Bloomington. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. <http://www.ibrc.indiana.edu/ibr/2010/spring/article2.html>. • This site talks about the potential of the auto industry. For teenagers looking for a career in cars. It helps to know that potential of a job that you want to pursue and that is what this site provides for teenagers that may be looking towards a job in cars. • "A Career In the Automotive Industry." Tips for Choosing a College. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. <http://www.thehighschoolgraduate.com/editorial/HU/career-in-the-automotive-industry.htm>. • This site provides steps that help people who are searching for a job in the auto industry. The site outlines what has to be done in order to get a job in cars which is very helpful for teenagers that want a job in the auto industry. This outline can be very useful for teenagers who are unsure what to do when it comes to starting the pathway to an auto

  23. Annotated Bibliography • "First Time Car Buying Tips For Teens & Safe Teen Driving." CarBuyingTips.com New Car Buying Guide, Avoiding Dealer Scams, New Cars, Used Car Buying. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. <http://www.carbuyingtips.com/first-time-buyer.htm>. • This site provides informations for teens who are buying their first car. It gives knowledge about what kind of credit you should have and the responiblility that comes with owning a car. It includes all of the information that a teen needs before considering a car and while trying to choice one, along with how to pay it off. • "GMAC Insurance National Drivers Test Finds 38 Million American Drivers May Be Unfit for Roads." Auto Insurance Quotes - Car Insurance Quotes, RV, Homeowners, & Motorcycle Insurance Rates | GMAC Insurance. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. <http://www.gmacinsurance.com/SafeDriving/PressRelease.asp>. • This site has statistics on the drivers test and defines the difficulty of the test and how it relates to the people who have to take it. It goes over how many people that may own a drivers licence does not mean that they should be on the road. • "Teens and Auto Insurance." Auto and Homeowners Insurance Information for Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. <http://www.rmiia.org/auto/teens/Buying_Auto_Insurance.asp>. • This site talks about insurance for teens. Insurance is required before you can even drive a car. This site outlines certain programs or policies for teenagers. The site helps answer questions that most teenagers have about insurance and offering the best policies for getting insurance that are specific to new drivers and teenagers. • Kriegmont, Gretchen. "My Turn: High School's Auto Shop Fills Important Role." Juneau Empire - Alaska's Capital City Online Newspaper. Web. 05 Apr. 2011. <http://juneauempire.com/stories/040108/opi_263940120.shtml>.

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