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Write for a wide range of contexts. P&P4FM Writing text. P&P4FM Editing. P&P4FM Using techniques. Write for a wide range of contexts. Topics. Notional Hours. RF405.23 Writing imaginative text appropriate to topic and purpose. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50.
P&P4FM Writing text P&P4FM Editing P&P4FM Using techniques Write for a wide range of contexts Topics Notional Hours RF405.23 Writing imaginative text appropriate to topic and purpose 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 RF405.24 Writing convincing, purposeful factual texts RF405.25 Writing convincingly on personal interest RF405.26 Choosing the narrative voice most appropriate to context, purpose and RF405.27 Composing logically deliberated sequenced arguments that build up to a convincing conclusion RF405.28 Employing devices to create particular rhythmic or tonal effects in text RF405.29 Employing stylistic devices to enhance meaning RF405.30 Editing text for coherence, logical sequence and structure RF405.31 Rearranging text to enhance impact RF405.32 Using proofreading techniques to improve accuracy and readability of text Total Notional Hours Modules
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems RF405.23 Writing imaginative text appropriate to topic and purpose Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Be able to use knowledge gained from reading to incorporate some elements of a chosen form or genre Know how use to use authorial comment on main characters and their actions Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Be able to use imaginative detail to clearly evoke settings and characters and to establish significant interaction between them Know how to develop coherent control of pace and progression through a series of clearly and logically related events Use science and technology effectively and critically Know the purposes of direct speech and how it contributes to characterisation, pace, plot development, etc. Understand the importance of using metaphors in creative writing Understand the fact that imaginative text is usually organised in beginning, middle and end sections, which are suitably balanced Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understand how to to use language to imply meaning, or shades of meaning Understand how to establish a lively style, clearly demonstrating elements intended to interest the reader Use mathematics Learner and societal development Understand what imaginative text is and what it is appropriate for
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.23 Writing imaginative text appropriate to topic and purpose Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of what imaginative text is and what it is appropriate for • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of the organisation of imaginative text • Are able to use imaginative detail to clearly evoke settings and characters and to establish significant interaction between them A individual exercise where learners are required to write imaginative text Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures Group Discussions • Learners select one emotion and write a description of that emotion • Learners present their description to the rest of the group • The group analyses the writing and discuss whether the writing was convincing and make recommendations • Learners write a description of a incident at work, using imaginative text and present the text to the group • The group analyses the writing and discuss whether the writing was convincing Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Analyse Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts Critical Cross-field Outcomes RF405.24 Writing convincing, purposeful factual texts Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Be able to adopt the appropriate tone and style with respect to the purpose of the text Know that scientific writing usually uses the passive voice Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Be able to keep writing concise by elimiating wordiness and omitting words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Know the importance of pharaphrasing as well as other ways to integrate sources into your writing Use science and technology effectively and critically Understand that synonyms provide some variety in word choices, helping the reader to stay focused on the idea being discussed Understand how to use transitional words and sentence patterns to establish links that result in unified text Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understand that repetition of key terms or phrases will help to keep the reader on track Know the seven principles of good expository writing Use mathematics Learner and societal development
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.24 Writing convincing, purposeful factual texts Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of the seven principles of good expository writing • Are able to develop convincing,clearly articulated and unified text • Are able to adopt the appropriate tone and style with respect to the purpose of the text • Are able to use short clear unambiguous words A individual exercise where learners are required to write a report on the environmental impact of their plant on the immediate environment and in general Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures Group Discussions • Learners to watch a video on the the impact of factories on the environment • Learners to interview experts dealing with environmental issues in the plant to obtain information on the steps taken by the company to promote a healthy environment • Learners to write a report analysing the impact of their plant/factory on the immediate and general environment • Learners can decide on their own purpose, audience and format • Learners to present their report to the rest of the group and discuss the reports Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Analyse Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts RF405.25 Writing convincingly on personal interest Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Be able to include only things that have direct bearing on the story at hand, not bogging it down with incidentals Understand the importance of a good opening sentence to “hook” the reader Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Know that for a convincing personal piece it is prefereable that only one theme should dominate Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Understanding the basic structure to follow when writing on personal interest Use science and technology effectively and critically Understand that to write convincingly you should write about what you know Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understanding the importance of picking the theme or point that you which to establish and remaining focussed on it Use mathematics Learner and societal development
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.25 Writing convincingly on personal interest Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic structure to follow when writing on personal interest • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of that for a convincing personal piece it prefereable should have only one dominant theme • Are able to write a good opening sentence • Are able to describe feelings, setting, characters etc in a interesting way A individual exercise writing text on personal interest to ensure that learners develop the competence to write expressively on personal issues stimulating and maintaining their readers interest Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures Group Discussions • Learners to study the learning material and make notes • Learners to choose a important indicent in their own lives and write text about it • Learners can choose their own topic and purpose as well as stucture and format • Present the text to facilitator and discuss ways of improving text • Make a list of the suggested improvements Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Make a list Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts RF405.26 Choosing the narrative voice most appropriate to context, purpose and audience Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Be able to describe the differences between first person, second and third person narrative Be aware that first-person point of view is usually subjective Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Understand that verb tense can also affect the narrative style of the story and that most stories use the past tense Understand the fact that third person narrative can be limited, objective and omniscient Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Understand that which persona you adopt depends on what kind of story you are trying to tell, and what kind of emotional atmosphere works best for the story Understand that first person can include observer-narrator, detached autobiography, multiple narrators and interior monologue Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understand that the author’s persona of a fictional narrative can help or hinder the success of the story Understand the three major problems that arise from careless use of the persona Understand the concept narrative voice or “author's persona”and what its purpose is Use mathematics Learner and societal development
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.26 Choosing the narrative voice most appropriate to context, purpose and audience Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of the concept narrative voice or “author's persona”and what its purpose it serves • Are able to demonstrate an ability to choose which persona to adopt depending on the what kind of story is being told • Are able to explain the first, second and third person use Learners study various types of text where the different types of narrative voice in evident to ensure that learners are able to differentiate between the kinds of narrative voice used by authors and choose the most appropriate one to context, purpose and audience when writing their own text Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Group Discussions HOW Sketch • Learners are provided with examples of written text that contain various types of text where the different types of narrative voice (first person, second and third person narrative can be limited, objective and omniscient) is evident • Learners are required to identify the narrative voice in each piece of writing and to identify the positive and negative points of each voice style • Learners to present their findings orally to the rest of the group • As a group, discuss the learner’s findings Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Analyse/Identify Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts RF405.27 Composing logically deliberated sequenced arguments that build up to a convincing conclusion Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Be able to list examples of logical vocabulary and how to use them Be able to list “good” and “bad” syntax Communicate effectively Understand the use of persuasive language techniques, for example persuasive words, raising a question or a using challenging statement Understand that you should always keep in mind who your readers are when formulating your arguments and conlcusions Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Understand the role which structure plays in making arguments logical and deliberately sequenced, for example use lists for greater impact Use science and technology effectively and critically Understand the use of reason and evidence to form an argument Understand the basic elements of logic which include critical thinking, deduction, justification, sorting, and comparing Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understand that to the conclusion is your judgement or evaluation and not a summary Understand the concept of critical literacy Use mathematics Learner and societal development
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.27 Composing logically deliberated sequenced arguments that build up to a convincing conclusion Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media A group assignment were the learners are challenged to compose a logically sequence argument in text regarding a topic of interest such as the use of antiretroviral in the treatment of HIV/Aids WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to demonstrate an understanding the basic elements of logic which include critical thinking, deduction, justification, sorting, and comparing • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of what a conclusion is • Are able to use persuasive language in your text Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures • As a group decide on the topic of interest and the arguments which should be debated • Decide which group would write in support or against the argument. • Learners are divided into two groups and will make use of the internet to research and study the topic. • Learners to prepare a list of the basic elements of logic to assist them • The groups are required to write about the same topic but one for and the other against the argument • The groups will present their arguments and analyse the writing and discuss whether the arguments were convincing and deliberately sequenced Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Prepare lists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts RF405.28 Employing devices to create particular rhythmic or tonal effects in text Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Be able to give examples of the tone you would use in a letters including a business letter, a resume and an acceptance letter of a new job Be able to describe which tone to use for a negative message Communicate effectively Understand the importance of making sure that writing is free of sexist language and free of bias based on such factors as race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, and disability Organise and manage myself and my activities Understanding what tone is and how to decide on the appropriate tone to use in various text Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Understand the role of sentence positioning and variation for example, an abrupt short sentence following a long sentence or a sequence of long sentences is often emphatic Understand that ideas placed in the first paragraph of a document or message receive the most emphasis Use science and technology effectively and critically Understand using choice and arrangement of words for achieving emphasis Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understand that some punctuation marks prompt the reader to give a word or sentence more than usual emphasis Understand the function of repetition of letters, syllables, word and ideas Use mathematics Learner and societal development
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.28 Employing devices to create particular rhythmic or tonal effects in text Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media A individual exercise where learners are presented with written text and asked to revise them to better the rhythmic and tonal effect and required to write a “negative” or bad new letters WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of the devices that can be used to create particular rhythmic or tonal effects • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of what rhetorical devices are and how to apply them • Are able to use persuasive language in your text • The ability to choose the correct tone appropriate to the type of text Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures • Learners are provided with a written text which lacks rythm and the appropriate tone • Learners are given time to study the text and re-write the text to improve the tone and rhytm of the text • Learners to present their text to the group and discuss ways improve the text and compare texts. Learners to make a list of improvements • Learners are requested to write a letter to an applicant informing him/her that the job application was unsuccessful • Learners to critique each other’s letters, make changes after which learners should submit it to the facilitator Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Prepare lists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Write a letter Complete a questionnaire
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts Critical Cross-field Outcomes RF405.29 Employing stylistic devices to enhance meaning Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Be able to list some symbols Be able to describe stylistic writing Communicate effectively Understand how to create a picture in words Organise and manage myself and my activities Understanding that irony is the use of the unexpected, or twist in events, sharply pointing out the difference between reality and appearance Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Understand how breaking the pattern and departing from structure can create emphasis Use science and technology effectively and critically Understand using visual devices for achieving emphasis Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understand that a symbol is something that stands for more than what it outwardly appears Understanding what the meaning of style is Use mathematics Learner and societal development
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.29 Employing stylistic devices to enhance meaning Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media An individual exercise where learners are presented with symbols such as flags, religious statutes etc. and asked to explain how they stand for more than what it outwardly appears WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to demonstrate an understanding what writing style means • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of how to apply stylistic devices such as symbols to enhance meaning • Are able to list some symbols • Are able to describe stylistic writing Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures • Learners are provided with certain symbols for example the American and Chinese flags and other religious symbols and statute and asked to write down their feelings and what they believe these symbols represent in a tabular format • A group discussion follows where different interpretations are presented by the learners and explained • Learners to prepare a list of other known symbols through internet research Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Lists/Tabulate Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Write a letter Complete a questionnaire
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts RF405.30 Editing text for coherence, logical sequence and structure Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Be able to recognise the errors that is typically made andto learn how to fix it using specific strategies Be able to recognise weaknesses and/or errors and make the adjustments to improve the flow Communicate effectively Be able to check the whole text against the purpose for writing it Be able to explain the difference between editing and proofreading Organise and manage myself and my activities Understanding that checking the text’s coherence and unity includes asking questions like: Are the major points connected? Are the relationships between them expressed clearly? Do they all relate to the purpose? Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Understand that it is useful to keep in mind who you are writing for when editing Use science and technology effectively and critically Understand the role of comparing the purpose statement with the text to ensure that your text states your main ideas Understand how reading the text aloud slowly will enable the use of two senses to edit Understand the process of editing and the steps that can be used to enhance editing Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understand that taking a break from the text will enhace the editing process Understanding how to review sentence structure Use mathematics Learner and societal development
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.30 Editing text for coherence, logical sequence and structure Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media A individual exercise editing and reviewing own text to check for coherence and logical sequence WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of the process of editing and the steps that can be used to enhance successful editing • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of the different steps of editing • Are able to explain the difference between editing and proofreading • Are able to identify weakness and adjust these to improve coherence and flow Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures • Leaners edit the text prepared earlier regarding the topic of HIV/Aids • Groups switch text and edit the text to identify weakness and improve on the overall structure, sequencing of arguments, coherence and flow of the text • Learners to list their own repeated weaknesses and make adjustments Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Lists/Tabulate Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Edit text Complete a questionnaire
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts RF405.31 Rearranging text to enhance impact Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Be able to check for clear transitions between paragraphs Be able to find the main verb in each sentence Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Be able to recognise parallel sturucture Be able skim you text for pronouns and search for the noun that the pronoun replaces Organise and manage myself and my activities Be able to review your text against the original outline to ensure that every aspect has been included Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Understand how playing the role of the reader encourages you to see the paper as your audience might Be able to recognise the most important message of the text quickly Use science and technology effectively and critically Understand the set format used for text structure in you organisation, and review you text against that format Understand that each paragraph should have a clear topic Understand how asking others to read you text and indentify you message will enable you to improve the impact of your text Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understand the process of editing for higher order concerns Understand how to review sentence structure Understand the importance of reviewing the structure of you text Use mathematics Learner and societal development
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.31 Rearranging text to enhance impact Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media A individual exercise editing for higher order concerns of text to improve the impact of the text for a defined audience WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of reviewing the structure of you text • Demonstrate an understanding of editing for higher order concerns • The ability to review text against the original outline to ensure that every aspect has been included • The ability to check for clear transitions between sentences and paragraphs Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures • Learners are provided with work related text e.g the annual report or published adverts • Individually, learners should study the text, review and make suggestions regarding the way information is arranged and defined for a certain audience • Identify the main verb in each sentence and list them. Compare your list with that of the other learners • A group discussion follows were different interpretations are presented and explained Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Lists/Tabulate Make suggestions Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Edit text Complete a questionnaire
US: 8976 Write for a wide range of contexts Critical Cross-field Outcomes RF405.32 Using proofreading techniques to improve accuracy and readability of text Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Be able to check for commonly misused words and start a journal of those words that constantly need looking up Communicate effectively Be able to check for run on sentences and placing a comma to correct it Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Understand how to check whether an apostrophe is needed Be able to check for correct use of commas in compound sentences Understand how the overuse of jargon impacts on clarity and readability Understand the importance of layout on the page especially line spacing and white space Use science and technology effectively and critically Be able to use a dictionary to see that each word is spelled correctly Understand how to use strategies to examine each word in the paper individually Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Understand strategies that willhelp yous l o w d o w nasyou read through text and help you catch mistakes that you might otherwise overlook Understand the process of editing and proofreading for lower order concerns Use mathematics Learner and societal development
Notional Hours 5 Topic Specification: RF405.32 Using proofreading techniques to improve accuracy and readability of text Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to demonstrate an understanding of the process of editing and proofreading for lower order concerns • Are able to proofreading techniques to improve the accuracy and readability of text • Are able to check for commonly misused words Are able to check for gramatical and punctuation errors An individual exercise where learners apply editing techniques to improve the impact of the text for a defined audience Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures Group Discussions • Learners are provided with work related text e.g the policy on leave or promotion to study and review • Learners to make suggestions regarding the way information is arranged and defined for a certain audience • A group discussion follows were different interpretations are presented and explained • Individual learners to explain the process of editing and proofreading for lower order concerns Sketch Games Analyse, plan and make decisions Using checklists Analyse/Review Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire