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Shakespeare Said It First. phrases explanations from dictionary.com . …all that glitters is not gold. Things that appear on the surface to be of great value may be quite worthless. …dead as a doornail. dead beyond any doubt . …elbow room. sufficient scope to move or function.
Shakespeare Said It First phrases explanations from dictionary.com
…all that glitters is not gold • Thingsthatappearonthe surface to be of great value may be quite worthless.
…dead as a doornail • deadbeyondany doubt
…elbow room • sufficientscopetomoveorfunction
… full circle • tothe original place, source, or state through a cycle of developments(usuallyusedinthephrasecomefullcircle ).
… good riddance • theact of getting rid of something undesirable or unpleasant; deliveranceorremoval(espinthephrasegoodriddance)
… heart of gold • A very kind and good nature, as inBill is very generous; he has a heartofgold. Thisexpressionalludes to gold in the sense of "something valued for itsgoodness."[Late1500s]
… sorry sight • a sight that one regrets seeing; someone or something that is unpleasant to look at.
…too much a of a good thing • Toolarge an amount of a beneficial or useful thing or activity can be harmfulor excessive. For example, The indoor decorations are fine but the outdoor Santa, sled, reindeer, gnomes it's just too much of a good thing. Expressed in slightly different form evenearlier,Shakespeareusedthis precise wording in praise of moderationinAs You Like It (4:1):"Canonedesiretoomuchofagoodthing?"