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Implementation of Basic Digital Filter Structures

Explore the practical implementation of digital filters, including FIR and IIR designs, addressing issues like stability, sensitivity, overflow, and scaling. Learn about efficient DSP algorithms and memory usage.

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Implementation of Basic Digital Filter Structures

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  1. Implementation of BasicDigital Filter Structures R.C. Maher ECEN4002/5002 DSP Laboratory Spring 2002

  2. Digital Filters • DSP ALUs designed to do fast MACs • Use Harvard architecture: place filter state in X memory, filter coefficients in Y memory • Try to avoid truncation until after all MACs Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  3. + x[n] y[n] h0 Z-1 x[n-1] h1 Z-1 x[n-2] h2 Z-1 x[n-3] h3 FIR Filter Review Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  4. X Memory Y Memory Modulo N Buffer Memory Filter state (delay line) Modulo N Buffer Memory Coefficients (delay line) FIR Setup Input Accumulator Output Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  5. FIR Code for 56300 • Filter order ‘n’ • Input and Output in accumulator ‘a’ • r0: samples, r4: coefs, m0 & m4: n-1 move a,x(r0) clr a x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0 rep #n-1 mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0 macr x0,y0,a (r0)- Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  6. IIR Filters • IIR (infinite impulse response) filters allow zeros and poles; FIR allow zeros only. IIR can be more selective for a given filter order • IIR also called recursive filters: output depends on past inputs and past outputs • IIR designs are not guaranteed to be stable • IIR filters can be particularly sensitive to coefficient quantization Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  7. IIR Issues: Stability and Sensitivity • Finite precision of coefficients can lead to several issues: • In order to be unconditionally stable and causal, all system poles must be inside the unit circle (|z|<1). Coefficient roundoff may inadvertently move a pole outside unit circle • Finite coefficient precision “quantizes” pole locations: may change frequency response from ideal case even if still stable Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  8. Overflow Issues • Gain from input to storage nodes in the filter may exceed unity. This can cause filter state to be saturated (clipped), resulting in distortion • Typically must scale down (attenuate) the input signal, then scale up (amplify) by an equal amount on the output Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  9. Second-Order Sections • High-order filter polynomials involve terms that are products and sums involving many poles and zeros. Small roundoff errors when implementing filter can lead to large response errors • As with analog filters, it is typical to reduce sensitivity by using second-order sections Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  10. Implementing 2nd Order Sections • 2nd Order (bi-quad) expression • Numerator implements 2 zeros, denominator implements 2 poles (real or complex conj.) Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  11. + Direct Form Bi-Quad y[n] x[n] b0 Z-1 Z-1 y[n-1] x[n-1] -a1 Z-1 b1 Z-1 x[n-2] y[n-2] b2 -a2 Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  12. IIR Code for 56300 • Direct Form II, with equations: w(n)=x(n)-ai1w(n-1)-ai2w(n-2) y(n)=w(n)+bi1w(n-1)+bi2w(n-2) • Since ai1 and bi1 may be > 1, need to divide all coefs by 2, then use special scaling mode for 2 on read from accumulator: ori #$08,MR  sets “scale up”: 1-bit left shift on acc read Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  13. IIR for 56300 (cont.) • N = number of second-order sections • Filter state (w) in X memory: r0 • Filter coefs (a,b) in Y memory: r4 • Coefs stored in order: • a12/2, a11/2, b12/2, b11/2, a22/2, … bN2/2 • State (data) stored in order: • w1(n-2), w1(n-1), w2(n-2), w2(n-1), … wN(n-1) • m0 = 2*N-1, m4 = 4*N-1 • Initial gain in y1, input in y0, output in ‘a’ Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  14. IIR for 56300 (cont.) mpy y0,y1,a x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0 do #N,end_cell mac -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 y:(r4)+,y0 macr -x1,y0,a x1,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,y0 mac x0,y0,a a,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,y0 mac x1,y0,a x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0 end_cell rnd a Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  15. Other Filter Structures • Direct Form I and Direct Form II • Cascade and Parallel Realizations • Transpose Forms • Lattice Forms Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  16. EVM Note: External Memory • To use external memory on EVM, need to program the bus control register and the address attribute register 0 (see 56300 Family Manual) movep #$040821,x:M_AAR0 ;Compare 8 most significant bits ;Look for a match with address ;Y:0000 0100 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx ;No pack, no mux, Y enabled ;P and X disabled ;AAR0 pin active low movep #$012421,x:M_BCR ;One ext. wait state • Access to external memory is slower than internal memory: wait state stalls processor Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

  17. Conclusion • DSP chips (including the DSP563xx) are designed specifically for fast digital filter implementations • Care must be taken to ensure that the practical details are addressed: • Coefficient quantization • Overflow and scaling • Computational complexity Filter Implementation R. C. Maher

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