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Chapter 13 Promoting Hospitality and Tourism. Promotion and Advertising. Promotion = any form of communication used to persuade people to buy products Purpose is to increase sales, generate interest, create positive image Promotional Mix Advertising Sales Promotion
Promotion and Advertising • Promotion = any form of communication used to persuade people to buy products • Purpose is to increase sales, generate interest, create positive image • Promotional Mix Advertising Sales Promotion Public Relations and Publicity Personal Selling
Advertising • Advertising = PAID promotion • Promotional Advertising = advertising with a goal of selling an item – introduce new products, special deal or sale Airlines use this to announce airfares or introduce new routes
Institutional Advertising = with a goal of developing goodwill or positive image May sponsor a charitable event or thank people who donate money, restaurant may have customer appreciation night.
Types of Advertising Media • Print • Broadcast • Online • Specialty PRINT Newspaper – specific geographic location, inexpensive, life is short- people throw away
Magazines = monthly, goes nationally, appeals to certain target markets, priced high • Direct Mail = sent to home or email, can be personalized to target market Ex. – hotel sends to people who recently stayed there
Outdoor Advertising = sings, billboards, posters, like in sports arenas, transportation centers BROADCASTING MEDIA Expensive- TV and radio- can be geared to target market Infomercials – 30 minutes long- about a specific item
ONLINE MEDIA Banner Ads Search Engines Counting Hits Email SPECIALITY MEDIA Calendar, pens, mugs, magnets, matchbooks, imprinted with company logo
Creating Advertising Messages • AIDA Model Attention Interest Desire Action • Content of the Message- appeal in different ways emotional, rationally, morally
Structure and Format (style and tone of message) Testimonial Scientific Technical Personality Lifestyle Mood Fantasy
Budgeting for Advertising • Affordable – what can the business afford • Percentage of sales- % of sales is spent on advertising • Competitive =gain the competitive advantage • Objective and task – based on businesses objectives
13-2 Public Relations and Sales Promotion • PUBLIC REALTIONS- any activity designed to create a positive image of a business • PUBLICITY – free mention of product or company – TV , newspaper, etc. • Good Press Relations – attract business – if a show is on the Travel Channel people think more of it or will go to it. Very influential
Press Releases = newsworthy article that provides basic information- who, what, when, and where Pg 268 example • The Spin Zone= putting a positive spin on a negative situation • Crisis Management =
Creating Goodwill = improve relationships with other businesses in the same location • SALES PROMOTION Encourage consumers to BUY products Contests and sweepstakes Special Offers and Sales Events Coupons Premiums = sample a free product with an item already purchased. Rewards Programs