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Summary. Making a successful applicationMajor funders and their schemesSources of information. What the funder looks for:. High-quality research: an original contribution to knowledge in the field Outputs: what will be the impact of the research?Academic record: evidence of research poten
1. Research Grants & Contracts Office Applying for research funding
Louise Botley
Research Support Officer
Room 353, Malet Street extension
020 7631 6099
2. Summary
Making a successful application
Major funders and their schemes
Sources of information
3. What the funder looks for: High-quality research: an original contribution to knowledge in the field
Outputs: what will be the impact of the research?
Academic record: evidence of research potential Much of this is applicable to research grant applications in general – so also relevant to when you have your first academic job.
Not all funders are the same. General principles - but always be aware of the differences.
For PDs potential to go on to a successful academic career
Evidence: degree results, any publications, references,
Original contribution – ‘High quality’
Awareness of other relevant research in your field
Contextualising your work
Who is going to use your knowledge?Much of this is applicable to research grant applications in general – so also relevant to when you have your first academic job.
Not all funders are the same. General principles - but always be aware of the differences.
For PDs potential to go on to a successful academic career
Evidence: degree results, any publications, references,
Original contribution – ‘High quality’
Awareness of other relevant research in your field
Contextualising your work
Who is going to use your knowledge?
4. A strong proposal Addresses the funder’s research priorities and the aims of the scheme
Clear language without jargon
Establishes the context for the research
Well-defined aims and objectives
Detailed methodology – why these methods?
Define your research question and why is it important?
How does it relate to research you’ve already done?
How does it advance knowledge? What further research might it lead to?
Some funders will want to see how you will develop this research in future Define your research question and why is it important?
How does it relate to research you’ve already done?
How does it advance knowledge? What further research might it lead to?
Some funders will want to see how you will develop this research in future
5. A strong proposal (2) Anticipates potential problems – how will you deal with them?
Has realistic ambitions
Identifies and addresses training needs
Specified outputs and dissemination plans
Training plans for career development fellowships
Dissemination plans – show the impact of the research.Training plans for career development fellowships
Dissemination plans – show the impact of the research.
6. Practical points Read all guidelines, terms and conditions
Check your eligibility
Check application form requirements, e.g. referee reports, signatures, length of proposal
Allow plenty of time: check deadlines/method of submission.
Electronic submission – may need to set up an account
Eligibility of individual and of subject
Univ. will need to commit resources – space, sometimes salary, continuation of contract – make early contact with the institution.
Follow all requirements as stated – provide all information requested, font size, don’t send extra material
.Eligibility of individual and of subject
Univ. will need to commit resources – space, sometimes salary, continuation of contract – make early contact with the institution.
Follow all requirements as stated – provide all information requested, font size, don’t send extra material
7. Practical points (2) Choose referees carefully – check they have time.
Get the finances right – check with Research Grants
Justify costs where appropriate.
Get as much feedback on your draft proposal as possible
Referees – make sure they’re available, know what’s required. Remind them to do it. Consider changing referees – don’t necessarily use the same ones.
Ask your referees to comment on a draft
Involve research grants as soon as possible – especially with full economic costing. Referees – make sure they’re available, know what’s required. Remind them to do it. Consider changing referees – don’t necessarily use the same ones.
Ask your referees to comment on a draft
Involve research grants as soon as possible – especially with full economic costing.
8. Essential contacts Head of Department
Research Grants Office
Funding agency staff
Potential mentor
Ethics committees
9. Proposal writing guides ESRC – follow ‘How do I’ link on left hand side.
AMRC – Click on ‘Our Members’ at the top of screen; ‘A guide to success’ is on the right of the screen.
EPSRC: Click on ‘How to Apply’ on right hand side.
10. Types of Funder Research Councils
Government bodies
Commercial sponsors
11. Arts and Humanities
British Academy
Leverhulme Trust.
Wellcome Trust – History of Medicine
Arts and Humanities Research Council – Creative and Performing Arts
Classics, ancient history and archaeology
Visual arts and media: practice, history, theory
English language and literature
Medieval and modern history
Modern languages and linguistics
Librarianship, information and museum studies
Music and performing arts
Philosophy, religious studies and law
Classics, ancient history and archaeology
Visual arts and media: practice, history, theory
English language and literature
Medieval and modern history
Modern languages and linguistics
Librarianship, information and museum studies
Music and performing arts
Philosophy, religious studies and law
12. British Academy Awards grants in humanities and social sciences (inc. psychology)
Postdoctoral fellowships
3 years support for outstanding recent postdoctoral scholars (up to 2 yrs post PhD)
Production of single publishable piece of research
Closing date 28 February
2004: 518 applications submitted, 38 awards made
Samples of written work
Success rate 7%Samples of written work
Success rate 7%
13. Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship
2 year award – all fields are eligible
Trust pays up to 50% of the employment cost, plus research expenses up to £5,000 pa
Career development for researchers under the age of 35 with track record.
Closing date March
Applicants must have submitted thesis by closing date – in order to stop people applying too early
Applicants with no tenured position.
Usually exceptions for those over age limit – must have enough time to have academic careerApplicants must have submitted thesis by closing date – in order to stop people applying too early
Applicants with no tenured position.
Usually exceptions for those over age limit – must have enough time to have academic career
14. Social Sciences Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
British Academy
Leverhulme Trust
Wellcome Trust – Biomedical Ethics
Nuffield Foundation
15. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Budget of £77m for research in 2004/05
Postdoctoral Fellowship
1 year, immediately on completion of PhD
No closing dates
Open to all disciplines but preference given to priority areas – economics, quantitative methods.
Success rate in 2005: 24%.
From July 2006, no more than one year of postdoc experience at time of taking up award.
Also standard fellowship scheme for 2-3 year period of concentrated research activity.
Can include training as well as research
Need to have departmental mentor
Salary costs plus some support for research expenses.From July 2006, no more than one year of postdoc experience at time of taking up award.
Also standard fellowship scheme for 2-3 year period of concentrated research activity.
Can include training as well as research
Need to have departmental mentor
Salary costs plus some support for research expenses.
16. Science and Engineering Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
Leverhulme Trust
Wellcome Trust – Biomedical Sciences
Royal Society
17. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Royal Academy of Engineering/EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Awards tenable for 5 years
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Mathematical Sciences
Tenable for 3 years
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Theoretical Physics Deadlines for MS and TP both September.
FeCDeadlines for MS and TP both September.
18. Medical Sciences Medical Research Council
Wellcome Trust
Department of Health/NHS
Various medical charities – e.g. British Heart Foundation
Interdisciplinary awards with ESRC
ESRC/MRC Interdisciplinary Post-doctoral fellowships
ESRC/MRC Interdisciplinary Post-doctoral fellowships
19. Medical Research Council Special Training Fellowships in: Bioinformatics, Neuroinformatics, and Computational Biology
Health Services & Health of the Public Research
Provide support for up to 4 years
Placement in another research centre
‘Competitive’ salary, research training support costs, travel, fEC basis.
Other fellowships for clinicians
Possibility of placement can be in a second UK research centre or in UK Industry
Aim of the placement is training, not just collaborative visits. Training which cannot be achieved as effectively within the proposed academic host institution.
Applications from individuals with a background in the physical sciences wishing to make the transition into biomedical research may be considered for the Joint MRC/PPARC Research Training Fellowship
Deadline was January this year.Other fellowships for clinicians
Possibility of placement can be in a second UK research centre or in UK Industry
Aim of the placement is training, not just collaborative visits. Training which cannot be achieved as effectively within the proposed academic host institution.
Applications from individuals with a background in the physical sciences wishing to make the transition into biomedical research may be considered for the Joint MRC/PPARC Research Training Fellowship
Deadline was January this year.
20. Wellcome Trust University Awards
Biomedical Sciences
Gradual change from fellow to permanent staff member
Research Fellowships for up to 3 years
Biomedical Ethics programme and History of Medicine programme
Salary, research expenses, travel grant
Closing dates: 1 Mar., 1 Aug., 1 Dec
Other fellowships for clinicians
Outline applications must be submitted 6 weeks in advanceOther fellowships for clinicians
Outline applications must be submitted 6 weeks in advance
21. Other sources of funding Fellowships for study overseas
Visiting fellowships offered by libraries/universities/museums and galleries
Travel grants to visit archives/attend conferences
Employment on a research grant Study Abroad Studentships – Leverhulme Trust
For post-grad and post-doc study
12-24 mnths advanced study or research at a centre of learning (except US)
Maintenance allowance of £15k pa plus air fare
Not just for learning a language!
EPSRC – Hodge Fellowship with Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifque – near Paris (only 2 available)
Maths or Theoretical Physics
Royal Society – Outgoing Fellowships to Australia, Canada and New Zealand
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme – nominations through the Royal Society.Study Abroad Studentships – Leverhulme Trust
For post-grad and post-doc study
12-24 mnths advanced study or research at a centre of learning (except US)
Maintenance allowance of £15k pa plus air fare
Not just for learning a language!
EPSRC – Hodge Fellowship with Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifque – near Paris (only 2 available)
Maths or Theoretical Physics
Royal Society – Outgoing Fellowships to Australia, Canada and New Zealand
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme – nominations through the Royal Society.
23. Funding Information
Funders’ websites
Research grants website www.bbk.ac.uk/rgco/index.shtml - for faculty specific funding information and list of forthcoming deadlines
Funders’ websites on later slides.
Always go to funders websites as well to check most up to date information, not just on deadlines but also changes in policy, new schemes, information events.
Sign up to email newsletters.
www.amrc.org.uk – Association of Medical Research Charities -
ResearchResearch – University subscribes – only accessible from campus with your ID and password.
Search by discipline, type of scheme, type of funder
Travel grants, publication grants, grants for postdocs is a category
Also guides to grant writing; funding and policy news.Funders’ websites on later slides.
Always go to funders websites as well to check most up to date information, not just on deadlines but also changes in policy, new schemes, information events.
Sign up to email newsletters.
www.amrc.org.uk – Association of Medical Research Charities -
ResearchResearch – University subscribes – only accessible from campus with your ID and password.
Search by discipline, type of scheme, type of funder
Travel grants, publication grants, grants for postdocs is a category
Also guides to grant writing; funding and policy news.
25. Useful websites AHRC: www.ahrb.ac.uk/cpa/
ESRC: www.esrc.ac.uk
MRC: www.mrc.ac.uk/index/funding/funding-personal_awards/funding-fellowships.htm
Royal Academy of Engineering: www.raeng.org.uk/research/researcher/postdoc
EPSRC: www.epsrc.ac.uk
NERC: www.nerc.ac.uk
PPARC: www.pparc.ac.uk
26. Useful websites (2) British Academy: www.britac.ac.uk
Leverhulme Trust: www.leverhulme.ac.uk
Wellcome Trust: www.wellcome.ac.uk
Nuffield Foundation: www.nuffield.org.uk
The Royal Society: www.royalsoc.ac.uk
Medical Research Charities: www.amrc.org.uk