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THE FLEET MANAGER THAT NEVER SLEEPS. Vehicle Monitoring – The Reports.
TRAVEL REPORT. About this report This report shows an individual vehicle’s travel history for specific dates. It shows the daily distance in miles or kilometres, travel time, time stopped and the location of the stop. If you have entered points of interest these are shown as named locations. This report provides you with a basic overview of individual vehicles’ activities on a daily basis. It is also useful to prove to customers that you were at a location at a certain time.
ADDRESS TRAVEL REPORT. About this report This report provides details of each address a vehicle has visited for the dates you specify. If you have entered points of interest these are shown as named locations in the report. It shows the distance travelled to each address in miles or kilometres, travel time, time stopped and the location of the stop.
STOPPED REPORT. About this report This report displays all the locations a vehicle has stopped at during a specific time period. Information includes the location at the stops, the distance and time travelled between stops and the duration of the stop. This report has the option to include idle warnings.
ACTIVITY REPORT. About this report This report shows every single event logged for an individual vehicle’s during specific dates. It shows the location of the vehicle, the speed the vehicle is travelling at, the direction the vehicle is heading and the type of event logged. If you have entered points of interest these are shown as named locations in the report. This report is a useful method of looking at the core data as all types of events are displayed including timed reports when the vehicle is moving. You can additionally use the ‘click to download box’ to obtain the data in a format that can be used by a variety of job scheduling software.
TIME SHEET. About this report The time sheet can be used to display the hours a vehicle has been in use during a particular week. It shows the start and stop times, the hours and distance travelled and the total number of stops made by the vehicle in a one day. Effectively this is the driver’s time sheet and it is useful to compare against any other records showing driver hours, fuel claimed, etc.
V A M ALERT REPORT. About this report VAM (Vehicle Asset Management) Alerts are activated when a pre-defined event occurs, such as if a vehicle moves beyond a particular point of interest, e.g. you can specify that a vehicle should not move out of a location over the weekend. Alert notices are received via text, email, or pop-ups on screen.
TIME SUMMARY REPORT. About this report This report shows the total number of travel hours, hours stopped, total number of stops for each vehicle and also the group. The report additionally calculates averages and displays the information for travel time and stopped time in two pie charts. A bar chart displays the hours per stop for each vehicle for the week.
FLEET UTILISATION REPORT. About this report The fleet utilisation report gives a graphical representation of the use of vehicles during the course of a day. This report is useful to identify peak usage times of vehicles and also the percentage of the day the vehicle has spent travelling, idling and stopped.
FLEET VISIT REPORT. About this report This report shows the number of times the group has visited a particular location (named point of interest or postcode) and the duration of the visit. This allows you to quickly identify excessive stops, visits to barred locations, home visits, etc.
DISTANCE SUMMARY REPORT. About this report This report displays the total distance travelled by each vehicle and a group of vehicles over a one-week period. It also provides a daily average distance travelled by each vehicle and the total.
WEEKLY EXCEPTIONS REPORT. About this report This report shows: 1. Idle time – when the engine is running but the vehicle is not moving. 2. Over speed – when the vehicle is being driven too fast. This report highlights possible issues with high fuel use and displays the number of warnings and the duration associated with each one.
CONGESTION REPORT. About this report This report shows any vehicles that have entered the congestion zone over a one-week period.
WEEKLY TIME SHEET SUMMARY REPORT. About this report This report shows: Weekly time sheet breakdown detailing all your vehicles
DUTY OF CARE REPORT. About this report This report allows parameters relevant to each business to be set up. Any exceptions to the agreed norm can then be viewed. These include:
FLEET SUMMARY REPORT. About this report This report can be used to obtain a summary of reports from all different branches of a fleet, instead of several others. Productivity between branches can be compared, as well as any anomalies that may occur. The report contains items that hyperlink into a variety of other reports. Please see overleaf.
CONTACT. For more information call: 0870 240 3346 Or visit: www.vehicle-monitoring.co.uk