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Reference Services 2.0: A Proposal Model for Reference Services in Library 2.0

Reference Services 2.0: A Proposal Model for Reference Services in Library 2.0. By Pegah Tajer Islamic Azad University – Marvdasht Branch - IRAN. Introduction. Reference Services. Direct Reference Services Information Services Library Instruction Indirect Reference Services

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Reference Services 2.0: A Proposal Model for Reference Services in Library 2.0

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  1. Reference Services 2.0:A Proposal Model for Reference Services in Library 2.0 By Pegah Tajer Islamic Azad University – Marvdasht Branch - IRAN

  2. Introduction

  3. Reference Services • Direct Reference Services • Information Services • Library Instruction • Indirect Reference Services • Reference Sources Selection • Provision the Bibliographies, etc • Reference Sources Evaluation

  4. . • Information Technologies have facilitated traditional reference process and made it more effective

  5. What is Web 2.0? • The term web 2.0 was coined in 2004 by Dale Dougherty & Tim O’Reilly in O’Reilly Media Inc. • Web 2.0 is an attempt to make the Web much more public. • Participation, trust, collaboration, and experience are key principles of Web 2.0 • Web 2.0 built on the collective intelligent.

  6. Web 2.0 Tools • Blogs • RSS (Rich Site Summary) • Podcasting • Wikis • IM (Instant Massaging) • Tagging • SNS (Social Networking Sites) • Mashups

  7. What is Library 2.0? • The Term Library 2.0 was made by Michael Casey. • Library 2.0 utilizes Web 2.0

  8. Reference Services 2.0 • A reference services model based on Web 2.0 principles called Reference Services 2.0 or RS 2.0 in this article. RS 2.0 is a proposal model using Web 2.0 tools for an effective reference service in 2.0 libraries.

  9. RS 2.0 Model Description Wiki Blog IM RSS Podcasting SNS Tagging Mashups Reference Services 2.0 Direct Reference Services 2.0 Information Services Library Instruction Indirect Reference Services 2.0 Reference Sources Selection Provision the Bibliographies, etc Reference Sources Evaluation

  10. RS 2.0 Model Description Web 2.0 tools used in this model are as follows: IM: RS 2.0 revives reference interview via IM. Wikis: 4 types of Wiki used in RS 2.0 model. Ready Reference Wiki Library Instruction Wiki Wikis Collaborative Review Wiki Reference Project Wiki

  11. RS 2.0 Model Description Blogs: RS 2.0 Model includes several blogs too. RefNews Blog Blogs RefLibrarian Blog RefLink Blog

  12. RS 2.0 Model Description • RSS: RS 2.0 model creates RSS feeds for users to subscribe to, including updates on new items in a reference collection and data bases. • Podcasting: library tutorials, interviews, reports, news, etc might utilize podcasting.

  13. RS 2.0 Model Description • Tagging: Users can tag their favorite reference sources in RS 2.0. • SNS (Social Networking Sites) : RS 2.0 model would be a social network. RefThing can be used in RS 2.0 model as a social network.

  14. RS 2.0 Model Description • Mashups: The RS 2.0 model which makes use of wikis, blogs, IM, RSS, etc synchronously, would be a mashup.

  15. Reference Librarian Reference Librarian Users Users RS 2.0 RS 2.0 Reference Librarian Reference Librarian Users Users Discussion RS 1.0

  16. Discussion • RS 2.0 model & • level of information literacy • Users' culture • Trust • Editorship

  17. Conclusion • RS 2.0 model is a proposal model can be used in 2.0 world. Library 2.0 can support RS 2.0 model well. • Moving from RS 1 to RS 2.0 needs a delicate plan. • Libraries cannot shift quickly to RS 2.0 unless reference librarians and users really become 2.0 • Library and information sciences courses need updating to train reference librarian 2.0. • There are other ways web 2.0 tools can be used in reference services. This article has proposed one. This model needs to be improved. It proposed to start web 2.0 – based reference services.

  18. The End ptajer.miau@gmail.com ptajer@miau.ac.ir 26-Feb-2009 7th International CALIBER 2009 Pondicherry University India

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