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The Life of Christ (13). The Samaritan Woman Scriptures John 4:1-42 Vocabulary Pentateuch –the first five books of the Old Testament, which are also called The Law or the Torah . Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy. The Life of Christ (13). The Samaritan Woman John 4:1-42
The Life of Christ (13) The Samaritan Woman Scriptures John 4:1-42 Vocabulary Pentateuch –the first five books of the Old Testament, which are also called The Law or the Torah. Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy The Life of Christ (13)
The Life of Christ (13) • The Samaritan Woman • John 4:1-42 • Summary • Jesus must go through Samaria Verses 3, 4 • Jesus sends the apostles into town Verse 8 • Jesus talks to a woman at the well Verses 7-27 • The woman runs into town Verse 28 • The disciples return with food Verse 31 • The woman tells the people about Jesus Verse 29 • The people of the city believe in Jesus Verse 39 The Life of Christ (13)
The Life of Christ (13) • The Samaritan Woman • John 4:1-42 • This incident stands in contrast to the incident with Nicodemus. • Nicodemus was an important and respected orthodox (traditional) Jew. • The Samaritans were a society totally despised by orthodox (traditional) Jews. • These human rivalries (conflicts) did not matter to Jesus. • Like Nicodemus, the woman had trouble distinguishing between the physical and the spiritual; this is a common characteristic of the unbeliever. I Cor. 2:14 • 1Corinthians 2:14 (NASB95) • 14But a natural man (unbeliever) does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised (assessed). • Strict Jews disliked the Samaritans so much that they would not even travel through their territory. The Life of Christ (13)
The Old Man or Natural Man--Unbeliever BODY Sin Nature Old Man or Natural Man IMAGE OF GOD SOUL
The New Man--Believer Holy Spirit BODY Sin Nature Galatians 5:17 John 14:26 (Helper) New Man IMAGE OF GOD SPIRIT SOUL Titus 3:5
The Life of Christ (13) • The Samaritan Woman • John 4:1-42 • Reasons for the hostility between Jews and Samaritans: • When Assyria took Samaria captive they deported the people and replaced them with foreign people. IIKings 17:24 • The other tribes of Israel looked down upon the Samaritans because they disobeyed God by violating the doctrine of separation and intermarried with foreigners; nevertheless, the Samaritans referred to themselves as Israelites. • These people worshiped their own gods and added Yahweh (Jehovah) to the list. IIKings 17:29-41. • In time their worship centered on Yahweh only, but their history of idol worship was known by the Jews of Judah. • For example, they acknowledged only the Pentateuch (not all the Old Testament) as sacred and worshiped at their own temple on Mt. Gerizim. Also, they thought there were no prophets between Moses and the coming Messiah. • When the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity, the Samaritans offered to help them rebuild the temple and the Jews refused. Ezra 4:2. • This resulted in great bitterness and about 400 BC the Samaritans built their own temple. • In about 128 BC under John Hyrcanus, the Jews burned the Samaritan temple, increasing the hostility that existed between the Jews and the Samaritans. The Life of Christ (13)
Map Showing Judea, Samaria, and Galilee The Life of Christ (13)
The Life of Christ (13) The Samaritan Woman The Life of Christ (13)
The Life of Christ (13) • The Samaritan Woman • John 4:1-42 • A feature of the encounter at the well that stands out is how the woman consistently misses the point and how Jesus guides the conversation and keeps bringing her back to the real issue until she finally understands. • While journeying through Samaria Jesus became weary and sat down by a well. Verses 5,6 • Jesus sends his disciples for food to get them out of the way. V 8 • When the Samaritan woman arrives, Jesus asks her for a drink. V 7 • This request surprises the woman, who thinks a Jew would not want to be defiled (corrupted) by drinking from the vessel (cup) of a Samaritan. Verse 9 • The phrase “For the Jews have no dealings with...” actually means “do not share utensils (cups, etc.) with...”. Verse 9 • Jesus turns the discussion to spiritual matters, telling her that if she knew who He was she would be asking for salvation. Verse 10 The Life of Christ (13)
The Life of Christ (13) • The Samaritan Woman • John 4:1-42 • Living waters refers to: • Bible Doctrine, especially the gospel. Eph. 5:26 The water is the Word. • Ephesians 5:26 (NASB95) • 26so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, • Drinking is a figure for faith. • The result of drinking (i.e. believing the gospel) is eternal life. • This eternal life is symbolized by the river that flows through the New Jerusalem in the Eternal State. Rev. 22:1,17. • All of her responses show that she is thinking on a physical level while Jesus is speaking on a spiritual level. She illustrates how the natural man (the unbeliever) tends to view the Divine Viewpoint. The Life of Christ (13)
The Life of Christ (13) • The Samaritan Woman • John 4:1-42 • Her failure to grasp the metaphor (symbol, comparison) in Jn.4:10-15 causes Jesus to provide a demonstration of His knowledge and omniscience. Jn. 4:16-19 • The woman had a bad reputation and was sensitive to the subject. In fact, she was likely at the well during the heat of the day because the women of the city did not like or trust her because she had been involved with a lot of men. • Unsaved people tend to think that certain failures are a barrier to a relationship with God. • Jesus’ purpose with confronting her with this is: • To bring her to a recognition of the One to whom she is speaking. • To demonstrate to her that her failings are not an obstacle to the water of life. The Life of Christ (13)
The Life of Christ (13) • The Samaritan Woman • John 4:1-42 • John 2:24-25 says that Jesus “knew all men.” • John 2:24–25 (NASB95) • 24But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, • 25and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man. • In verse 19 she recognizes that Jesus is not some ordinary man, but then tries to change the subject in verse 20. • Jesus speaks of a new era or time that de-emphasizes the place of worship and concentrates on the two critical items (spirit and truth) necessary to truly worship God. Jn. 4:23-24 • Mark 7:6-7 emphasizes that the true worship of God consists of teaching and learning the sound doctrines of the Bible. If you asked people today what worship is, you will probably get answers like going to church, singing, praying, witnessing Gospel, etc. The Life of Christ (13)
The Life of Christ (13) • The Samaritan Woman • John 4:1-42 • Following the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD Temple worship was no longer be possible. • Jesus tells her in John 4:23-24 that those who worship God must do so in the realm of the Spirit (this means that the believer must be in fellowship, with the Holy Spirit in the position of rulership) and in the realm of the truth (the doctrines taught in the Bible). Ps. 119:160; Jn. 17:17; IITim. 2:15 • Samaritans were taught to expect a Messiah Jn. 4:25, and Jesus tells her in Jn. 4:26 that He is the One. • The woman returns to her village and informs others about the presence of Jesus and they go to the well to see if this might be the Messiah. Jn. 4:28-30 The Life of Christ (13)
The Life of Christ (13) • The Samaritan Woman • John 4:1-42 • When Jesus refuses to eat and speaks of “food they do not know about” the disciples also fail to realize that He is speaking of the need to apply doctrine when the opportunity presents itself. • Jn. 4:31-38 • At this point the disciples are not much farther advanced than the average person. • Jesus does not have time to eat because he is preoccupied with the doing the will of God. This is what actually sustains a person in life. Jn. 4:34 • He is sowing the seeds of doctrine that the disciples will soon be reaping as those who hear and manifest (show) positive volition, a desire to have a relationship with God. • In the end, this encounter led not only to the salvation of the woman, but to the salvation of many in that area. Jn. 4:39-42 The Life of Christ (13)