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A Partnership for Water - Promoting IWRM and More!

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process that coordinates the development and management of water, land, and related resources to promote economic and social welfare while preserving the environment. Explore the evolution and impacts of IWRM, as well as the role of partnerships in advancing water governance globally. Learn about the Global Water Partnership's efforts to advocate for improved water resource management, capacity building, and technical expertise to support sustainable development goals.

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A Partnership for Water - Promoting IWRM and More!

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  1. A Partnership for Water - Promoting IWRM and More! Michael E. CampanaVice Chair, GWP Steering Committee AWRA IWRM Conference, 27 March 2019

  2. What is IWRM? Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems and the environment. – Global Water Partnership [http://is.gd/7l3kZD] Origin: Dublin Principles in 1992 [http://bit.ly/1jRB7EO]

  3. The Integrated Water Resources Management Spiral

  4. IWRM - A Juggernaut? Really? • 'From IWRM Back to Integrated Water Resources Management’ paper by Mark Giordano & Tushaar Shah (http://is.gd/CpBt1h) An IWRM juggernaut? • “Integrated water resources management provides a set of ideas to help us manage water more holistically. However, these ideas have been formalized over time in what has now become, in capitals, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), with specific prescriptive principles whose implementation is often supported by donor funding and international advocacy. IWRM has now become an end in itself, in some cases undermining functioning water management systems, in others setting back needed water reform agendas, and in yet others becoming a tool to mask other agendas. Critically, the current monopoly of IWRM in global water management discourse is shutting out alternative thinking on pragmatic solutions to existing water problems.”

  5. Early US Approaches to IWRM • T • John Wesley Powell; TVA

  6. Extreme Powell - IWRM United States of Watersheds • See: http://wapo.st/1W2mfoo

  7. Extreme Powell #2- IWRM United States of Watersheds • See: http://bit.ly/1LGA19J • (paper by Jerry Kauffman)

  8. OUR VISION: A water secure world • Enough water for all – • Social Equity, Economic Efficiency, Ecosystem sustainability • Minimize the destructive force of water • Protection from floods, droughts, landslides, erosion, water-borne disease • Maximise the benefits of water • Improve living standards and reduce poverty • An integrated approach • Holistic, cross-sectoral, and multi-stakeholder processes

  9. OUR MISSION: To advance governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development • Effective governance • Managing water equitably • Water security and economic growth • Water investments lead to economic growth

  10. A growing international network since 1996 Our Value Proposition We're a large, diverse, inclusive, multi-stakeholder partnership that supports communities and countries to improve the way they manage water. Put simply, we're about bringing water users together (that’s everyone) to solve water problems.  13 Regional Water Partnerships 86 Country Water Partnerships 3000+ Partners in 183 countries

  11. Our Value Proposition (continued) • Advocacy for improved water resources management • Convening power across stakeholder groups • Technical expertise and knowledge sharing • Capacity building

  12. A Network ofPartners (~ 3500) • Advocating, facilitating, and supporting change processes for sustainable water management. • A neutral platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue at global, national and local levels that connects water resources planning and operations. • Contributing technical knowledge and building capacity for improving water management.

  13. Regional and Country Water Partnerships • Multi-stakeholder platforms that bring together sectors and interest groups to discuss water issues at regional and national level and to identify solutions. • They develop their own regional and national strategies and action plans based on the integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach, and raise funds to implement them. • They develop Urban Water Partnerships, River Basin Partnerships, or Area Water Partnerships for implementing IWRM approaches at various scales.

  14. Our Impact

  15. Our Impact

  16. Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals GWP campaigned for the water goal + an IWRM target (6.5) SDG Preparedness Facility (SDG-PF) • Aim: help speed up implementation of water related goals at country level. • How: support a 1st batch of 16 countries, with programs facilitating the implementation of water related goals for their country • Who: GWPO, UNEP-DHI, UN Water Gemi& various public-private partners in country

  17. Technical resources GWP provides technical leadership for water resources management: • Background Papers • Policy Briefs • Perspectives Papers • Technical Focus Papers All online at www.gwp.org

  18. The GWP Technical Committee • Provides global technical leadership to the network. • Guides policy makers with insights on emerging issues, drawing on the knowledge of world experts. • Provides high quality and evidence-based information for water resource practitioners. • Provides advice and support and facilitates sharing of knowledge and learning at regional and country levels. • Supports the GWP ToolBox, an online resource with case studies and references about water resources management.

  19. GWP IWRM ToolBox • Free online database • Tools help the user understand the concepts of integrated water resources management • Contains a library of case studies and references on how to apply an integrated approach www.gwptoolbox.org

  20. IWRM and its Relations to Sub-sectors

  21. Our Strategy 2014-2019 Towards 2020 1. Catalyse change in policies & practice 2. Generate and communicate knowledge 3. Strengthen partnerships

  22. Goal 1: Catalyse change in policies and practice • Advancing effective water governance • Helping to strengthen all aspects of the enabling environment • Seeking to catalyse policy changes and support countries to put them into practice • Supporting consensus building

  23. Goal 2: Generate and communicate knowledge • Developing the capacity to share knowledge • Fostering a dynamic communications culture • Building local expertise

  24. Goal 3: Strengthen partnerships • Strengthening partnerships to catalyse change and enhance learning • Strengthening our Partner organizations • Building Regional and Country capacities

  25. Thematic areas Climate resilience and water security • Most climate change impacts are and will be water related • Floods & Droughts are becoming “the new normal” • Water, Climate and Development Programme • Support to countries on climate change adaptation • Strengthen the resilience of countries to climate change • Support implementation of NDCs and National Adaptation Plans processes • project preparation & financing • GWP/WMO: • Integrated Drought Management Programme with (IDMP) • Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM)

  26. Thematic areas Transboudary water security • More than300 internationally sharedriver basins • Morethan 600 internationallysharedaquifers • Water conflicts can interfere with economic and social development and lead to humanitarian crises • GWP provides a neutral space for dialogue and negotiation • Building institutional capacity in International Water Law

  27. Thematic areas The Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Nexus • Use of chemicals and fertilisers causes ecosystem damage and water pollution • Population growth and increasing food production threatens water supply • Generating energy requires water • Water management affects energy planning • Ecosystems play an essential role in sustaining the global water cycle, the carbon cycle, and nutrient cycles

  28. Thematic areas Urbanisation and water security • Cities will experience difficulties in managing scarce and unreliable supplies • Water utilities face major problems with conflicting social priorities • GWP supports the development of Urban Water Partnerships • GWP develops frameworks to explore urban water cycle linkages

  29. Cross-cutting issues Gender • Women play a central role in providing, managing, and safeguarding water • GWP Gender Strategy • Gender Focal Points at regional level

  30. Cross-cutting issues Youth • Empower young people to become agents of change • GWP supports young water professionals • Youth action plans

  31. Dublin-Rio Principles

  32. Essential to Life • Freshwater is a finite and vulnerable resource • Essential to sustain life, development, and the environment Dublin-Rio Principle No 1

  33. Participatory Approach Water development and management should be based on a participatory approach involving users, planners, and policy makers at all levels. Dublin-Rio Principle No. 2

  34. Women’s Central Role Women play a central part in the provision, management, and safeguarding of water. Dublin-RioPrinciple No.3

  35. Economic and Social Good Water is a public good and has a social and economicvalue in all itscompetinguses. Dublin-RioPrinciple No. 4

  36. Ecosystem Sustainability Water is a naturalresource and should be recognised as an integral part of the ecosystem. Dublin-RioPrinciple No. 5

  37. What are the benefits of being a Partner? • Part of a global action network for achieving sustainable water resources management. • Voice and influence at national and international policy discussions through multi-stakeholder platforms. • Guidance on identifying critical needs for the sustainable use of water resources. • Opportunity to match one Partner’s needs with another Partner’s resources.

  38. 75% of jobs depend on water • Water crisis: in top 3 biggest global risks since 2012 • By 2050: • 4 billion people may live in water scarce areas • 45% of global GDP may be at risk from water • To realize SDG6 (let alone the 2030 agenda), we need trillions not billions

  39. Join the Partnership! Go to PARTNER at: www.gwp.org And visit our online library for water reources management: www.gwptoolbox.org

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